Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the Italian association of the fleeting shipowners of the transport tourist denunciation the insostenibilità in which pours the section
the AIATP evidences the problematic ones and indicates some urgent provisions that they could attenuate the difficulties
March 4, 2013
The AIATP, Italian association that groups the fleeting shipowners of the tourist transport, has launch a outcry of alarm for the increasing insostenibilità in which it pours the section. "The fleeting boats transport, the boats, those which carry the tourists to Cinque Terre, to Portofino, to go around in the Tuscan archipelago, in of the Campania islands, to the Aeolian ones, to the Egadi, along the adriatic coast in the splendid resorts of the Sardinia in the Venetian lagoon, in short in all the resorts where it is possible to only enjoy only shows from the sea - have denounced the association - they risk to disappear".
The directive council of the AIATP has circumstantiated the problematic ones that is decimating the field and has indicated the urgent provisions that they could, if not to resolve, at least to return the situation sustainable. In the first place - it has explained the association - the "modification of article 8 second of the law that regulated the added value tax on January 17, 2012 - it has specified the AIATP - all the ships that carry out a business activity (with exclusion of fishing) in the within of the territorial sea (marine belt of 12 miles from the coast) and of the inland navigation, they cannot more have use of not the imponibilità VAT on their cession, on the purchase of the supplies, materials and equipment of edge (comprised the propulsion engines). The norm - second the association - could be acceptable if all the returns were subject to VAT because all it would be reduced to a mere one left of turn. Since the volume of transactions of the majority of such companies comes from free proceeds VAT (transport of passengers within the 50 kilometers) - it has evidenced the association - the same one, for the art the 19 effects of second codicil 1 of law 633/72, cannot be recovered if not minimally, remaining a cost so and returning also the participations of the normal maintenances prohibitive".
An other problematic one - it has continued the AIATP - is the "deficiency of attainable professional titles from the marine of category and adapted staff to the dimensional characteristics and of power of the ships on which they embark. The entrance of Italy in the zone euro and the recepimento of the turned communitarian directives more to the great ships and their crews that to the modest characteristics of those boats that improperly are defined "fleeting transport ships", but that in reality transport tourists along the coast - have clarified the association - have returned more and more labile the border between these two types of transport until to carry them almost to the same level. To nothing the indications of the Community for a more favorable treatment in the cases in which the norm are worth it could be not applicable or too much onerous, for which the ritual of our institutions have always followed the maximum of the best "to abundare quam to deficere". The result is that we find today, in order to obtain those professional titles that still in the 2009 they could be achieved with sufficient slight knowledge of marinaresca, to having to support examinations that answer very more to elevated competences than those which our trade demands to us and to having to demonstrate requisitioned difficultly obtainable because never contemplated from national the marine ordering in this category of small ships. The motivations of this disaster that will carry to us, in order to remain in the topic, to an unavoidable sinking, are from searching not as well as in the ignorance understanding as not acquaintance of the field in question, how much in the inability to estimate it for its importance in the national economy whose last bastion seems to be remained own tourism".
An other problematic one rimarcata from the AIATP is the "lack of specific regulations that discipline the naval units of category. The field constituted exclusively from qualified smaller ships to a not advanced navigation to 20 miles from the coast - it has specified the association - has peculiar characteristics that substantially differentiate it from the qualified greater ships to height navigation. The contained dimensions, limited navigation in time and space, the absence of lodgings is for the passengers who for the crew and the possibility to lead the ship without the local car is garrisoned, place these units in fleeting a within particular of the transport much to demand its particular regulations that he can also eliminate that institute of the exception too much subordinated to personal decisions".
In order to resolve or at least to attenuate the impact of these problematic ones on the field, the AIATP has proposed some measures. The first is a "census of the smaller ships that operate in the marine tourist field and of connection with the national islands finding of the construction characteristics, of power and of capacity let alone the type of navigation to which they are qualified"; moreover a "census of the shipowning societies that manage to them indicating their volume of transactions, the number of the employee staff to boarded earth and", let alone a "review of the marine professional titles not still repealed with eventual insertion of other more answering to the characteristics of construction and the type of navigation of the ships of which be a matter yourself".
The association wishes also "a corrected use of the communitarian directive for how much it concerns the emanation of less restrictive norms when these turn out onerous too much or little applicable" and a "reconsideration of the provision of modification of the art.8 second of the 633/72 in function also of a various possibility of recovery of the VAT without it must only remain a cost for who it pours it".
At last the AIATP proposes "to characterize the associations that represent the category crediting that which for number of enrolled society can express the greater consent common" and "to start with this last distance of reconsideration and eventual review of the matter that regards such smaller ships and the staff whom it equips to them".
"I consider - it has found the Gulf master mariner Antonio Bozzo of Navigation Paradise of Camogli, that he is general secretary and honorary president of the AIATP - than, in spite of the fiscal and contributive pressure weights in preponderant way on the management of the single societies of armament, the which wished provisions, that they are to cost zero, can invert the course negative of the same societies contributing to throw again of the national economy".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher