Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Eurispes, Italy is the back marker of the European rail shipment of the goods
It toasts: the tendency has been that to concentrate itself on great works, for other often announced and never realized, without to cure itself to value the system of the internal connections
February 27, 2013
The Italian institute of political, economic and social studies Eurispes has published a relationship that it evidences as Italy is the back marker of the European rail shipment of the goods. "While China is heading all at the realization of a mammoth railway system in order to modernize the Country and to create the greatest world-wide economic market that moves on the railroads and crosses a net of 81.000 kilometers - has found the institute - in Italy the rail shipment of the goods represents a minority quota traffic regarding the other modalities: esteem in fact that it reaches a value of 6%. Also in this field unfortunately our Country represents the back marker of Europe where the railway section of the goods attests to a varied quota that between 12% and 18%, and in some "vituous" Countries as Austria quite exceeds 30%".
The institute has emphasized as in Italy that of the rail shipment of the goods is a suffering field: "in Italy - the Eurispes has explained - in the 2007 they were produced about 70 million transport train-km goods on railroad, today the entire field represents about 42 million train-km, with a value negative that has reached about 40%". "The showy decrease - according to the director of the Eurispes Observatory on Mobility and the Transports, Carlo Tosti - is not imputable only to the economic crisis, sure important, but the total must be considered absence of any politics of support to a section that all over the world is considered for the logistics and the transport of the goods fundamental. From years - it has added Toasts - numerous associations of field and the same railway enterprises, public and private, ask useful and necessary participations. The studies produced and the debates on the topic, evidence the necessity of the transfer of greater quotas goods from the rubber to the track, but the answer of politics through the promotion of participations and more rational solutions still has not arrived".
"The governments who are succeduti during the last few years - have denounced Toast - they have had a myopic vision of the system of the transports and mobility in general terms. The tendency has been that to concentrate itself on great works, for other often announced and never realized, without to consider that to connect Italy with the remainder of Europe through important infrastructural nets without to cure itself to value the system of the internal connections it cannot that to reveal a counter-productive action. A "effect is risked in fact funnel" in entrance and escape".
The Eurispes has evidenced as during the last few years in Italy a radical change of direction of the investments in the field of railway infrastructures has happened also various from happened how much in other European nations as France and Spain: "Italy - it has explained the institute - enunciates maintaining a trend of important increase in the decade 1995-2005, in which 1.950 million euros pass distributing to invest very 10,175, in order then to begin a descendent parabola, than in 2008 it crosses the increasing values of the Spanish investments that, although in this field they do not distribute the higher figures, maintain a rate of growth meaningful. France instead begins in a 2002 increasing phase of investments extending it until 2008, in order then to interrupt itself with a contained bending, continued also during the next year".
The Eurispes has observed as "the system of the transport goods in Italy from always you anticipate deep a gap regarding the other European Countries had to the hegemony of the transport on rubber. In spite of these last presents greater critical aspects regarding the other sections, pack-saddles to think to the costs elevated, the strong dependency from the atmospheric and street conditions, to the most elevated rate than incidentalità and to the repercussions to environmental level - it has explained the institute - the infrastructural investments from a part and the policies of support from the other have privileged in last the sixty years the street and highway net and the transport goods and passengers on rubber. Draft of a paradox if the unquestionable environmental sustainability of the transport is considered goods on track, but also the influential positive externalities on mobility, on the cost of the fuel, the incidentalità in the highway features, until the positive infuences on the price of the insurance prizes and the assets to use of the consumers. In so far as, an interesting study elaborated from FerCargo, association of private railway enterprises that operate in the field goods that they collect 1,500 altogether assigned and they represent 30% of the railway traffic of the goods - the Eurispes has remembered - has brought to light as the transport on track is the more ecological carrier. For every ton of cargo and every kilometer covered with an European freight train, in the atmosphere they penetrate 29 grams of co2 medium. If of a transport on heavy means in compliance with norm-antipollution Euro 5, the relative emissions pile to 81 grams, about triple regarding the solution the precedence".
The Eurispes Observatory on Mobility and the Transports has introduced therefore a list of priority participations that, second the institute, could allow to throw again the rail shipment of the goods in Italy: they are "the electrification and extension of the railroads inside of the railway terminals in order to allow the transit of trains until 700 meters of length; the reclassification of the railway lines from C3 module to D4 module so as to allow the transit of the trains with 22 tons for axis; reactivation of contributions in support of the transport on railroad; the institution of a bottom of guarantee for the railway enterprises for the purchase of rotabile material; the participation of the railway enterprises or representative associations of they in the regarding decisional processes I use it of the railway infrastructure and the policies on the logistics; the institution of the Authority of the Transports already previewed from Decreto Saves Italy in the 2012, necessary one to guarantee the competition between the different modality of transport through but also inside of the same ones; the bestowal of the resources for the Universal Service for the rail shipment of the goods through procedures of contest to public evidence".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher