testata inforMARE
12 January 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
12:29 GMT+1
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Original news
the Italian ports do not have to continue to being considered a kind of optional
It emphasizes Assoporti, that a directory of the priorities of the field for the new government anticipates
February 13, 2013

Although they are used for 53% of the import-export of Italy, although they are second third party in Europe for cargo handling and for the passengers, although they realize a value of the production pairs to beyond 6,5 billion euros, the ports - for Italy - "continue to being a kind of optional and all the last financial provisions of normative type and condemn them to an inexorable decline".

The denunciation is of Assoporti, the national association that reunites the Harbour Authorities, that it asks the government and the parliament who will gush from the next elections "the immediate performance of a series of provisions of real emergency and especially - he has emphasized the association - an abrupt turnabout regarding the approach of chronic disinterestedness and guilty sottovalutazione of the importance of the field, victim of a deficiency of strategic vision, measures that total has mortified the role of the Harbour Authorities and an absence almost than programming in the allocation of the insufficient public resources available".

In the directory of the priorities subordinates from the Harbour Authorities to the future government, that we publish below, Assoporti invokes the immediate adoption of finalized provisions among other things "to give back autonomy to the Harbour Authorities, (today equiparate to mere bureaucratic organisms), rimuovendo those constraints of expense that prevent they to be the real institutional engine of the logistic and territorial development. To remove therefore the improper comparison to Public Administration beginning from those reported to the dependent (being cleared the field from risks today realize of a social conflict); to confer to the Harbour Authorities a effectively central role of coordination, simplification of the administrative processes and the services (today also of competence of other agencies and offices) and acceleration of the administrative procedures let alone of the participations of programming, planning and realization of infrastructural participations; to put into effect in the ports how much previewed in matter of project bond and to realize the coordination (previewed in Save-Italy) between ports and to interpose to you".

According to Assoporti, "solo attributing to Harbour Authorities with a real autonomy financial institution, and therefore to the president of the Harbour Authorities the effective responsibility (and the effective to be able that of it achieves) of the entire coordination (and control on the costs) of the activities in port, is on the side sea is on the side earth, can be placed the bases for throws again of the field". "I throw again - it has specified the association - that passes also through a recovery of the competitiveness of the harbour operators through the partial and temporary control of the social burdens for the authorized enterprises to operate in port (article 16,17 and 18 of law 84 of the 94), but also a reduction of the octrois on the energetic produced ones consumed from means used exclusively in port and the fixation of sure and homogenous rules in matter of Imu on the state property assets".

Moreover Assoporti, "in the light of how much it is happening in Europe in topic of transeuropee nets - it has specified the association - proposes the government who will come to elaborate a strategic plan of national the logistic system that makes hinge on the national portualità, as only subject in a position to conjugating the requirements of interchange of the European nets with those which extended of the Mediterranean (and therefore of the extra countries EU), guaranteeing among other things that specialization of the operations of transhipment in the ports that live operate competition with the ports of call of the Africa north. The unexpressed potentialities ask moreover a finalized plan the exploitation for all for the crocieristico market".

At last Assoporti asks the future ministers and parliamentarians "the start for a reflection deepened on a new harbour model of governance that make of the logistic subject Authorities Harbour of areas which extended in the within of the policies of regional planning, characterizing also the possibility of constitution or definition of multiharbour systems and multiport of call. The all conditioned to a real autonomy financial institution of the Harbour Authorities finalized to allow a constant infrastructural increase, also by means of new relationships of partnership with the private ones. Assoporti besides to propose the provisions to assume in the first months of government to cost zero - it has anticipated the association - will introduce to the new executive the lines guides of an own proposal of reform of the harbour law".

Priority of the Harbour Authorities for the future Government

The main national marine ports, than singularly considered constitute public good composite truth (, infrastructural systems, nodes of the logistic net, systems of enterprises and centers of multiple interests publics), represent for Italy, in theirs with, a complex of strategic valence from the point of view of the productive and logistic competitiveness of the Country, as well as from the economic, occupational and social point of view.

This is certain if it is had with regard to the essential carried out functions, also in various measure, from every port to service of the productive systems and of consumption of the territories, national and international, of reference.

They are worth to such care the relative data to the import/export that it uses for about 54% the marine way, turning out our Country so, also in a period of crisis, to 3° the place in Europe for harbour handlings of goods. Quite, Italy is placed to 2° the place between all fleeting the European Countries for traffic and, esteem, to first for number of economic crocieristi let alone for fallen back and places of work generated from the activities tied to the crocieristico field.

Specific studies of deepening, repeated in the years, also testify the contribution that the portualità supplies to the GDP and the national occupation, also favoring in some areas of the Country the reconversion to logistic harbour uses of industrial areas dismesse.

For services of harbour logistics and the activities auxiliaries, a value of the production for beyond € 6.500 million and almost 32,000 is estimated occupied directed.

The system of the Harbour Authorities, second the last studies, generates, making use of single 1280 occupied, a value of the advanced production to a billion of euro with a multiplying effect of about 4,7; new expenses and investments for 100 euros by the Harbour Authorities, generate that is beyond 470 euros in the total economic circuit.

To all this they go added to the production and the occupation generated from all those branches of the marine-harbour field altogether intended - industrial and terziarie marine activities (marine transports/armament, shipbuilding naval, peach, marine transport) and institutional subjects (Harbour offices and, partially, Marina Militare) - whose activities cannot prescind from the portualità.

All these data, and in particular those regarding specifically the ports, cannot but make us to forget that, if by 1997 to the 2008 - year in which they are burst the American and before then European crises that are still upsetting the world - traffic goods dealt from the Italian ports it is increased of 27% while that treaty .da the European ports is increased of 50%.

Parimenti is undeniable as from too much time the importance and the strategicità of these truths adequately is not valued. Neither politics founded on the knowledge of the opportunities and the difficulties have been materialized to which the ports are currently of forehead.

Today the Italian ports suffer the competition of the foreign ports of call that compete for the Italian markets to ours with the assistance of national logistic and railway operators also.

The event of the lacked reform the law 84/94 - however only partially adapted to the effective requirements - and that of the debilitating arm-wrestle on the autonomy financial institution, risoltosi with a widely unsatisfactory solution, are the single lands on which Government and Parliament have shown a minor negligence to the Italian portualità.

In fact politics for the Italian ports have been translate, on one side in penalizing measures objective, a phase in which, to the effects induced from the economic crisis to national and supernational scale, they add the strong competition is of Mediterranean marine ports of call is of ports of call of the Sea of the North.

From the other, neglecting to face measures understandings to face the most important and historical elements of weakness and the threats which the national ports are exposed:

  • deficiency of total vision in the organization dl a strategy that translate in national terms the full stop constituted from the European decisions in matter of nets Tries;
  • absence of a vision strategic in the allocation of the little public funds on hand for the infrastructuring also to the aims to favor the involvement dl private financings;
  • low level of physical connection (in particular railway) and infotelematica with the other nodes and subjects of the net;
  • excessive complexity of the norms, uncertainties of the decisional processes;
  • lack of a unitary conception of the activity that is carried out in every port, as well as to earth how much in sea, that earth needs of a twofold coordination sea/and between administrative activities and activity of market.
The Harbour Authorities, the public bodies to which for law the task is entrusted to administer these truths and to promote of the infrastructural and operating development, that is a model of subject of administration for many backs peculiar, conceived according to those objectives, indeed improperly is equiparate to mere bureaucratic organisms and has quickly, from 5 years and more, cuts than it capitulate budgetary for maintenances, promotion (than also it is one of the institutional tasks), intermediate consumption; controls of the organic ones; removal of resources whose lacked spold era turning out unsurpassable procedural obstacles; overlap of tasks of other agencies not opportunely coordinated with those of the same Harbour Authorities.

But, above all, it is restated, the Harbour Authorities and the entire system of the ports has suffered from the lack of a strategic vision, of politics that dictate priority, indispensable still more when ristrettezze of the budget return impossible resolutive answers to the expectations of all: agencies and operators.

All this neither partially balanced: from the adaptation of voices of entrances (the taxes and the admiralty laws) that, also necessary, it has come to fall in way automatic rifle in a phase in which maximum minimal increment of cost is the sensibility of the economic operators for every also; from a “autonomy financial institution” that, for dimensions, it is completely inadequate to the requirements of investment in the ports. Equally ill-timed effects are legacies to tariff increments of the technical-nautical services that reduce the competitiveness of our ports of call in a moment of contraction of the market.

The Harbour Authorities, own which subjects of the development of the ports, essential logistic knots of a system that from transport net it must be transformed in completed industrial logistic net of the depositor south of Europe, propose therefore the Government who will exit from the next electoral challenge, in a phase favorably of resumption of the Country, the immediate adoption of measures understandings to:

  • to give back to autonomy and specialty to the Harbour Authorities, rimuovendo expense constraints that they prevent to they to carry out the institutional function of engine of the logistic and territorial development;
  • to remove improper comparisons to Public Administration, beginning from those reported own employee, clearing in such a way the field from concrete (and dangerous) risks of social conflicts;
  • to strengthen the role of coordination of the various subjects private publics and in the harbour phase being returned it effective, that is allowing with the Harbour Authorities to adopt measures understandings in concrete terms to compensate and to place remedy to those deficiencies of agencies and offices that operate offering services and administrative activities that complete the harbour phase eg. (customs, marine health, etc);
  • attributing to the Harbour Authorities the possibility to graduate some costs, at least until the overcoming of the more difficult phase of the crisis, in competitive function; to simplify, to velocizzare and to give certainty of times of the administrative procedures, in particular to the processes of planning, programming and realization of the infrastructural participations in the ports and for the connections between the ports, guiding street and the railway ones, the logistic nodes insides;
  • to put into effect how much previewed with respect to the introduction of the Project Bond;
  • to put into effect how much content in the c.d, D.L. Italy saves, art. 46, with the greater integration between ports and to interpose to you.
The completion of the autonomy financial institution would have to then become as well as premised how much consequence of an application a regime of competition between the ports.

Competition between ports, harbour autonomy, responsibility of the harbour authorities, is three faces of the same medal that demand the identification of a last responsible for the course of the activities in a port. This places the problem of the acknowledgment in the President of the Harbour Authority or however in the same Harbour Authority, the agency effectively in charge of the efficient one and coordinated course of all the activities in port, is those which are carried out to earth are those which they carry out on the side sea, are of the activities carried out in market regime, are features of activity of Public Administration.

In the respect of the customs responsibilities, sanitary, of police, of safety in sea, etc, it is necessary in fact that a effective power of coordination - and control of the costs is recognized - of the activities in port equipping AP of powers correspondents to the responsibilities that are attributed it.

Contextually the A.P consider of being able to make own requirements and priority of competitive riallineamento of the economic operators of the field of the harbour logistics, which:

  • the partial and temporary control of the social burdens of the authorized enterprises former articles. 16, 17 and 18, L.84/94;
  • a reduction of the octrois of the used energetic produced ones from exclusively operating means in harbour areas;
  • the fixation of sure and homogenous rules in topic of IMU on the entrusted marine state property assets in concession.

To follow those urgent and priority participations, the A.P consider necessary, and propose the future Government of the Country, to set to, in coherence with the design of the transeuropee nets of transport IT TRY that it is gone redefining in center EU, and with the proposals of harbour politics that are being estimated to Brussels, to:

  • to elaborate a strategic plan of development of the logistic system, which pivoted on the national portualità, as part of the logistic net of Europe in order to serve the Italian regional markets in the connections between they and with the Mediterranean ports; of the access to the Continent from south; of bridge and door of access for the Countries of the front south of the Mediterranean; of the strengthening and the increase of marine connections of short and having medium range characteristic of “Freeways of the sea” and their extension also to Mediterranean countries extra-EU third party; the specialization of the operations of transhipment in the ports that, in this segment of traffic they have as concurrent North African marine ports of call;
  • to set up a plan that supports the increase of the crocieristica valence of the Italian ports and the best valorization of the historical resources, cultural and landscaped of the territories;
  • the start of a deepened reflection on the adaptation of the model of Government of the ports also estimating the possibility, to attract new traffics, making of the logistic subject Harbour Authorities of area in the within of the policies of order of the territory (therefore also of policies that are regional and/or interregional) in a position to effectively affecting the costs of the harbour phase, in order to assure the economization of the system, also being adapted, possible, logical whereby competitive to the regulation (to lead back in head to the Harbour Authorities) of single necessary services in the harbour phase; of constitution/definition of systems fines harbour and multiport of call, however coordinating the policies of investment of the single ports;
  • to adapt to the level of the autonomy financial institution of the A.P in order to allow a effective infrastructural increase, also by means of PPP initiatives, and in order to realize the connections lacking between the ports and the nets.
Rome, 12.2.2013
›››News file
MSC presents a new request for the management of cruise traffic in Ancona which includes the construction of a maritime station
The duration of the proposed concession is 35 years.
In 2024, the growth of general cargo in the port of La Spezia more than offset the decline in bulk cargo
The Spice
In the port of Marina di Carrara the annual traffic decreased by -0.4%
Proposal by 47 governments, the EU Commission and ICS for the creation of an IMO fund for the decarbonisation of shipping
It could come into force in early 2027
Strikes averted at US East Coast and Gulf ports
North Bergen/Lyndhurst
Preliminary agreement signed by the International Longshoremen's Association and the United States Maritime Alliance
New annual record for vessel transit through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In 2024, traffic was 94,301 ships (+5.5%)
Filt, Fit and Uilt have called a strike for tomorrow by the workers of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority
MSC, together with Neri and Lorenzini, presents an expression of interest for the Darsena Europa in Livorno
Warriors: in the next few days we will meet the group to talk in detail about the project
Corsica Ferries sells Elba Ferries to BN di Navigazione
I go to Liguria
The fast ferry "Corsica Express Three" has been chartered to the Blu Navy company
In 2024, Ukrainian ports handled a record 97.2 million tons of cargo.
Agricultural products alone amounted to 60 million tons
COSCO, we are not a Chinese Military Company
The Chinese company has specified that the inclusion in the US list will have no impact on the group's global activities and operations.
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna was stable
Cruises down -17.7% compared to 2023
US List of Companies Doing Business for Chinese Military Includes Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies
Last November, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -55.9%
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -49.8%
With over 3.9 million TEUs, in 2024 the port of Gioia Tauro set a new record for container traffic
Joy Taurus
Decrease in cars handled at the Calabrian airport
Assonat and Assiterminal, the cancellation of the measure to increase the fees for maritime state concessions is a good thing
Serra: the TAR ruling reaffirms the importance of dialogue between public administration and users
The duration of the Agencies for the provision of work in ports and for professional requalification has been extended by 18 months
Port State Control Inspections Begin on Eagle S
NATO decides to increase the Atlantic alliance's military presence in the Baltic Sea
In 2024, Tanjung Pelepas Port recorded a new all-time record in container throughput
Iskandar Puteri
Over 12.2 million TEUs were handled (+16.9%)
Works worth over 57 million euros for the energy infrastructure in the port of La Spezia
The Spice
Electrification of the New Cruise Pier and new hydrogen generators
Assologistica, the new rules on reverse charge discipline in the Budget Law are good
Rapid issuance of the implementing provision by the Revenue Agency is hoped for
The electrification of the docks of the ports of Sardinia starts from Portovesme
Almost 52 million euros of works planned
Arkas Line ships to reach India
Turkish company to merge three services in the Mediterranean
Two lanes of ship transit tested in a 10km section of the Suez Canal
They are located in the area of the Little Bitter Lake
Suez Canal Transit Decline Costs Egypt Seven Billion Dollars
In 2024, naval traffic decreased by more than -60%
Port of Valencia, monthly traffic down after over a year of growth
Decrease in volumes in all main product sectors
Underwater cables damaged in the Gulf of Finland at Christmas
Oil tanker "Eagle S" stopped, part of shadow fleet operating for Russia
Cargo traffic at Chinese seaports increased by +3.2% in November
Foreign goods increased by +6.1%. Containers increased by +4.9%.
TIL (MSC Group) - JNPA Agreement for the Construction of Vadhvan Port
The new airport is located on the western coast of India
Shanghai is the world's first port to handle over 50 million containers in a year
SIPG highlights strong productivity gains achieved by introducing automation boost in Yangshan area
Yang Ming to acquire up to 13 new 8,000-15,000 TEU containerships
They will replace 5,500-6,500 TEU vessels that are over twenty years old
Eight amendments to the International Maritime Labour Convention enter into force today
Changes introduced to improve living and working conditions on board ships
Carnival posts record performance for September-November quarter
Revenues increased by +10.0% in the period
Uniport appreciates that the port reform is taking place through a delegated law and trusts (!) in the government's willingness to open a dialogue with the operators
Søren Toft (MSC) is the new president of the World Shipping Council
Vice President is Randy Chen of Wan Hai Lines
"SHIPS for America Act" Introduced, Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen U.S. Shipping Industry
Among the proposals, carrying up to 10 percent of imports from China on U.S.-flagged, U.S.-crewed, U.S.-built ships
In the last quarter of 2024, OOCL revenues grew by +55.0%
Hong Kong
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +6.1%
Medlog signs partnership agreement to build dry port and logistics area in Egypt
The affected area is approximately 102 hectares
Filt Cgil urges to throw away the Antitrust Authority's proposal on port work
D'Alessio: the AGCM has not at all analyzed the real dangers for the integrity of the principle of competition
Strong annual revenue growth for Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL companies
Revenue growth also accentuated in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone
Industrial reconversion works to begin soon at the "ex Yard Belleli" site in the port of Taranto
The intervention has a value of 135.3 million euros
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the first AdSP to equip itself with the Anti-Violence Strategic Plan
The aim is to prevent discriminatory and violent phenomena within the institution.
Greek Navarino Acquires Dutch Castor Marine
Both companies develop information technology and communication solutions for the maritime sector
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
Trade mission in Vietnam by Spediporto, AdSP and Municipality of Genoa
Meetings scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
In 2024 Interporto Padova recorded a record intermodal traffic of almost 412 thousand TEU (+6.5%)
Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president of USCLAC
Gianni Badino was elected president of the USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD unitary union
Tender for the development of cruise activities in the Greek ports of Katakolon, Patras and Kavala
The issuing of concessions with a minimum duration of 30 years is foreseen
The electrification of four moorings in the ports of Bari and Brindisi has begun
Contract worth over 28 million euros
Circle has been awarded the tender for the digitalisation services of the Eastern Adriatic Port Authority
Roberto Spinelli's position in the corruption investigation in Liguria has been archived
Order of the judge for preliminary investigations
Work has begun in the port of Pozzallo on the construction of the new offices of the AdSP of Eastern Sicily
Place the port of Imperia Oneglia under the management of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority
This is requested by the Port Company "L. Maresca" and the Lodovico Maresca Port Workers Company
Interporto Padova looking for a potential partner to participate in the terminal activity
The market research will end on January 31st
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
New logistics company GTS Horizon established in Verona
It was founded by the GTS group and Simone Gatto De Chirico (De Chirico Srl)
In the third quarter, freight transported on Austrian railways increased by +1.8%
In the first nine months of 2024 the increase was +1.7%
Uiltrasporti, the reverse change of VAT in the budget law is good
Verzari: we hope that this measure will be made structural in the future
Circle acquires Telepass Innova's Infomobility and Telematics business units
The value of the transaction is 6.2 million euros
Tender for construction of Albanian port of Porto Romano restarted
The deadline for submitting bids has been set for February 7th.
Eukor secures renewal of contracts for exporting cars from Korea and China
The expected value of the agreements is $4.2 billion.
PSA Singapore Sets New Annual Container Traffic Record
The 40 million TEU mark was reached on December 24th
US-based FTV Capital makes offer to acquire Windward
London-based company develops technological solutions for shipping
American Halliburton buys Norwegian Optime Subsea
European company develops technologies for underwater operations
Grimaldi took delivery of the multipurpose ro-ro Great Cotonou
Next month it will be launched on a new service of the group between China and Nigeria
Federagenti has appointed 24 "ambassadors"
They have been protagonists in the profession of maritime agent for over 60 years
Ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara, over five million allocated for the green transition
The Spice
Funds for the purchase of electric or hydrogen vehicles
In November, freight traffic in the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado increased by +4.3%
In the first eleven months of 2024, an increase of +1.1% was recorded
In the first 11 months of 2024, traffic in the port of Trieste grew by +6.4% thanks to mineral oils
A decrease of -8.2% was recorded in the port of Monfalcone
Over two and a half quintals of cocaine seized in the port of Genoa
The drugs were inside a refrigerated container coming from Ecuador
Manca (Sardinia Region): Promises of allocation of resources for the Kalport agency not fulfilled
Urgent meeting requested with Minister of Labor
Increases in port fees in the ports of Bari and Brindisi
Leone: we are committed to adopting measures that do not impact traffic and users
Large quantity of cocaine seized in the port of Olbia
39 kilos of drugs discovered hidden in a minivan
From January Hupac will intensify intermodal connections between Belgium and Italy
The frequency of the shuttle train between Busto Arsizio and Padua will also increase
Port of Ancona, provisional concession granted to Fincantieri plant
The new concession will last 40 years
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
A conference on the implications of geopolitical crises for ports and maritime transport in Venice on Thursday
It is organized by Ca' Foscari University and the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
››› Meetings File
Iran signs over $1.8b investment contracts with private sector for ports development
(Tehran Times)
North Korean tankers transport over one million barrels of oil from Russia
(NK News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
In November, freight traffic in the port of Barcelona fell by -3.7%
Container handling is growing (+6.3%), but not the weight of containerized cargo (-6.9%)
Saipem awarded new offshore contract by Shell in Nigeria
For the Italian company it has a value of around 900 million dollars
Rixi briefly illustrates the port reform
Creation of a publicly controlled company to manage investments and represent the Italian port system
Agreement between RFI and RSE for the study of a magnetic levitation freight transport system
Maritime safety, agreement signed at MIT to simplify verification procedures
Inspection and certification activities may be carried out by specifically accredited bodies
In the first eleven months of 2024, cargo traffic in Russian ports decreased by -2.0%
St. Petersburg
Both dry goods (-2.1%) and liquid bulk (-2.0%) are decreasing
Log In acquires 19,600 square meters of space at Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci
Kansas City
It is the fourth acquisition in Italy of the Theoreim group company
Prysmian wins two EPCI contracts from French RTE, potentially worth €700 million
The laying of approximately 640 kilometers of land and underwater cables is planned
Testing of an autonomous port tractor in the port of Wilhelmshaven
It will be launched next year by Eurogate, MAFI, ICT Group and Embotech
Intesa Fincantieri - Sparkle for the protection and surveillance of submarine cables
The two companies will analyze the requirements to improve the security of the infrastructure
Barcelona terminal operator BEST has ordered two new super post-Panamax quay cranes
Barcelona/The Hague
APM Terminals announces completion of work to increase capacity at MedPort Tangier terminal
Wärstilä sells Automation, Navigation and Control System to Swedish investment company Solix
In 2023 ANCS recorded revenues of 200 million euros
Cisl, speed up the choice of the president of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea
The Spice
Necessary to implement works and investments
Works awarded for the expansion of the container terminal in the port of Koper
The works will be completed by the end of 2027
Container traffic in the port of Hong Kong fell by -4.2% last month
Hong Kong
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -5.0%
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
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