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Assagenti gives the ballots to the scenes of development of the assumed port of Genoa from the Harbour Authority
a commission ad hoc constituted by the association has elaborated a document that is delivered to the agency of Saint George Palace
March 1, 2013
Last July the Harbour Authority of Genoa has illustrated the lines guides for the new Portuale Town development plan that anticipate not, but multiple models of development of the port ( on 4 July 2012). The harbour authority therefore has called the harbour categories and the local authorities to I confront on such hypotheses to the aim to define that which will be the director of development of the port indicated in the PRP that he will be subordinate to the approval of the Harbour Committee and the institutions.
Al I confront has participated also Assagenti, the association of the genoese shipping agents, than in order to answer to the demands for the Office planning and development of the Harbour Authority has created a commission ad hoc - composed from Cinthya Cignolini (Euragent), Stefania Morasso (Intermare), Giovanni Cerruti (Gastaldi), Filippo Gallo (Finsea), Giulio Schenone (Medov) and by Aldo Negri as Young representative of the Group - in order to study to bottom the eight scenes, to characterize of strengths and weakness and to indicate the better solution. To conclusion of the job the commission has elaborated a document, approved of from the council of Assagenti 22nd February and therefore delivered to the harbour agency, that we publish below.
Commission Town development plan Portuale, Assagenti
The port tomorrow according to Assagenti
Scene "Voltri Island - Voltri advance"
Between the proposed scenes, that of the advance of Voltri seems to be the favorite, at least in the medium term. Regarding "Voltri it isolates not" are particular differences, if not the possibility to gain a port fishings boat to the side of the Port of Africa, than, as category, we consider more profit for the citizenship, regarding the coastal continuity (than but it guaranteed the best one I recirculate of the water in the calm channel).
We consider the Port of essential Africa in the design of the new harbour Town development plan, therefore it is indispensable that an area is found to use for this purpose in the future port.
However, placed to Voltri the commistione of traffics between passengers and directed heavy traffic to the VTE, it could create incompatibility problems.
Therefore it would be useful to preview a separate connection that single servant the Port of Africa.
The advance of the dock is favorable is for having higher backdrops is in order to exit the aerial cone and to afford to the terminal to save for the purchase of more expensive cranes, the whose arms do not hamper phase of takes off and landing of the airplane.
It presses to us to emphasize that, in order to allow an acceptable operating continuity during the widening work, it would be better to study the possibility than to subdivide in three phases the advance of the dock of the VTE.
Moreover, the increment of the direct attache's connected with the scene of the advance of Voltri would have to be groundbreaking, that it turns out lacking in the supplied documentation. (To such purpose we signal a study that could be useful: C.Ferrari, O.Merk, A.Bottasso, M.Conti, To. Tei Ports and Régional Development: to European Perspective. OECD workshops - The future of port cities. Paris, 14th September 2012).
Scene "Sampierdarena Peninsula - Island - Advance"
The solutions that interest Sampierdarena go thoughts also in the optical of a displacement of the Port Oils, that it could be left unchanged in the short term with the restoration of the monoboa, but that in the long period it will necessarily need being replaced for the incompatibility problems that so involve a tightened vicinity with the inhabited center of Multedo.
We consider of having to exclude the scene of the island of Sampierdarena, that it creates a remarkable impact for the delegation, reducing a lot the visual one to sea. Moreover, not being the island which earthed with the railroad, it turns out difficult to imagine an adequate exploitation of the obtained areas for various traffics from those liquids.
In the same way, the solution of the "peninsula of Sampierdarena" seems to impattare excessive on the visual one to sea.
The favorite solution, therefore, turns out the advance of Sampierdarena (although it does not allow to resolve the problem of the aerial cone on the terminal nearer the mouth of West), that it close previews a filling of the new work of protection to sea, so as to be able to receive the oil traffic, the bunkeraggi and other liquid bulk. To such care we suggest a solution that it concentrates all the poles of the traffics today existing liquids in the port of Genoa in an only terminal.
It presses to us to emphasize but, than from the supplied documentation, it is not sufficiently clearly which it will be the commercial use of the new order of Sampiedarena. It is in fact fear of the category that the elimination of the combs can compromise the merceologica pluralità of the traffics, than from always characterizes the port of Genoa.
An ulterior reflection goes made on the displacement of the dam of Sampierdarena, a priority work to any participation in the port of Genoa, also and above all, in the optical of the imminent completion of Bettolo and the consequent difficulty for the ships to cover the channel with the portacontainer moored in the new dock.
In so far as, as category, we ask an ulterior deepening on the tempistiche for the works previewed in the enforced town development plan, in particular on the propedeutiche works to Bettolo Descent.
At last, it presses to us to emphasize that, during all the phases previewed for the completion of the scene that will come chosen, are important that is guaranteed the navigability of the channel that affords to the ships to reach the terminals nearer the mouth of West.
Scene "Long Port"
On the whole the long Port allows a minor street congestion in the genoese area and a greater fruibilità of the sea by the population, through the restitution of some areas and their conversion for city uses (sees belt of respect of Prà and park of the Spider).
On the other hand the work, previewing a total ability to 10 million teu, must be contestualizzata in a wider scene, that is than national planning.
In 2015, second the elaboration of the APGE on data OSC 2011, the forecasts of increase of the harbour traffic containerized Italian will be attested on volumes comprised between 16 and 21 million teu. The port of Genoa, maintaining the current market shares (19,3%), could therefore enliven about 4 million teu.
It turns out clear, therefore, than a work of that sort it would be underexploited, based on its real abilities. In order to realize the scene of the "long Port" it would in the first instance serve a concentration of the containerized trade in an only pole, that genoese one, that it would have to carry its market share beyond 62%. With regard to us question if in Italy a concentration of that sort is politically possible and as can be conciliated with projects already financed in other Italian ports.
An other criticality that emerges regards the costs of the work. Besides necessary euros for the new work of protection in the basin of Voltri, they go added the necessary investments for the same Caterpillar: 3.671.000.000 total euros (29.000.000 euros for the acquisition of the areas, 179.000.000 euros for the progettuali burdens, 2.373.000.000 for the construction of the work, in order to equip it for maintenance). The perplexity therefore regards the sustainability of the work, also against the necessary investment for the participation, previewed from all and the eight scenes, for the mouth of East, estimated in about 780.000.000 euros.
To such care, also in the past, they are raised of reserves, calling in cause the European Union, that it could aim the finger at the difference of cost of the work and the "fee" paid from the concessionaire, considering it as aid of State.
An ulterior reflection goes made on the complementarity of the Caterpillar with the Third railway Pass.
Considering that the majority of the goods transported with the Caterpillar would have an distant final destination from the alexandrian area, they would serve ulterior infrastructural connections (for an area, for other, already served from the Third Pass), generating the fear of a diversification of the previewed financings.
Scene "Airport to sea"
On the scene of the airport to sea, there is from making right a premised one. We find ourselves today in a city in obvious demographic decrease. Genoa has lost almost 25 thousand inhabitants in 10 years (second the data of the Istat census) and the perspectives do not find a resumption in the medium term.
Therefore, the idea of the displacement and the reorganization of the genoese airport to sea is considered little attractive, than it would not have the possibility to widen own basin of user, considered also the vicinity of other ports of call which Pisa, Malpensa, Bergamo and Nice.
Equally, the times (20 years) and the costs of realization, estimated to about 4 billion euros, do not seem adapted to support a not priority work for the city.
Scene “Airport beyond Apennines” the scene of the airport beyond Apennines would allow the ultimate disposal of the problem of the aerial cone in our port, with the consequent limits to the operativity sets up.
However, the creation of new a hub is a logistic strategy that would go discussed and studied “more hands”. That is between Lombardy Region, Piemonte Region and Liguria Region, under the coordination of a national direction.
It is opinion of our category, in fact, than a new airport beyond Apennines, if it served the alone Genoa, it would not have an adapted basin of user for being able itself to develop, date also the presence of near airports. Therefore new the hub would have to be replaced to the airports of Genoa, Linate and Turin (that they would have to be dismessi) and to be connected with the city centers from fast shuttles.
Given to the importance and the complexity of a scene so delineated, we consider that the issue on the displacement of the airport of Genoa goes examined in the just centers and that it must re-enter on a national level in the logistic planning and interregional.
In conclusion, our category suggests a harbour town development plan that it previews in the medium term the displacement and the increase of the dam of Sampierdarena, the advance of the dock of Voltri and the work for the realization of the Port of Africa; and over the long term the advance of the docks of Sampierdarena and the filling close of the new dam for the concentration of the traffics liquids, with the displacement to Sestri/Multedo of the shipbuilding activities of heavy.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher