Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the 2012 traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna it is diminished of 8.1%
Reduction of the volumes in all the sections: goods several -16,2%; bulk sand banks -2,7%; liquid bulk -4,8%
January 25, 2013
Last year the port of Ravenna has enlivened 21,5 million tons of goods, with a decrease of 8.1% regarding 23,3 million tons totaled in 2011. The goods to the disembarkation is piled to 18,4 million tons (- 8.8%) and those to the boarding to 3,1 million tons (- 3.4%). "Such result, than report the traffic of the port to the levels precedence to 2000 - it has found the Harbour Authority of Ravenna - does not part from the data of the other Italian ports of call, almost all with sign negative, and reflects the course of the industrial activities on a national level". The harbour agency has specified that "a rather positive sign has been recorded in the fourth trimester, with a +4.6% regarding the year precedence, while during the remainder of the year the trend always has been negative (- 10.6% in the first trimester, -9,1% in according to trimester and -12,3% in the third trimester).
"The result of the port - it has continued the harbour authority - is framed in an economic context in which the international commerce of Italy, in the first eleven months of the year (source: Istat), is diminished in terms of volumes of 0.1% regarding the exports and 9.5% for the imports. In particular export towards the Countries the EU it quickly has a contraction of 3.0%, while towards the extra Countries EU is increased of +3.7%; the import, instead, EU is diminished of 8.6% from the Countries and of 10.3% from the extra Countries. And the decrease of the import is own that our port of call penalizes since disembarks to it represents 86% of the traffic total".
The most emphasized contraction it is recorded in the field of the goods several, in which last year pairs to 208.152 teu (- 3.3%), 583 thousand tons of cargos ro-ro (- 13.2% are enlivened altogether 7,1 million tons (- 16.2%), of which 2,3 million tons of containerized cargos (- 7.5%) with a container handling) and 4,3 million several tons of other goods (- 20.6%).
The liquid bulk is dropped of 4.8% to 4,6 million tons, with a contraction of the oil produced ones, coming down to 96 thousand tons (- 3.8%), and of the chemicals ones, with a total of beyond 235 thousand tons (- 16.4%), while the liquid alimentary commodities have grown to 100 thousand tons (+12.2%), "graces - it has explained the Harbour Authority - to the increment of the oil imports vegetables (above all from Indonesia, Egypt, Russia and Ukraine), of must of grape (above all from Spain) and of molasses and burlanda (above all from Egypt)".
The bulk sand banks is diminished of 2.7% to 9,7 million tons. "Between these - it has specified the harbour agency - the consisting decrease more has been about to the produced metalworkers, above all coils, that they have closed 2012 with the 4,05 million one tons, that is 1,23 in less regarding last year and with a loss of 23.1%. Such contraction - it has observed the Harbour Authority - is online with found how much from Federacciai in the first ten months of the year, in fact the import of the section on a national level, it has recorded -22,1%. The decrease for our port is imputable own to the Countries that in recent years were main the referring ones, that is Turkey, China, Ukraine and Germany, from which tons in less have arrived 1,25 million. The Countries, instead, by which the amounts more meaningful are imported than coils they have been Germany, Russia and South Korea". "Mineral handling crudes oil and materials from construction, with 4,38 million tons enlivened - it has still found the harbour agency - continues to represent the more meaningful section for the goods sand banks. The decrease of 4.3% of such merceologia is obviously legacy to the crisis of the construction industry that is extended from the beginning of the economic crisis. In particular the raw materials for the ceramics, that they represent 80% of the category, are dropped 3.3%. The result negative finds reply in the data of Ceramic Confindustria, than, for the first nine months, they for sales indicate a decrease of 7.2% for sold square metres (- 3.3% for export and the -17% in Italy). Moreover, from a first it estimates of the Association, the 2012 have shut with a decrease of the production comprised between 6% and 7%. In bending also the agricultural produced ones passed from 1,32 1,24 million to tons (- 6.1%). The decrease is from chargeing perlopiù to the minor wheat import (174 thousand tons in less) above all from Ukraine and Russia. In increase of beyond 100 thousand tons (+7.7%), instead, the composts imported graces to a meaningful increase of quantitative from Ukraine, moreover become main Paese of import sopravanzando Egypt".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher