Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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It continues to come down the number of attacks of the pirates to the ships
Mukundan (IMB): the naval presence in waters somalis must be maintained
October 22, 2012
The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) of the International Chamber of Commerce confirmation a decided decrease of the cases of marine piracy in the first nine months of 2012, incidents that have reached the minimal level of last the four years. However the IMB has evidenced the necessity to maintain the maximum attention in journeying in waters to high risk as those around the Somalia, of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Moreover the office of the International Chamber of Commerce has emphasized that meanwhile they are increasing to the onslaughts and the seizures of ships in the Gulf of Guinea.
In the first nine months of this year the pirates have killed altogether at least six marine ones and they have taken hostage 448. The ships boarded from the pirates have been 125; 24 are seized and 26 have been object of firearm blows. Moreover they are profitable famous 58 attempts of I attack.
Totally in the first nine months of the 2012 actions of piracy they have been 233, figure that is less consisting from 2008, year in which in the first nine months 199 assaults they were.
Piracy somali has lead in the first nine months of this year 70 attacks regarding 199 in the correspondent period of 2011 and in the slid trimester July-september a single ship is attacked by the pirates somalis against the 36 incidents in same the three months last year. The IMB has explained that international employees in the area to dissuade the pirates have been the participations of the naval fleets, dissuasion that is also consequence of the employment of armed guards on board of the ships and the use of security measures on board. "It is a good news that the seizures are dropped - has found the director of the IMB, Pottengal Mukundan - but us it cannot be space for the self-satisfaction: these waters are still absolutely to high risk and the naval presence must be maintained".
Al the 30 last September ships still under seizure for the sake of racketeering by the pirates somalis were 11 with 167 members of the crews hostage on board. 21 moreover marine ones were held under seizure to earth. According to the IMB, beyond 20 marine ones they are seized by more than 30 months.
The relationship of the IMB emphasizes moreover as piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is becoming more and more dangerous, with 34 incidents from January to september 2012 regarding 30 in the same period last year, and it is being pushed westward from the Benin to close Togo. IMB has found that these attack, often rapes, is planned and finalized to steal produced oil refined that they can be easy sold on the market. Once that the ship is seized, in order to cover their traces the pirates damage the communication equipments and, sometimes, also the navigation equipment.
This year the Togo has announced to have recorded more attacks regarding the five years put precedence together: three ships are seized, two are boarded and others have happened six attempts of assault. Wide Al of the Benin a ship is seized and boarding. Nigeria has totaled 21 attacks, with nine ships boarded, four seized, seven hit from firearms; to this an attempt joins of attacks.
The IMB has found that all the navies in the Gulf of Guinea do not have the resources in order to fight piracy in open sea and that, consequently, bands of delinquents moves to you from other areas. Nigerian Marina - it has specified Mukundan - must however be praised for its reaction to a sure number of incidents in which the presence of its ship has been determining in the rescue of the ships.
In the first nine months of this year in Indonesia 51 incidents have happened respect to a total anniversary of 46 in 2011. It attacks - it has explained the IMB - stretch to being thefts that are carried out mostly on board of the ships to the deep one.
At last the IMB has evidenced that the waters of the Asian south-east, where ships are seized in the Strait of Malacca, the Sea of Southern China and around Malaysia, are not still completely lacking in piracy and the ships must continue to maintain the attention in these areas high.
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