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of Friend (Confitarma): the international Registry is the hinge of the increase and the estate of the Italian armament
"It can still be improved to cost zero - it has found the president of the Confederation - through a renewed season of modernization and simplification of the rules"
October 4, 2012
In spite of the adverse economic conjuncture "the Italian shipowners have demonstrated to know to compete and to continue to develop to the fleet graces to an extraordinary instrument of increase: the international Registry". The Shipping president of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma has said today), Paolo d' Amico, in the course of the assembly of the association turns himself to Rome.
"From 1998, with the introduction of the international Registry - it has found of Friend - the Italian fleet is more than doubled: 19 million tons of tonnage, 80,000 assigned directed and 110,000 in the induced one, 37 billion euros invested in ten years in Italy and abroad, a fleet that for 67% has less ten-year-old and has reached the eleventh position in the ranking of the main world-wide fleets having conquered the leadership in the field of the ferries, the cruises and chimichiere".
of Friend it has emphasized that the international Registry is vital to a complex and delicate system of rules and procedures that in order to work - it has explained - must be preserved in its entirety: "it can still be improved to cost zero - it has specified - through a renewed season of modernization and simplification of the rules".
The president of Confitarma has specified that the prescription of the Italian shipowning association joins in the track of the strong action, many times over demanded from the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, time to contrast the weight of the bureaucracy. Taking part to the assembly the same Squinzi, it has evidenced that "Italy has between its strengths the marine transport that goes supported and upgraded" and that "the Italian marine cluster confirmation as one of the more dynamic fields of our economy". In describing the current situation of crisis that weighs on the Country and the probable in the mid term perspectives, Squinzi has confirmed as the bureaucratic simplification - central topic of its four-year program - is fundamental for the resumption of the Italian economy: "they go eliminated - it has explained - the administrative obstacles that stop our economy, they are a cost and in this moment they are not more sustainable".
of Friend it has agreed on the necessity to start a season of modernization that must involve also the state administrative car, through the informatizzazione of its procedures and the numerous and complex creation of an administration dedicated to thematic of the field, valuing the role of the administration which interface highly characterized with the productive world: "for a long time - it has remembered - the Italian marine world asks a Ministry for the Sea. If just it is not possible - it has added - comes at least restored a Department for transport marine".
The president of the Confitarma has cited some examples of modernization to cost zero of the complex system of rules and procedures of field: resource to the delegation to the organisms recognized for the visits of safety and radio abroad, as it happens in all the marine Countries of the world (in order to pull down the huge expenses connected to the shipment of staff characterized from Italy), adaptation of the pharmacies of edge to the real requirements of the crews and the passengers on board of the various types of ships (the current disposition obligates the shipowners to an expense that second Confitarma is in great unwarrantable, valued part on the whole in about 6-8 million euros), to return the data bank operating ship and to adopt the relative norms to cost zero as soon as possible tothe administrative regime of the ships (registration, cancellation, temporary dismissione, expensive procedures, also in terms of time and resource-job - it has evidenced the association - than abroad are already completely computerized).
Taking part to the assembly the undersecretary to the ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports, Guido Improta, answering to some of the problematic ones raised by the president of Confitarma in sburocratizzazione topic, has asserted that "on impulse of minister Passera, the administration is oriented to favor the acceptation of the proposals that Confitarma has already elaborated and that they would allow to improve the economic balance and the efficiency of the entire field". In particular - it has specified - in the picture of the initiatives times to modernize, to rationalize and to conform the enforced procedures in the single Member States, in I decree Increase second to the examination of the Council of Ministers is previewed, the recepimento of directive 2010/165, in matter of arrival formality and departure of the ships, is approaching the completion the process of informatizzazione of the procedures and is accelerated the process for the informatizzazione of the Data bank Ship.
In its relation of Friend it has dedicated particular attention also to the problem of piracy. After to have turned a thought the riflemen of the battalion San Marco, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, still stopped in India, it has praised the Italian strategy of contrast to the piracy that finds its hinge in the law n.130 of 2011. A strategy - it has observed - than "has been revealed extremely positive, graces above all to the intense collaboration between armament and Marina Militare". of Friend it has renewed the availability and the interest of the armament to revisit, whereby considered necessary, the 11 Convention of October 2011, returning still more answering it to the operating truth. Moreover - it has remembered - it lacks still I decree implementing of law 130 in order on board to allow the employment of which fitted out private teams of the Italian ships when they are not available or it is not possible to embark the Military Nuclei of Protection. "Italy - the president of the Confitarma has said - cannot remain behind. Great part of our fleet could only change flag for the lack of an administrative provision to cost zero" To such purpose of Friend it has thanked the Amato senators and Pinotti "promoters of the adopted resolution two days ago from the Defense Commission of the Senate, that he engages the government to complete the previewed project of active defense from law 130, holding you anticipate is the requirements of the Italian shipowning industry is the necessary modifications of the primary norm and of I decree implementing of which we have urgent need".
With respect to the incident of Costa Concordia, of Friend it has restated mourning of the armament for the loss of human lives and has emphasized as the Confitarma from has quickly collaborated without clamori with the institutions "in order to identify eventual improvements to bring to severeest international and national safety of navigation already moreover regulated normative". Moreover - it has continued - it does not have to forget "the hundreds about Italian commanders of cruise ships of the world whose elevated professionality from it is always recognized to international level; test is some that about the half of the cruise ships it has an Italian commander".
In cabotage topic, the president of Confitarma has emphasized as, because of a deficiency of the communitarian norm that in 1999 has liberalized the traffics of the cabotage of the Countries EU, the competent administrations are able to not to activate controls in order to verify the effective authenticity of non-EU operators who enter in the Italian domestic traffics. Also on the routes of short shipping - it has explained - discriminations to the detriment of the Italian shipowners are found because the several competent administrations do not succeed "to cement their acts on a strategy common time to defend the system-country". of Friend it has sped up also a decided political action for the verification in communitarian within of the compatibility of the regime of the ecobonus for year 2010-2011.
On the privatization of Tirrenia, the president of Confitarma is himself classified to express opinions in waited for that the entire process is completed for some regional societies. In particular, with respect to the fact that the Sardinia Region has as soon as announced the constitution of a society of navigation for the connections between Sardinia and continent ( on 27 September 2012), of Friend it has emphasized that "not only such society is constituted with public money, but will operate on line services where are already you anticipate private societies" and that "some drafts already have use of ministerial subsidies. At the same time, although the numerous ones you speed up from Rome and Brussels, the Sardinia Region late to privatize the regional society Saremar".
From part its Improta undersecretary has remembered that deep the interested ministries have censured the appropriation of regional in favour of connections with the continent, well-known of state competence, proposing to the Council of Ministers the impugnativa. Moreover - it has added - “second how much previewed from codicil 7 of article 19 ter of law 166/2009 the sun functions and the tasks of relative programming and administration to the services of marine cabotage of public service, than is carried out inside a region, can be exercised from the same region”.
Regarding the ports, the president of Confitarma has restated the total contrarietà of the armament to the demand advanced from some Harbour Authorities to widen own competence in matter of tariff determination and of organization of the technical-nautical services of mooring, pilotage and towing, because this would mean - it has explained - “failing of the indispensable guarantee of a homogenous application on a national level is of the tariff mechanisms that of the conditions of operating safety closely legacies to such services. Guarantee that only the ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports can assure, in a correct and impartial logic of system”. Also restating the availability to the dialogue with Assoporti, Confitarma - it has added - intends to assert “the interests of the national armament that, together with that foreign country, represents the user who effectively wage such services” and considers extremely precious the interassociativo agreement, signed on the matter in 2007 from all the representative associations of the user and the distributing ones of the technical-nautical services.
With respect to the relationships with the bank world, the president of Confitarma has announced a table of confronts constructive with ABI and the main Italian banks “in order more better to focus the Italian shipowning truth, historically composed from entities exclusively corporate, of long tradition, very far from phenomena of companies mostly financial institutions that characterize other foreign experiences and in order to define of the best practice in a position to satisfying the requirements specific of the banks and, at the same time, to guarantee the business continuity of our enterprises”.
In matter of safety and atmosphere of Friend the ready problematic resolution of the relative one to the disposition has invoked that imposes to the fleeting ships in line service to use fuel to low sulfur tenor in the Ecological Security zone (practically all the connections between continent and Sicily-Sardinia), produced - it has explained - of difficult finding in our demanded ports in the quantitative ones from the market.
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