Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the Harbour Authority of the East asks the candidates parliamentarians to support the development of the harbour system of Bari
The agency denunciation that to the apulian port is removed resources for 64 million euros assigning them to the project of the terminal of the Maersk group to Vado Ligure
January 28, 2013
In an open letter addressed to all the candidates to the next general elections of the territories of Bari and the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani (BAT) the Harbour Authority of the East it has illustrated own progettuali proposals for the development of the ports of Bari, Barletta and Monopolies and has asked those between they that they will become parliamentarians to support the economy of the sea and the harbour system, that they are one of the main resources of the territory, and to give back to Bari this that - second the harbour agency - "has been unjustly, uselessly and unexpectedly removed" in terms of deep economic made available for the apulian port.
In particular, the apulian Harbour Authority has denounced as the resources removed to Bari have been destined to the project for the construction of the new container terminal of from Liguria port of Savona - Vado Ligure that will be managed by the APM Terminals of shipowning group Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk, "of which - it has emphasized from Bari agency - it is uncertain the future in a context of crisis of the traffic container, completing a political action - it has accused the authority harbour - of dubbia usefullness on the plan of the development of the traffics but sure unjust on the plan of national the territorial balance".
The Harbour Authority of the East has remembered of having from part its in course projects destined to adapt infrastructures to the requirements that the market of the traffics has manifested in these years: "new docks and terminal - it has specified the agency - destined to the new great cruise ships, you space and connections for the intermodalità destined to reduce the impact of the road traffic, restoration of the operating depths of the backdrops in order to guarantee to all the ports the maximum competitiveness, widenings previewed from the Harbour Town development plans of Barletta and Monopolies, technological innovation, improvements of the systems of security and an energetic plan in the sign of the environmental sustainability". the Harbour Authority therefore has exhorted the candidates parliamentarians, "against the financings that were cut by the governments precedence without to allow the remodeling of the same ones towards the new planning", "to turn over regarding the controversies of the past in order to establish a unitary pact, finalized to the development of the territory demanding stipulates it, with the future government of an Agreement Picture or of forms of conventions, able to not only give back to the territory the resources unjustly removed but also to throw again, with new resources, a perspective of medium period".
The Harbour Authority of the East has evidenced the role of the administered harbour system from the agency: "to Bari - it has emphasized - it is managed beyond 80% of the national traffic with Albania and always the apulian port is what it has contributed in greater measure (with a quota 36.5%) to the fleeting increase of the traffic in the Adriatic in last the five years. In the 2007/8s and 9 have quite exceeded the port of Venice for absolute number of passengers. Sul business plan, the harbour system of the East is a truth gives according to beyond six million tons of goods enlivened the requirements of the productive woven one of the territory". Moreover, in the crocieristico field "the increase of the last decade has been of beyond 700%".
The harbour authority has specified that the effects of the economic crisis are made however to feel and that "2012 a difficult year for the goods has been about to Bari, besides the good performance of the container and for the passengers, also in this case with the exception of the cruises. Also the Balkans and Albania - it has specified the agency - suffer of the crisis not to mention the Greek drama. 2013 are not announced better". The Harbour Authority but has found that in sight of the resumption, "announced by analysts to end 2013 and then in the years to come", the ports of the East will have to be ready to collect the new challenges: "for this - it has confirmed - it is necessary to prepare itself to at best pick the future opportunities with a process of adaptation of harbour infrastructures".
The Harbour Authority of the East therefore has listed the projects persecuted by the agency remembering that in many cases they have reached the executive phase and that not draft of simple strategic options. "In the past years - it has accused the agency - a myopic political choice, by the governments in charge has prevented the remodeling of the resources in head to the Harbour Authority of Bari from projects useless, nonexistent or exceeded to a picture of indispensable participations second a strategy of effective competitiveness of the ports of call of our territory. The existing resources that could be used in order to finance the great part of the progettualità over synthetized "are devolven" forzatamente to the project of the Maersk platform of Vado Ligure, a project in which one of the involved credit institutions is MPS that has already announced own disengagement. The port of Bari has contributed to that project from the uncertain outcomes with very 64 million which is denied by the government the remodeling on useful projects for our territory".
"In the past few months - it has still accused the agency - the cut of the financings to the port of Bari has been object of an instrumental political campaign time to demonstrate the managerial and progettuale inability of the Harbour Authority. The truth is that, in the normal and which had times of a progettuale activity, the Harbour Authority of the East has reconstructed a picture of effectively useful and spendable participations for the development of the territory, carrying them in the great part to a stage of ready cantierabilità constructing the conditions of a remodeling that the governments have denied. Today - it has found the agency - draft to turn over itself. At stake not there is the destiny of this or that president of Harbour Authority but the strategic perspective of a territory that it has in the sea and the harbour system one of its main resources. For this it is indispensable that, in the next legislature, with a unitary effort, all the representatives who elected in the new parliament can support the location of an instrument (agreement picture, conventions or other) that it not only gives back to Bari this that has been unjustly, uselessly and unexpectedly removed but supplies the wider bases for a perspective of infrastructural development of medium period. If local politics will succeed to reach, in the first instance, the unit of attempts in order to realize these objectives - it has concluded the Harbour Authority of the East - will return an important service not to the port but to a perspective of development, increase and occupation of the entire territory. The auspice of the Harbour Authority of the East for the next institutional political season is this".
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