Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Ciaccia indicates the urgencies of which the next government will have to be made cargo in order to remove the brakes to the logistics
To the Interporto of Bologna the second workshop of the project has held "the ports of the North"
February 1, 2013
In recent days , organized from Foundation IRSO with the collaboration of from Bologna interportuale society, the Emilia Romagna Region and the Harbour Authority of Ravenna. The encounter has represented a deepening moment and of I confront on braking dynamics the logistic system of the Italy North and the potentialities and the initiatives that, instead, could allow it to acquire important margins of competitiveness.
The conclusions of the event are entrusted to the vice minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Mario Ciaccia, than, for the first time visiting to the Interporto of Bologna and in the attempt to condense the contributions of all the lecturers, have fundamentalally evidenced following the urgencies of which he is hoped will make cargo the next government: "to finalize the iter bureaucratic of approval of the law of reform of the ports and interposing to you; to structure politics of participation to institutional level that effectively supports integration of the transport knots; to elaborate a development plan and of concrete action, depurato from the logical lobbystiche, and that it gives value to the times of realization".
"The organizational participations in the ports - Ciaccia has explained - must aim for the greater unitarism of action between all the operators publics and private presents in every port of call, are on the side sea, are on the side earth and, more in general terms, to favor the coordination also more contiguous ports of call in order to reach those economies of scale necessary in order to support the competition with the ports of the North Sea". "Many of the norms launched from the government - it has added the vice minister - are worth online general also for the Italian harbour system, as the dispositions of simplification of the procedures and those times to favor the increase of the competition, to increase the certainties for the private operator and to stimulate the partnership for example (: a specific discipline for the project finance; the availability contract; project the bonds, the defiscalizzazione of the advanced works to 500 million in order to allow of the sustainability financial institution) and other detailed lists, which the dispositions understandings to improve the connection between the harbour ports and areas back and the norm on the dredgings introduced from art. the 48 of I decree on the liberalizations, whose technical norms of performance are under improvement. Without to forget the autonomy financial institution about the ports previewed from I decree development through a specific norm with which one has settled of giving impulse to the harbour infrastructuring, assigning to the ports of call it leave of the Vat and the octrois in them produced".
Between the relatori presents to the event, Alessandro Ricci, president of the Interporto of Bologna, Alfredo Peri, city council member to the territorial, town-planning Programming, infrastructures, logistics and transports of the Region Emilia Romagna, and Giuseppe Peleggi and Teresa Alvaro of the Agency of Customs.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher