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Reunion of the Commission Oceanic Navigation of Confitarma in order to make the point on the measures of contrast to piracy
To the today's encounter it has participated to the undersecretary to the Foreign policies Staffan de Mistura
October 18, 2012
Today the undersecretary to the Foreign policies Staffan de Mistura has participated to the Commission Shipping Oceanic Navigation of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma), met in order to make the point on the legislations of contrast to piracy. Thanking the government for the attention turned to the problematic ones connected to piracy and expressing alive appreciation for how much the executive, and in particular the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is making in order to bring back in homeland the two military withheld Italians in India, the president of Confitarma, Paolo d' Amico, have renewed the appreciation of the Italian armament for the profitable collaboration started with the Marina Militare whom, thanks to the boarding of the Military Nuclei of Protection on the Italian mercantile ships he has avoided numerous attacks to our units. "We have shared - it has remembered - 114 protections from the start of project in October 2011".
Paolo d' Amico has then restated the availability and the interest of the armament to improve where possible 11 the signed convention October 2011 from Confitarma and Defense Ministry, to the aim to return answering it still more to the operating truth, "above all - he has explained - to light of the experience matured in India with the case of Enrica Lexie". of Friend the requirement of a fast completion of the normative system has restated moreover with decrees implementing that the boarding also of private teams in the cases will have to allow in which they were not available or it was not possible to embark the NMP.
In its Staffan de Mistura participation, in restating as the freedom and safety of navigation are a national priority that the Farnesina is engaged to promote and to protect in the bilateral relationships and the international holes, it has illustrated as the pirates somalis are becoming more and more dangerous, "more and more rich" and in a position to attacking the large cargo vessels also to distance from the coast thanks to it I use of ships mother. The full undersecretary has express then satisfaction for the high quality of the service returned from the employed Riflemen of Marina to protection of the cargo vessels, "effective deterrent - he has found - that has guaranteed that nobody our ship endured attacks of success".
Regarding the release of the non-comissioned officers naval indebtedness stopped in India, the undersecretary has remembered the maximum engagement of the government and its staff for the resolution of such event having restated that also in the missions of contrast to piracy, as in all the peace operations, which must be respected the fundamental principles of the international law the status of agents of the State of members NMP and the exclusive sovereignty of the State of flag in international waters. Addressing to the new heads team of the Military Nuclei of Protection of Marina Militare, de Mixture has asserted that the defense of the mercantile ships is too much important for the Country and that however, also in case of incidents, it must "go ahead" in the knowledge that "never and then never Italy will give up its soldiers".
The admiral Donato Marzano, Chief of Staff of the Command in Head of Naval Team (CINCNAV), has remembered the efficient synergy between Marina Militare and merchant navy and the positive results obtained thanks to the coordination of the military forces with Confitarma and the CSO of the navigation companies. Marzano has thanked the undersecretary de Mixture for how much the ministry of Foreign countries has made in order to protect in India the two Riflemen Latorre and Girone and for how much it is making in order to bring back them in homeland.
Angel D'Amato, president of the Oceanic Commission of Confitarma, Cesar d' Amico, president of Group CSO have participated to the today's reunion also (company security officer) of the associated companies, plenipotentiary minister Gianni Ghisi, coordinator for the activities of contrast to Marine Piracy of the Head office Political transactions and of Safety of the ministry Foreign policies, representatives of General staff of Marina and the new heads team of the Military Nuclei of Protection.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher