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The Japanese "K" Linens, MOL and NYK confirm the necessity to reorganize own model of business
The presidents of the three companies confirm lasting of the state of difficulty of the shipping
January 4, 2013
The auguries for the new year turned from the presidents of the Japanese companies to the dependent are of customary thesis to the optimism, but they usually anticipate also an objective examination of the economic scene in which the enterprises operate. They do not make exception the messages for New Year's Day 2013 of the leaders of the three main Japanese shipowning societies: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Linens) and Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK).
"2013 - the president of MOL remembers, Koichi Muto - are the year of the Snake in the Japanese zodiac. The snake, as a symbol of wealth and pr0sperity - it explains - would have to carry good fortune to the economy". However the vein of optimism of Dumb dims because the manager immediately confirmation that "currently MOL must face a extremely difficult economic context. After our more consisting loss than always recorded in the precedence exercise - she specifies Dumb - MOL is addressing itself newly towards a loss of the same entity for the fiscal year in course".
Dumb it finds that if the industry of the marine transport has the effect quickly negative of the slow down of the economies of Europe, United States and China, of the appreciation of the yen and the elevated cost of the bunker, from part its having consisted MOL has accused in particular the impact of losses generated from own ships employed outside contracts in the long term in a situation of the reduction without precedence of the hires is in the field of rinfusiere that in that of the tankers.
Dumb it confides that beginning from the second half of the 2013 will happen a radical change of direction: "we preview - it explains - a consisting volume of commercial exchanges for centralized marine way on the emergent Countries, while the breaking in of new ships would have to diminish. We - he has continued - consider that the hires will begin to go back in parallel with the attenuation of the gap between supply and demand of ships. However during the last few years the Chinese yards and others players have meaningfully widened their productive ability: if soon they will continue to construct to new ships to a fast rhythm in order to maintain in activity their business, these shipbuilding could weigh remarkablly on the recovery of the hires". According to Dumb, therefore, "for being sure to return to the profit within a tension situation, in which the economic context it will remain extremely difficult in 2013, it is for we necessary to pass to a business model that does not depend on a resumption of the hires".
Between the measures that the group MOL will adopt in order to face this scene, beyond to a lock out action in order to reduce the costs ulteriorly, Dumb it has cited also "the demolition, the sale and it gives back it of ships, let alone the dismissal of the taken one in delivery of new ships". In this surf of difficulty the slogan - for Dumb - must be "who helps God it helps" of the British writer Samuel Smiles.
Also the president of "K" Linens, manifest "the hope that the world is itself slowly resuming from the recession", expectation that also Jiro Asakura lays by mainly on the new opportunities offered from the economies of the emergent Countries. Asakura agrees but on the fact that the industry of the marine transport "is still to the taken ones with a crisis without precedence".
Also "K" Linens is proposed to face the difficult challenges for the shipping with a rivisitazione of own model of business: "in the within of our plan of in the mid term management "Future Bridges to the" - Asakura explains - we propose ourselves to construct a system that allows us to assure a profit also during the periods of deterioration of the market. We are obliged - it evidences - to make all the necessary one in order to reach the three following objective-key: to return to the profit in fiscal year 2012, to construct a stable structure of returns and to strengthen our position financial institution".
If Dumb it cites the phrase of Smiles, Asakura is done again to the instruction of the economist Peter Drucker remembering that "the profit is an essential cost of any economic activity and must be planned and managed exactly like the other business costs".
In its auspicious salute also the president of the NYK, Yasami Kudo, emphasizes like, in the within of the difficulty situation that the world-wide economy characterizes, "the enterprises of the field of the marine transport and of the aerial transport they continue to fight in presence of a remarkable difference between supply and demand".
According to Kudo, the situation of difficulty in which they find to operate the companies of the field "will continue to being particularly sour until when this meaningful difference it is not overwhelmed". The president of the NYK is but less optimist approximately a fast approach between supply and demand, above all in the field of the portacontainer, in which - specific Kudo - "he considers that us various years will want in order to eliminate the difference". In conclusion, Kudo is declared therefore satisfied "of the correctness of our decisions to pass to a business model light-asset in the division container" let alone of "our strategy of expansion based on Asia and other emergent Countries through our competence in the solutions that preview the conventional marine transport to greater added value".
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