Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The Harbour Committee of has approved of unanimously the budget of forecast 2013
Forcieri: the autonomy financial institution of the ports does not go considered a cost for the public budget, but an investment in infrastructures
November 12, 2012
Past friday , with attached pluriennale budget 2013-2015, that it synthetizes in financial terms the strategic lines of the Harbour Authority. "Inside a difficult conjuncture - the president of the agency has commented, Lorenzo Forcieri - our port of call however is engaged in the realization of the previewed works. Only so the port breaks will be able to maintain and to consolidate its role of first floor and on a national level to be proposed as competitive port of call to European level. This also thanks to the positive competition and collaborativo spirit of all the members of the Harbour Committee to which my thanks goes".
Evidencing in purpose the first important acknowledgment happened with the insertion of the port they break in the "Cores Port" of the trans-European nets IT TRY, Forcieri has found that the potentialities of the port will be able to also grow with use it of the railway retroportuale area of Santo Stefano Magra, and with the realization of the docks and the large squares of the Narrow channel, as a result of the concession to La Spezia Container Terminal (LSCT), that it will involve private investments for about 200 million euros, allowing the implementation is of the traffics, is of the occupational volumes. "Such investment - the president of the Harbour Authority has explained - will allow moreover with the agency to free resources in order to finance other infrastructures, between which those necessary ones to the displacement of Navy. Important will be also to continue the activity of promotion of the port, because it is perceived more and more as a port of call of European level, able to compete with the greater ports of our continent".
If in the course of 2012 the activity of completion of the work to pluriennale character is continued, deliberated and entrusted in the exercises precedence for about 10 million euros, exercise 2013 will see the Harbour Authority engaged in the realization and/or contract of new works for an amount total previewed in the year of 104.264.280 euros. "We have so engaged - it has emphasized Forcieri - all the resources that were available, graces also to the delay in the accumulated work in the precedence managements".
Referring to the work in Parliament for the review of law 89/94 on the ports, Forcieri has manifested appreciation for "the first attempt of performance of the autonomy financial institution, that it previews that 1% of the Vat generated from cargo handling, until to a maximum of 70 million euros (in fact only 0.50% of the Vat total generated)", but have observed that he is "insufficient for a true one and realizes autonomy managerial financial institution and, that allows a effective ability to planning of the investments. For the time being - it has added - we have satisfied the lack of financings contracting mortgages whose burdens are paid using the profits of the running management. But it is obvious that this ability to investment will quickly go to be exhausted. In fact, against the important previewed development plans, the foretold remainders are not sufficient in order to assure the cover of all the participations, that they are worth beyond 250 million in the next three years, with consequent block of the development of our port".
"This that presses me to emphasize - has concluded Forcieri - it is the fact that the autonomy financial institution of the ports does not go considered a cost for the public budget, but an investment in infrastructures, able to attract new volumes of traffic and, therefore, able to generate new and puts up entered for the State, without to count the positive effects on the local economy".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher