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Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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of Friend (Confitarma): the resource to the private armed teams on board of our ships is "in fact impossible"
the shipowning confederation asks the immediate opening for a job table
April 4, 2013

The Shipping president of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma), Paolo d' Amico, has launch an alarm for the effective impossibility by the shipowners to recruit contractor in order to defend own ships from the assaults of the pirates.

On the "Gazette" on 29 March it is included I interministerial decree - that we publish below - that on board regulated the employment of security guards of the mercantile ships clappers Italian flag that journey in international waters to risk piracy. Such Confitarma purpose it has asked the minister for the Inside the immediate opening for a table for job composed from the representatives of Confitarma, Ministry of the Interior and other competent ministries (Defended, Foreign countries and Transports) let alone from the representatives of the Institutes of Vigilance: "scope of the table - it has explained of Friend - is that to verify with urgency the operativity of decrees and to coordinate the best procedures for its effective which took effect".

Confitarma has asked moreover the Prime Minister and the minister for the Economy and Finances the delay on December 31, 2013 for the date, than at the moment the Law of fixed Stability 2013 on June 30, 2013, which maturity date in order to employ security guards who have not still attended the course theorist-meadows, on condition that at least six months have participated to us for a period, which pertaining to the Armed Forces, to the international missions in operating assignments and that such condition is attested by the Defense Ministry.

"He is obvious - it has found the president of Confitarma - than, date the absolute lack of such training courses, in absence of a delay, I decree n.266/2012, published last week, that it already needs of ulterior participations of administrative character for being been profitable operating, the up to now carried out job could not find some application in fact cancelling so and returning the resource to the private armed teams on board of our ships impossible".


I DECREE 28 Decembers 2012, n. 266.

Bringing regulations the employment of security guards on board of the mercantile ships clappers Italian flag, that they journey in international waters to risk piracy.






Seen article 87, codicil 5, of the Constitution;

Seen the Consolidated act of the laws of public safety of which to the Regal one I decree 18 june 1931, n. 773, and next modifications and integrations, and the relative regulations of 6 execution of which to the Regal one I decree May 1940, n. 635, and next modifications and integrations;

Seen the navigation code of which to the Regal one I decree 30 March 1942, n. 327, and next modifications and integrations;

Seen the law 18 April 1975, n. 110, bringing integrating norms of the enforced discipline for the control of the weapons, ammunitions and the explosives;

Seen I decree of the Minister of inside 15 september 2009, n. 154, bringing "Dispositions for the confidence of the security services subsidiary in the within of the ports, the train stations and relative means of transport and warehouses, of the stations of the metropolitan railroads and relative means of transport and warehouses, let alone in the within of the lines of city transport, for whose accomplishment is not demanded the exercise of public powers, adopted according to article 18, codicil 2, of the 27 decree-law July 2005, n. 144, converted, with modifications, from the law 31 July 2005, n. 155";

Seen I decree of the Minister of the inside 1º December 2010, n. 269, bringing "Discipline of the minimal characteristics of the organizational project and requirement minimums of quality of the institutes and the services of which to article 256 - second and 257 - second of Regolamento of execution of the Consolidated act of the laws of public safety, let alone of professional requirement and demanded technical capabilities for the direction of the same institutes and for the development of organizational assignments in the within of the same institutes";

Seen article 5, codicils 4, 5, 5 - second and 5 - ter, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, and next modifications, bringing "Delay of the participations of cooperation to the development and in support of the stabilization and peace processes, let alone of the international missions of the Armed Forces and police for the performance of Resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) adopted by the UN Security Council. Urgent measures antipirateria", concerning the employment of security guards on board of mercantile ships clappers Italian flag that navigate in international waters to risk piracy, characterized with decree of the Minister of the defense;

Seen I decree of the Minister of the defense, of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the decree-law 12 July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, bringing location of international the marine spaces to risk of piracy in the within of which it can be previewed the boarding of the military Nuclei of protection (NMP);

Considered the necessity to guarantee adequate services of protection of the mercantile ships clappers national flag by the security guards, in the hypothesis of which to article 5, codicil 4, of the same decree-law n. 107 of 2011;

Considered of giving performance to the dispositions of which to article 5, codicil 5 - ter, of the cited decree-law 12 July 2011, n. 107, that it sends back to I decree of the Minister of the inside the determination of the implementing modalities of codicils 5 and 5 - second of same article 5;

Felt the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Hearing the opinion of the Council of State n. 7293/2012, expressed from the advisory Section for the normative actions, in the assembly on September 27, 2012;

Seen article 17, codicil 3, of the law 23 August 1988, n. 400, bringing "Discipline of the activity of Government and ordering of the Prime Minister's Office";

Seen the note n. 11317 on December 6, 2012 with which the regulations outline is communicated to the Prime Minister of the Ministers;


the following regulations

Art. 1.

Purpose and within of application

1. Regulations anticipate determine the implementing modalities of article 5, 5 and 5 codicils - second, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n.107, converted, with modifications, from the 2 law August 2011, n. 130 and next modifications, concerning the employment of security guards on board of the mercantile ships clappers Italian flag, that they journey in international waters to risk piracy. Also the modalities for the purchase, the boarding, the disembarkation, the port are determined, the transport and I use it of the weapons and the relative supply, let alone the relationships between the security guards and the commander of the ship.

Art. 2.


1. To the aims of regulations anticipate, agree for:

a) decree-law: the decree-law 12 July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, and next modifications, bringing "Delay of the participations of cooperation to the development and in support of the stabilization and peace processes, let alone of the international missions of the Armed Forces and police for the performance of Resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) adopted by the UN Security Council. Urgent measures antipirateria";

b) T.U.L.P.S.: the Consolidated act of the laws of public safety of which to the regal one I decree 18 june 1931, n. 773, and next modifications;

c) I decree Minister of the defense: I decree of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the decree-law, bringing location of international the marine spaces to piracy risk, in the within of which it can be previewed the boarding of the military Nuclei of protection (NMP);

d) security guards: the staff, authorized according to article 133, 134 and 138 of the T.U.L.P.S., that he carries out the protection services of which to codicil 4 of the decree-law;

e) ships: mercantile ships clappers Italian flag that journey in international waters characterized by I decree Minister of the defense of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the decree-law;

f) protection services: services to protection of the mercantile ships, let alone of the goods and the transported values on the same ones, carried out clappers Italian flag from security guards, according to article 5, codicil 5, of the decree-law.

Art. 3.

Services of protection of the mercantile ship

1. In the cases in which the Defense Ministry it has announced to the shipowner that is not previewed the employment of the military Nuclei of protection, can be carried out from security guards, dependent directly from the shipowners, according to article 133 of the T.U.L.P.S., that is employee from authorized institutes of private vigilance according to article 134 of the T.U.L.P.S., the services of protection of the goods and the values on the mercantile ships of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the decree-law.

2. According to article 5, codicil 5, of the decree-law, the security guards, to the aims of the development of the protection services, must be in possession of following requirement, in addition to those previewed from article 138 T.U.L.P.S.:

a) to have, rather, lend service in the Armed Forces, also as volunteers, with exclusion of the lever soldiers;

b) to have old the course theorist-meadows us of which to article 6 of I decree of the Minister of inside 15 september 2009, n. 154, adopted in performance of article 18 of the decree-law 27 July 2005, n. 144, converted, with modifications, from the law 31 July 2005, n.155;

c) to have old a course of specific training, with burdens at the expense of the addressees, coordinated from the Ministry of the Interior, making use of the collaboration of the Ministry and Defense Ministry of infrastructures and the transports. The Defense Ministry will cure, in particular, the training in the safety procedures on board ship, let alone the formation and the training in the procedures of communication necessary in order to operate in the specific context, releasing attested of overcoming of the course;

d) to be in possession of port of long weapon for personal defense.

Art. 4.

Characteristics of the ships for the development of the protection services

1. The protection services can be carried out exclusively on board of managed mercantile ships for the defense from actions of piracy with the characteristics previewed from article 5, codicil 5, of the decree-law.

2. Besides previewed how much from codicil 1, the mercantile ships must be managed for the guard of weapons for the development of the protection services and to be endowed of appropriate closets for the guard of the weapons with the characteristics indicated to article 6, codicil 3, of anticipates I decree.

Art. 5.

Conditions and modality for the development of the services

1. With regulations of service, managed according to attached D of I decree of the Minister of the inside 1º December 2010, n. 269, for how much applicable one, approved of from the Quaestor of the province where the institute of private vigilance has center that is, in case features of security guards employee directly from the shipowners, of the province of registration of the ship, are established the modalities for the development of the protection services, second previewed how much from anticipates decrees.

2. The service regulations will have to take into consideration following the prescription:

a) the number of the employed security guards on board of the ships must be always adequate in connection with the defense requirements and rapportato to the type of ship, the goods and the transported values and the number and the type of the activated systems of self-protection on board, according to article 5, codicil 5, of the decree-law and however, considered also of the limits of I use of the weapons of which to the next one lett. d), not inferior to four. The number must also be suitable to guarantee the respect of the enforced norm in topic of rest, working hours, overtime;

b) for every nucleus of security guards employed on board ship it must be named a responsible, characterized between the guards with greater experience, which the operating organization of the same nucleus is entrusted, in the respect than previewed from the regulations of service and second the directives of the Commander of the ship to which the same one must be always rapportare;

c) to contain explicit dismissal to I decree managing of Commander Generale of the Body of the Harbour offices - Guard Costiera, relatively to the discipline of the technical-administrative procedures in matter of safety of navigation (safety) and marine safety (maritime securities), in relation to the measures antipirateria;

d) to limit the use of the weapons to the single hypothesis of the exercise of the right of legitimate defense, according to article 52 of the penal code;

e) if the security guards directly embark in the ports of the States adjacent with the areas to risk piracy, the vigilance institute, in the hypothesis of which to article 134 T.U.L.P.S., that is the shipowner, in the hypothesis of which to article 133 of the same Consolidated act, she communicates the Quaestor, that she approves of the service regulations, the name and address of the security guards that they must carry out the service, the ship on which will operate, the duration of the service, the ports of boarding and disembarkation of the guards.

Art. 6.


1. The authorization of which to article 5 - second of the decretolegge, relative to the purchase, the transport, the detainment and the cession in loan of the weapons, to the boarding and the disembarkation of the same weapons on board of the ships, is released to the shipowner or a its representative, in relation to the type of weapons, by the prefect, according to article 28 of the T.U.L.P.S., that is from the Quaestor, according to article 31 of the T.U.L.P.S., to the conditions of which to article 8 of the 18 law April 1975, n. 110, stop remaining the subsistence of requirement of which to article 9 of the same law.

2. The security guards, in the accomplishment of the services of protection and exclusively within the limits of international waters in the areas to risk of piracy characterized by decree Minister of the defense, can use the common weapons from shot, let alone those in equipment of the ships, stopped by authority received of which to codicil 1, yielded they in loan from the shipowner. If of I use of the regularly stopped weapons from the same security guards, the enforced norm in matter of detainment, port is applied, import and export of the common weapons from shot, of which to article 31, 38, 42 T.U.L.P.S and 58 Regolamento of execution of the T.U.L.P.S.

3. The weapons of which with codicil 1, allowed for the development of the protection services, are exclusively those portable individual ones, also to operation automatic rifle, of caliper pairs or 308 inferior to Win. (7,62 x 51 milimeter), boarded on the national territory that is in the ports of the States whose territorial waters are adjacent with the areas to risk piracy, characterized from I decree Minister of the defense, scariche and guarded in appropriate armored metallic closets, distinguished for the weapons and for ammunitions, I closed with safety lock type safe, whose key is in possession of the commander of the ship, placed in appropriate protected spaces. The weapons and the relative supply will have to be inserted in the Role crew, as expected from article 170, codicil 6 of the Navigation code, let alone the directory of the tools and other object of gears and armament of type previewed from the enforced norms for safety of navigation of the Nautical Newspaper - Book first - Inventory of edge, as expected from article 174 of the same Code.

4. The same weapons and the relative supply, stopped from the shipowner if guarded in the warehouses of which to next article 7, they must be transported and escorted until the boarding place, let alone from the place of disembarkation to the warehouses, from security guards, according to article 256 - second, codicil 2, letter b), of Regolamento of execution of the T.U.L.P.S., arrest warrants remaining it obligation of which to article 193, codicil 2, of the Navigation code. Of the transport it must be given warning to the Quaestor according to article 34 T.U.L.P.S., for the weapons of which to article 31 of the same Consolidated act, that is to the Prefect, for the weapons of which to article 28 of the T.U.L.P.S., that they have faculty to establish special conditions for the transport, let alone to the Marine Authorities in whose jurisdiction falls back the place of the boarding.

5. I use of the weapons of which to codicil 2, in the withins characterized from I decree Minister of the defense, is had, for the purposes of protection of the ship, from the Commander of the ship that will have to deliver to the key of the appropriate armored closets to the Ship Security Officer (SSO) in charge of edge safety, than in its turn provvederà to the delivery of the weapons to the security guards in service, advance annotation in the appropriate registry of which to codicil 3. The requirements of employment of the weapons stopped of which to codicil 1, and however to out of the withins characterized from I decree Minister of the defense, the same ones, except exceptional situations of danger estimated by the Commander of the ship, will go laid by in the closets armored with give back of the key the same Commander.

6. The number of the boarded weapons must be pairs, in the maximum, to the number of the security guards in service, more two than reserve. The relative supply does not have to exceed the amount of millecinquecento cartridges for weapon.

Art. 7.

Warehouse of the weapons in the national territory

1. The shipowner, to the aims than previewed from article 5 - second of the decree-law, in case stops weapons on the national territory must use a warehouse for the guard of the weapons of which to article 6, codicil 1, with the modalities previewed from anticipates article. According to article 8 and 32 of the T.U.L.P.S., the shipowner can name an own representative which to entrust the responsibility of the warehouse.

2. The warehouse in which they must be guarded the weapons of which to article 6, codicil 1, must have the following characteristics:

a) to be arranged in local insides to the building, located so as to allow the control of accesses, and must be provided with doors armored and of openings equally armored or equipped of rail-guards and metallic grates of safety; it must also arrange of adequate devices of alarm and surveillance camera;

b) the doors must be provided with windows with armored crystals or grate for the controls from outside; the system of artificial illumination must be permanently in function and being equipped with external switch and devices of emergency lighting system;

c) the equipments and the measures antifire, consistent to the prescription of the competent organs, are arranged inside and outside of the premises.

3. The weapons are conserved, lacking in ammunitions, in appropriate armored metallic closets, locked with safety lock type safe. The ammunitions are stopped with licence of the Prefect, according to article 47 of the T.U.L.P.S., than of it determines the guard modalities.

4. The keys of access to the premises of the warehouse and the metallic closets, in which the weapons and the ammunitions are guarded, are conserved, during the hours of opening of the offices, from in charge of the warehouse that answers some. Out of the business hours of the offices, said keys are guarded in a safe, in appropriate metallic container with safety closing, whose keys are guarded by in charge of the warehouse.

5. The warehouse is equipped of cargo registry of the weapons and ammunitions, with pages numbered. The movements of prelevamento or deposit of the weapons and ammunitions must be annotated on the registry. In charge of the warehouse, it guarantees the held corrected one of the registry.

6. The access in the premises in which the weapons are guarded is allowed with the shipowner and in charge of the warehouse and, for the closely necessary time and under the directed vigilance of in charge of the warehouse, with the security guards assigned to the services of which to article 2, codicil 1.

7. The weapons must be delivered and poured scariche. In the premises of the warehouse and the before premises they must be posted, very visible, the safety prescription. It must, however, to be present a container for the drainage you arm, to the aim of being able to carry out the verification of safety.

8. The authority of public safety, according to article 38 of the T.U.L.P.S., has faculty to execute, when it considers it necessary, verifications of control and to adopt the prescription considered opportune to the aims of the protection of the order, safety and the public incolumità.

Art. 8.

Boarding and disembarkation of the weapons in the ports of the States adjacent with the areas to risk piracy

1. With the same authorization of which to article 6 of it anticipates I decree, the shipowner or a its representative it can be authorized to embark and to disembark to the weapons directly in the ports of the States adjacent with the areas to risk piracy characterized by I decree Minister of the defense, in the respect of the enforced legislation in the same States.

2. In order to obtain the authorization of which to codicil 1, the shipowner must produce request - according to the type of weapons that intends to use - to the Prefect or to the Quaestor of the province in which the armament society has center, using the forms purposely managed from the Ministry of the Interior - Department of public safety. The request must contain also the number and the type of the weapons, the relative numbers of freshman, the dates and the places of boarding and disembarkation of the weapons, let alone the documentation, where previewed by the State, attesting the delivery of the weapons in the State where the same ones are disembarked.

Art. 9.

Relationships between the Commander of the ship and the security guards

1. The services of which to article 2, codicil 1, they are carried out under the direction of the Commander of the ship, in relation to previewed how much from the enforced directives in matter and, in particular, from article 8, 186, 187, 295, 297 and 302 of the Navigation code.

Art. 10.

Communication with the foreign and national authorities

1. The Commander that is the shipowner of the ship is held to the obtaining of the permissions and the authorizations and to every other implementation, included those relative ones to the weapons to embark and to disembark on board of the ship, demanded from the States in which the guards embark themselves and/or disembark, let alone those in whose internal waters the ship programs to pass, so that the transit and the eventual pause are consistent to the local legislation.

2. The Commander that is the shipowner of the ship however is held to the shipment with consistent advance payment to the competent authorities of the States in whose internal waters the ship programs to pass of a communication in which they are indicated:

quantitative and the type of the boarded weapons according to anticipates decrees;

the route previewed in internal waters of the State.

3. Copy of the communications correspondents will go guarded, near the center of the shipowner, with the modalities previewed for the estate and conservation of the Books of edge.

4. The Commander that is the shipowner of the ship also is held to communicate to the Command in head of the naval team of Marina Militare (CINCNAV), to the General Command of the Body of the Harbour offices, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Unit for the authorizations of the materials of armament (UAMA), let alone to the authority diplomatic-to console territorial competent, with consistent advance payment, the movements previewed in the characterized marine spaces from I decree to Minister of the defense, comprised guiding of transit and the ports of pause, let alone the number of weapons, with the relative descriptions, and of boarded security guards, they nationality and every other useful element, to the aim to allow a full acquaintance of the national traffic in the area.

Art. 11.

Final dispositions

1. From the performance of regulations anticipate do not have to derive new or put up burdens for the public finance.

It anticipates I decree, provided with the seal of State, will be inserted in the official Collection of the normative actions of the Italian Republic. It is made obligation anyone is up to observe it and to make to observe it.

Rome, 28 Decembers 2012

The Minister of the inside

The Minister of the defense

The Minister of infrastructures and the transports

Visa, the Guardasigilli: SEVERINO

Recorded to the State Audit Court on January 29, 2013
Inside, registry n. 1, sheet n. 157



The text of notes published here is written up by the competent administration for matter, according to the art.10, codicil 3, of the consolidated act of the dispositions on the promulgazione of the laws, on the emanation of decrees of the President of the Republic and on the official banns of the Italian Republic, approved of with D.P.R. 28 Decembers 1985, n.1092, to the solo fine to facilitate the reading of the law dispositions to which the dismissal is operated. The value and the effectiveness of the legislative actions transcribed here remain unchanged.

Notes to the premises:

- The Regal one I decree 18 june 1931, n. 773 (Approval of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety) is published in Gazette 26 june 1931, n. 146.

- Report the text of article 256 - second and 257 - second of the Regal one I decree 6 May 1940, n. 635 (Approval of the regulations for the execution of consolidated act 18 june 1931, n. 773 of the laws of public safety):

“Art. 256 - second. - 1. Article 133 and 134 of the law all are disciplined by the activities of vigilance and guard of movable property or pieces of real estate for the legitimate self-defence of the patrimonial rights to inherent they, than they do not imply the exercise of public functions or the development of activity that regulations or law dispositions reserve to the police organs.

2. They re-enter, in particular, in the security services complementary, to carry out to means of particular guards jury, unless the law has various or the police supplies you, the concerning activities of vigilance:

a) safety in the airports, the ports, the train stations, the stations of the metropolitan railroads and in the other places opened publics or to the public specifically indicated from the special norms, to integration of that insured person from the police;

b) the guard, the transport and the escort of weapons, explosives and of every other dangerous material, in the cases previewed from the dispositions in vigor or the prescription of the authority, firm remaining the enforced dispositions in order to guarantee safety of the guard, the transport and the escort;

c) the guard, the transport and the escort of the cash or other assets or titles of value; let alone the vigilance in the places in which there is handling of important sums or other titles or assets of important value, pertaining to third party;

d) the mobile armed vigilance and the participations on the alarms, blank the attributions of the officials and agents of public safety;

e) the vigilance near infrastructures of the energetic field or the telecommunications, of the produced ones to high technology, those to risk of environmental impact, and every other infrastructure that can constitute, also in potential way, an sensitive objective to the aims of safety or the public incolumità or the environmental protection.

3. The vigilance near courts and other buildings also re-enters in the security services complementary military publics, installations, commercial office districts, manufacturers or and other similar infrastructures, when special requirements of safety imposes that the same services are carried out by particular guards jury.”.

“Art. 257 - second - 1. The licence prescribed from article 134 of the law for the activities of investigation, searches and collection of information on behalf of private, comprised those relative ones to the deficits of goods and the differences there inventories them in the commercial field, is demanded the holder of the institute of investigations and searches also for which, in the within of the same institute, they carry out professionally the activity of investigation and search.

2. The relative question contains:

a) the indication of the subjects for which the licence is demanded and of the other subjects of which to article 257, codicil 1, letter a), if existing;

b) the indication of the elements of which to article 257, codicil 1, letter b);

c) the other indications of which to article 257, codicil 1, letters c) and d).

3. They are applied, as compatible, the other dispositions of article 257. To such fine, I decree previewed from codicil 4 of same article 257 previews, felt the formative Regions, requirement minimums to legal and professional address and the periods minimums of practical training being necessary for the release of the licence.

4. Nothing is innovated relatively to the authorization previewed from article 222 of the dispositions of performance, coordination and transitory of the criminal procedure for the development of the activities indicated in article 327 - second of the same code.”.

- The Regal one I decree 30 March 1942, n. 327 (Navigation code) is published in the Gazette 18 April 1942, n. 93, Ediz. Spec.

- The law 18 April 1975, n. 110 (integrating Norms of the enforced discipline for the control of the weapons, ammunitions and the explosives), are published in the 21 Gazette April 1975, n. 105.

- I decree of the Minister of Inside 15 september 2009, n. 154, are published in the Gazette 5 November 20 09, n. 298, Ordinary Supplement

- Report the text of art. the 18, codicil 2, of the decree-law 27 July 2005, n. 144, converted, with modifications, from the law 31 July 2005, n. 155 (urgent Measures for the contrast of international terrorism):

“2. The Minister of the inside, to the aims of which to codicil 1, it establishes with own I decree to the conditions and the modalities for the confidence of the foretold services, let alone requirement of the concessionary subjects, with particular reference to the training of the employed staff, to the means availability suitable of for staff same individual protection, to the documented and punctual respect of every disposition of law or regulations in matter, included the functional characteristics of the technical equipments of survey eventually used, so to assure the contemporary realization of the requirements of safety and those of the respect of the dignity of the person.”.

- I decree of the Minister of the inside 1° December 2010, n. 269, are published in the Gazette 14 February 2011, n. 36, Ordinary Supplement.

- Report the full text of art. the 5 of the decree-law 12 July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130 (Delay of the international missions of the Armed Forces and police and dispositions for the performance of Resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) adopted by the UN Security Council, let alone of the participations of cooperation to the development and in support of the stabilization and peace processes. Urgent measures antipirateria):

“Art. 5 (Ulterior measures of contrast to piracy) - 1. The Defense Ministry, in the within of the international activities of contrast to piracy to the aim to guarantee the freedom of navigation of national the commercial ship, can stipulate with the Italian private armatoria and with other endowed subjects of specific being able of representation of the cited category conventions for the protection of the ships clappers Italian flag in transit in international the marine spaces to characterized risk of piracy with I decree of the Minister of the defense, felt the Minister of the foreign policies and the Minister of infrastructures and the transports, taken into consideration the relationships Maritime periodicals of the International Organization (IMO), by means of the boarding, on request and with burdens at the expense of the shipowners, of military Nuclei of protection (NMP) of Marina, that it can make use also of staff of the other Armed Forces, and the relative armament previewed for the accomplishment of the service.

2. The military staff member the nuclei of which to the codicil 1 work in compliance with the directives and to the rules of I engage emanated from the Defense Ministry. Al commander of every nucleus, to which the exclusive responsibility of the activity of military contrast to piracy is under responsibility, and to the staff from it dependent is attributed the functions, respective, of official and judicial police officer with regard to the crimes of which to article 1135 and 1136 of the navigation code and to those to connected they according to article 12 of the criminal procedure. Personal same Al is corresponded, advance reassignment of the relative resources poured to the entrance of the budget of the State according to next codicil 3, the forfetario compensation of employment and the ndemnities previewed for the boarded soldiers on the units of Marina in international the marine spaces and apply the dispositions of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the decree-law 30 Decembers 2008, n. 209, converted, with modifications, from the law 24 February 2009, n. 12, and to article 4, codicils 1 - sexies and 1 - septies, of the 4 decree-law November 2009, n. 152, converted, with modifications, from the law 29 Decembers 2009, n. 197, agreeing replaced to the necessity of the military operations the necessity protect the ship of which to codicil 1.

3. The shipowners that make use for staff of the services of protection of which to codicil 1 they supply to the refreshment of the correspondents burdens, comprehensive of the expenses of which to codicil 2 and the expenses of operation, as defined in the conventions of which to codicil 1, by means of deposits to the entrance of the budget of the State, integrally reassigned, within sixty days, to the relevant chapters of the state of forecast of the expense of the Defense Ministry, in exception to the forecasts of article 2, codicils 615, 616 and 617, of the law 24 Decembers 2007, n. 244.

4. In the within of the international activities of contrast to piracy and of the participation of military staff to the operations of which to article 4, codicil 13, of anticipates decrees, also in relation to common action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, on November 10, 2008, and waiting for it ratifies of the Maritime lines it guides of the “Safety Committee” (MSC) of the United Nations within the “International Maritime Organization” (IMO), is allowed, in the cases in which the protection services are not previewed of which to codicil 1 and in the limits of which to codicils 5, 5 - second and 5 - ter, the employment of security guards, authorized according to article 133 and 134 of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety, of which to the regal one I decree 18 june 1931, n. 773, on board of the mercantile ships clappers Italian flag, that they journey in international waters characterized with I decree of which to codicil 1, to protection of the same ones. (52)

5. The employment of which to codicil 4 it is allowed exclusively on board of the ships managed for the defense from piracy actions, by means of the performance at least one of the enforced ricomprese types in “best managements practices” of self-protection of the ship defined by the IMO, let alone authorized to the detainment of the weapons according to codicil 5 - second, through the resource to security guards characterized rather among those that has lend service in the Armed Forces, also as volunteers, with exclusion of the lever soldiers, and that they have exceeded the course theorist-meadows us of which to article 6 of the regulations of which to I decree of the Minister of inside 15 september 2009, n. 154, adopted in performance of article 18 of the decree-law 27 July 2005, n. 144, converted, with modifications, from the law 31 July 2005, n. 155. Until on December 31, 2012 the foretold security guards can be employees also who have not still attended the course theorist-meadows, on condition that at least six months have participated to us for a period, which pertaining to the Armed Forces, to the international missions in operating assignments and that such condition is attested by the Defense Ministry.

5 - second. The staff of which to codicil 4, in the accomplishment of the service of which to codicil 5 and within the territorial limits of international waters to risk of piracy previewed there, he can use the common weapons from shot let alone the weapons in equipment of the ships, purposely managed for their guard, stopped by authority received released the shipowner, in relation to the type of the weapons, according to article 28 and 31 of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety 18 of which to the regal one I decree june 1931, n. 773. The foretold authorization is released also for the purchase, the transport and the cession in loan to the same staff of which to codicil 4. With the same authorizations they can be authorized also the boarding and the disembarkation of the weapons on board of the ships of which to codicil 5, in the ports of the States whose territorial waters are adjacent with the areas to risk piracy characterized with I decree of the Minister of the defense, of which to codicil 1. With the same authorizations they can be authorized also the boarding and the disembarkation of the weapons on board of the ships of which to codicil 5, in the ports of the States whose territorial waters are adjacent with the areas to risk of piracy characterized with I decree of the Minister of the defense, of which to codicil 1.

5 - ter. With I decree of the Minister of the inside, together with the Minister of the defense and with the Minister of infrastructures and the transports, to adopt within on March 31, 2012, the implementing modalities of 5 and 5 are determined codicils - second, comprised those relative ones to the boarding and the disembarkation of the weapons, the port and the transport of the same ones and the relative supply, to the amount of imprisoned weapons on board of the ship and to their type, let alone to the relationships between the staff of which to 4 codicil and commander of the ship during the accomplishment of i tasks of which to the same codicil.

6. The dispositions are applied of which to article 5, codicils from 2 to 6, of the decree-law n. 209 of 2008, converted, with modifications, from the law n. 12 of 2009, and next modifications, reported to the ships and the areas in which the services are carried out of which to codicils 1 and 4.

6 - second. To article 111, codicil 1, of the code of the military code, of which to I decree legislative 15 March 2010, n. 66, the letter a) is replaced by the following one:

“a) the vigilance to protection of the national interests and the marine ways of communication to beyond the external limit of the territorial sea, comprised the contrast to piracy there, also with the modalities of which to article 5, codicil 1, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n. 107; ”.

6 - ter. From the performance of article anticipates does not have to derive new or puts up burdens at the expense of the public finance.”.

- Report the text of art. the 17, codicil 3, of the law 23 August 1988, n. 400 (Discipline of the activity of Government and ordering of the Prime Minister's Office):

“3. With I decree ministerial can be adopted regulations in the matters of competence of the minister or authorities sottordinate to the minister, when the law express confers such power. Such regulations, for competence matters more ministers, can be adopted with interministerial decree, stop remaining the necessity of appropriate authorization by the law. The ministerial and interdepartmental regulations cannot dictate to contrary norms to those of the which emanated from regulations the Government. They must be communicated to the Prime Minister of the ministers before their emanation.”.

Notes to art. the 1:

- For the text of art. the 5, 5 and 5 codicils - second, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, are seen in notes to the premises.

Notes to art. the 2:

- For the text of art. the 5, codicils 1, 4 and 5, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of article 133, 134 and 138, of the Regal cited one I decree n. 773 of 1931:

“Art. 133. The public bodies, the other agencies collectives and the private ones can assign to particular guards to the vigilance or guard of their movable or real estate properties.

They can also, under license of the prefect, to be associated for the nomination of such guards to assign to the vigilance or guard in municipality of the same properties.”.

“Art. 134. Without licence of the prefect it is prohibited to private agencies or lend works of vigilance or safekeeping of movable or real estate properties and to execute investigations or searches or to collect information of private on behalf.

Except the disposed one of art. the 11, the licence cannot be conceduta to the people who do not have the Italian citizenship that is of a Member States of the European Union or is incapable to obligate itself or has brought back sentence for not culpable crime.

The citizens of the Member States of the European Union can achieve the licence in order lend work of vigilance or safekeeping of movable or real estate assets to the same conditions previewed for the Italian nationals.

The execution regulations characterize the other subjects, comprised the institore there, or anyone exercises powers of direction, administration or partial management also of the institute or its articulations, in it confronts of which are assessed the absence of sentences for not culpable crime and other requirement previewed from article 11 of anticipate consolidated act, let alone from article 10 of the 31 law May 1965, n. 575.

The licence cannot be conceduta for operations that import an exercise of public functions or a disablement of the individual freedom.”.

“Art. 138. The particular guards must possess following requirement:

1° to be Italian national or of a Member States of the European Union;

2° to have reached the greater age and possession adempiuto to the compulsory military services;

3° to know to read and to write;

4° not to have brought back sentence for crime;

5° to be person of optimal political and moral conduct;

6° to be provided with the identity card;

7° to be joined the national case of the social assurances and to that of the industrial accidents.

The Minister of the inside with own I decree, to adopt itself with the modalities characterized in the regulations for the execution of anticipates consolidated act, felt the regions, supplies to the location of requirement professional minimums and formation of the particular guards jury.

The nomination of the particular guards jury must be approved of by the prefect. With the approval, that it has biennial validity, the prefect also releases, of sussistono the foundations, the licence for the port of weapons, to reduced tax, with validity of pairs lasted.

To the aims of the approval of the nomination to particular guard sworne of citizens of other Member States of the European Union the prefect holds account of the controls and the verifications carried out in the Member States of origin for the development of the same activity. The dispositions are applied of which to article 134 - second, codicil 3.

The particular guards jury, citizens of Member States of the European Union, can second achieve the licence of port of weapons established how much from I decree legislative 30 Decembers 1992, n. 527, and from the relative regulations of execution, of which to I decree of the Minister of the 30 inside October 1996, n. 635. They are observed, also, the dispositions of article 71 and 256 of the regulations of execution of anticipate consolidated act.

Except how much various previewed, the particular guards jury in the exercise of the guard functions and vigilance of the movable property and pieces of real estate which they are destined cover the quality of people in charge of a public service.”.

Notes to art. the 3:

- For the text of article 133, 134 and 138, of the Regal one I decree 18 june 1931, n. 773, (for argument v. in notes to the premises), it is seen in notes to art. the 2.

- For the text of art. the 5, codicils 1 and 5, of the 12 decree-law July 2011, n. 107, converted, with modifications, from the law 2 August 2011, n. 130, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of art. the 6 of the cited one I decree myself of the Minister of the Inside n. 154 of 2009:

“Art. 6. (Training of staff) - 1. The subjects authorized to the development of the security services subsidiary of which to it anticipates I decree must supply to the training of the staff assigned to the safety controls, the whose contingent must be numerically adequate to the specific requirements, organizing specific course teoricoprati to us, also for through of external organizations. The duration of such run is proportioned to the duties after which the attache' to safety will be used.

2. The Ministry of the Interior - Department of public safety supplies to define the programs of training of the staff, differentiated according to the duties after which the staff will be used.
Sayings programs will have to preview the following arguments:

a) national and international norm in matter of safety of the systems and the marine and railway transports;

b) principles in matter of legislation of public safety with particular reference to the discipline of the weapons and the explosives, the functions of public safety and judiciary police, let alone on the role and the functions of the frontier police.

3. The programs, opportunely differentiated in reason of the employment, address:

a) to the staff with duties of production manager;

b) to the staff assigned to the safety and control services;

c) to the assigned staff to exclusively technical tasks.

4. The assessment of training requirement of the attache's to the safety controls is carried out, advance demand for the authorized subjects, from an appropriate competent commission named by the prefect for territory, presided from a civil employee of public safety designated from the quaestor and composed they give:

a) an expert of the techniques employed in the systems of which, safety control the controls radiogeni, EDS, EDDS, fixed and portable detectors of particulate steam and, decompression chambers, metal-detectors;

b) an expert member of a foreign language;

c) a member designated from the leader or commander of the railway or marine port of call;

d) a member of the competent office of specialty of the Police of State;

e) a member designated from the Ministry of infrastructures and the transports, for the aspects of specific interest.

5. The examination tests consist:

a) in a talk on the matters of the formation program and on the acquaintance of the foreign language;

b) in a finalized practical test to the assessment of the corrected one I use of the equipment and the other techniques in relation to the safety duties that every employee will be called to carry out.”.

- For the text of art. the 18, codicil 2, of the decree-law 27 July 2005, n. 144, converted, with modifications, from the law 31 July 2005, n. 155, are seen in notes to the premises.

Notes to art. the 4:

- For the text of art. the 5 of the cited decree-law n. 107 of 2011, are seen in notes to the premises.

Notes to art. the 5:

- Attached D of I decree of the Minister of the Inside 1° December 2010, n. 269 (for argument v. in notes to the premises), it concerns operating requirement minimums of the institutes of vigilance and the technical rules of the services.

- For the text of art. the 5 of the cited decree-law n. 107 of 2011, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of art. the 52 of the penal code:

“Art. 52. (Legitimate Defense) - he is not actionable who has store clerk the fact, for being forced you from the necessity to defend a right other people's own or against the current danger of an unjust offense, that the defense is always prorated to the offense.

In the cases previewed from article 614, first and according to codicil, sussiste the relationship of proportion of which to the first codicil of article anticipates if someone legitimately anticipates in one of the places indicated there legitimately uses a imprisoned weapon or other suitable means to the aim to defend:

a) own or the other people's incolumità;

b) the assets other people's own or, when not there is desistenza and there is aggression danger.

The disposition of which to according to codicil it is applied also if the fact has happened inside every other place where is exercised a business activity, professional or entrepreneurial.”.

- For the text of article 133 and 134 of the Regal cited one I decree n. 773 of 1931, are seen in notes to art. the 2.

Notes to art. the 6:

- For the text of art. the 5 of the cited decree-law n. 107 of 2011, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of article 28, 31, 34, 38 and 42 of the Regal cited one I decree n. 773 of 1931:

“Art. 28 - Beyond the cases previewed from the penal code, the manufacturing, the assemblage, the collection, the detainment and the sale are forbidden, without licence of the Minister for the inside, of weapons from war and weapons to analogous, national or foreign they, or of parts of they, ammunitions, military uniforms or other destined objects to the armament and the equipment of national or foreign Armed Forces. With the manufacturing licence they are allowed the business activities connected and the repair of the produced weapons.

The licence are altresí necessary for the import and the export of the various firearms from the common weapons from shot not comprised in the materials of armament, let alone for the manufacturing, the import and the export, the collection, the detainment and the sale of the specifically destined instruments of self-defense to the armament of the armed Bodies or of police, let alone for the manufacturing and the detainment of the cards of acknowledgment and the other marks of identification of the officials and the agents of public safety and judiciary police, made blank the productions of the State Printing Office and Mint. The validity of the licence is 2-year-old.

For the transport of the same weapons in the inside of the State it is necessary to give of warning to the Prefect.

The offender is punished, in case the fact does not constitute a more serious crime, with the confinement from one to three years and with the fine from 3.000 euros to 30.000 euros.”.

“Art. 31 - Except how much she is had for the weapons from war from art. the 28, they cannot itself be manufactured other weapons, be assembled them, be introduced them in the State, be exported them, be made of collection for industry or commerce reasons, or be placed on sale however, without licence of the quaestor.

The licence is necessary also for the collections of the artistic, rare or ancient weapons.

Except previewed how much for the collection of weapons, the validity of the licence is 3-year-old.”.

“Art. 34 - the trader, the manufacturer of weapons and who exercises the industry of the repair of the weapons cannot transport them out of own store or factory, without pre-emptive warning to the authority of public safety.

The obligation of the warning is up also to the private one that, for any reason, must transport weapons in the inside of the State.”.

“Art. 38 - Anyone stops weapons, parts of they, of which to article 1 - second, codicil 1, letter b), of I decree legislative 30 Decembers 1992, n. 527, ended ammunitions or exploding matters of any genre, must make of denunciation within the 72 next hours the acquisition of the their material availability, to the local office of public safety or, when this lacks, to the local command of the Weapon of the police officers, that is for via data transmission to the computer science system of which to 25 article 3 of I decree legislative January 2010, n. 8, second the modalities established in the regulations.

They are free from it obligation of the denunciation:

a) the armed bodies, the authorized societies of target shooting and the other institutions, for the objects stopped in the express destined places to the scope;

b) the possessory ones of authorized collections of artistic, rare or ancient weapons;

c) the people who for their permanent quality have right to go armys, limitedly but with the number and the species of the weapons they allowed.

The authority of public safety has faculty to execute, when it considers it necessary, verifications of control also in the cases contemplated from the paragraph precedence, and to prescribe those precautionary measures that consider indispensable for the protection of the law and order.

Anyone stops the weapons of which to the first codicil, without being in possession of some licence of port of weapons, the medical certification must introduce every six years of which to article 35, codicil 7. The lacked presentation the medical certificate authorizes the prefect to prohibit the detainment of the denounced weapons, according to article 39.

The detainment denunciation of which to the first codicil it must be retabled every which time the owner transfers the weapon in a various place from that indicated in the precedence denunciation.

The holder of the weapons must assure that the guard place offers adapted safety guarantees.”.

“Art. 42 - the Quaestor has faculty of giving licence for port of long weapons sets fire and the Prefect has faculty to grant, in case of demonstrated need, licence to carry handguns or guns of any measure or swordsticks whose blade does not have an inferior length to centimeters 65. The licence, whose lasted various it is not established by the law, has validity anniversary.

The provision with which a licence of port of weapons is released according to anticipates article must be communicated, by the interested one, to adult cohabiting, also various from the relatives, comprising cohabiting as man and wife, characterized from the interested regulations and indicated from the same one to the action of the request, second the modalities defined in the same regulations. In case of violation of the obligations previewed in performance of codicil anticipates, the administrative endorsement from 2.000 euros is applied to 10.000 euros. It can be disposed, also, the revocation of the licence or the authorization to the detainment.”.

- Report the text of article 8 and 9 of the cited law n. 110 of 1975:

“Art. 8 (Assessment for the release of authorization of police in matter of weapons) - the demand understanding to obtain the authorization for the purchase or the cession of weapons, according to article 35, third codicil, of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety 18 june 1931, n. 773, modified with bill 22 November 1956, n. 1274, converted in the law 22 Decembers 1956, n. 1452, must indicate the reasons of the purchase or the cession.

The licence of which to article 31 of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety it is demanded also for the exercise of the industry of repair of the weapons.

The release of the authorizations for the manufacturing, the collection, the commerce, the warehouse and the repair of weapons, let alone of the permission of port of weapons, previewed from the articles. 28, 31, 32, 35 and 42 of sopracitato consolidated act and 37, R.D. 6 May 1940, n. 635, and from anticipate law, are subordinated to the assessment of the technical capability to the petitioner. The assessment is not necessary for the authorization to the collection.

To the aims of the assessment of the technical capability, the interested one must support appropriate examination near the commission of which to article 49 of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety. The commission is integrated by an expert designated from the Defense Ministry when the assessment is demanded by person who must exercise the activity of manufacturing, repair or commerce of weapons.

The dispositions of which to the precedence codicils they are also applied to the people whom they represent, in compliance with article 8 of the cited consolidated act, the holder of the police authorization.

Those who in the ten antecedent years to the presentation of the first request have lend military service in the Armed Forces or one of the armed Bodies of the State that is have belonged to the roles of the civil staff of public safety in quality of civil employees or that they exhibit certifyd of suitability to the handling of the weapons released from the competent section of the Federation of the national target shooting they must only undergo to the technical assessment for the exercise of the activities of manufacturing, repair or commerce of weapons.

The assessment of the technical capability is not demanded for the purchase and the gun licence by which they are authorized for law.

The technical capability is presumed regarding those who, to the action of the effectiveness of law anticipates, they have already obtained the previewed authorizations that has adempiuto to the obligations in matter from the dispositions of the consolidated act of the laws of public safety and the R.D. 6 May 1940, n. 635.

Those who exercise the industry of repair of the weapons the licence must demand to the competent authority of public safety of which to according to codicil of article within the term of forty-five days from the effectiveness of the law anticipates.”.

- Art. the 33 of the T.U of the laws of public safety 18 june 1931, n. 773, are repealed.

“Art. 9 (Requisitioned subjective for the authorizations of police in matter of weapons) - Beyond established how much from art. the 11 of the T.U of the laws of public safety 18 june 1931, n. 773, and next modifications, the prescribed authorizations of police for the manufacturing, the collection, the commerce, the import, the export, the collection, the warehouse, the repair and the transport of weapons of any type cannot be released to the people who find themselves in the conditions indicated in art. the 43 of the same consolidated act. For the release of such authorizations, the authority of public safety can demand to interested the presentation of the certificate of which to the fourth codicil of art. the 35 of the foretold T.U modified with decree-law 22 November 1956, n. 1274, converted in the law 22 Decembers 1956, n. 1452.

Firm remaining the contained dispositions in art. the 8 of the law 31 May 1965, n. 575, the authorizations of which to the first codicil they cannot be released to which are subordinates to one of the measures of prevention previewed from the law 27 Decembers 1956, n. 1423.”.

- Report the text of art. the 58 of the Regal cited one I decree myself n. 635 of 1940:

“Art. 58 - the denunciation is made in the forms indicated from art. the 15 of anticipates regulations and must contain precise indications about the characteristics of the weapons, ammunitions and the exploding matters; with the same forms it must be denounced any modification in the species and the amount.

The detainment of loaded bombs is not admitted.

In case of transfer of the material saying from a resort to the other of the reign, except the obligation of which to art. the 34, according to codicil, of the law the owner must repeat the denunciation of which to art. the 38 of the law, in the resort where the same material is transported.

Who denunciation a weapon must also indicate all the other weapons of which it is in possession and the place where they find, even if previously they are denounced.”.

- For the text of the art. 256 - second, codicil 2, lett b), of the Regal cited one I decree n. 635 of 1940, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of article 170, codicil 6, 174 and 193, codicil 2, of the Regal cited one I decree n. 327 of 1942:

“Art. 170 (Content of the crew role) - the crew role must contain:


6. the description of the weapons and ammunitions in equipment of the ship.”.

“Art. 174 (Content of the nautical newspaper) - In the edge inventory to the tools and the other objects of gears and armament of the ship are described.

Sul general newspaper and of accounting is annotated the regarding entrances and expenses the ship and the crew, the implementations prescribed from the laws and the regulations for safety of navigation, the contracted loans, the crimes store clerks on board and the adopted disciplinary measures, the received testaments let alone the actions and reports compiled from the commander in the exercise of the functions of official of marital status, the deliberations taken for the salvation of the ship and generally the happened extraordinary events during the travel, the other indications previewed from the regulations.

Sul navigation newspaper is annotated the route continuation and I walk covered, the meteorological observations, the relative surveys and maneuvers, and generally all the facts inherent to navigation.

Sul cargo newspaper is annotated embarks to it and it disembarks it of the goods, with the indication of the nature, quality and same amounts of the goods, the number and the brands of the necks, of the respective positioning in the holds, of the date and the cargo place and the place of destination, of the name of the loader and that of the addressee, the date and the place of give back.

Sul peach newspaper is annotated the depth of waters where it is carried out the peach, the total amount of the fished fish, the species of this and the prevalence between the same ones, and generally every other relative indication to the peach.”.

“Art. 193 (Loaded with weapons and ammunitions from war or gas toxics) - (Omissis).

The boarding of weapons and ammunitions for use of the ship is subordinate to the authorization of the commander of the port or the consular authority.”.

Notes to art. the 7:

- For the text of art. the 5, codicil 5 - second, of the cited decree-law n. 107 of 2011, are seen in notes to the premises.

- Report the text of article 8, 32 and 47 of the Regal cited one I decree n. 773 of 1931:

“Art. 8 - the police authorizations are personal: they cannot in some way to be transmitted neither to give rise to relationships of representation, blank the express previewed cases from the law.

In the cases in which it is allowed the representation in the exercise of a police authorization, the representative must possess requirement necessary in order to achieve the authorization and to obtain the approval of the authority of public safety that has conceduta the authorization.”.

“Art. the 32 - licences of which to the articles. 28 and 31 cannot be concedute to who it cannot be valid obligated and are valid exclusively for the premises indicated in the same licences.

It can be allowed to lead the factory, the warehouse, the warehouse of sale of weapons, to means of representative.

The licence for the collections of artistic, rare or ancient weapons is permanent. They must however be denounced to the Quaestor the substantial changes of the collection or the place of the warehouse. The offender is punished with the fine until euro 516 (Liras 1.000.000).”.

“Art. 47 - Without licence of the Prefect it is prohibited to manufacture, to hold in warehouse, to sell or to transport gunpowders or any other various explosive from those indicated in the article precedence, the fireworks and the produced ones comprised fine tune, that is apt matters and substances to the exploding producing composition or manufacturing of.

It is prohibited also, without licence of the Prefect, to hold in warehouse, to sell or to transport powders without nitrocellulose smoke made up of or nitroglycerin.”.

- For the text of art. the 38 of the Regal cited one I decree n. 773 of 1931, are seen in notes to art. the 6.

Notes to art. the 9:

- Report the text of article 8, 186, 187, 295, 297 and 302 of the Regal cited one I decree n. 327 of 1942:

“Art. 8 (regolatrice Legge of the powers and the duties of the commander). - The powers, the duties and the attributions of the commander of the ship or the aircraft are regulated by the national law of the ship or the aircraft.”.

“Art. 186 (Authorities of the commander). - All the people who find themselves on board are subject to the authority of the commander of the ship.”.

“Art. 187 (Discipline of edge). - The members of the crew must lend obedience to the advanced ones and conform to their instructions for the service and the discipline of edge.

Against the provisions of the commander of the ship that concern the exercise of their activity, the members of the crew can introduce claim to the commander of the port or the consular authority; the commander of the ship cannot prevent that who intends to propose claim you anticipate to the foretold authorities, unless urgent requirements of the service on board demand the presence of the member of the crew.

For the claim of the members of the crew of ships assigned to the services publics of line or towing in inland navigation, the dispositions established from laws are applied and order special.”.

“Art. 295 (nautical Direction, representation and powers lawyers). - Al commander of the ship, in exclusive way, is up the direction of the maneuver and navigation.

The commander represents the shipowner. Regarding all interested in the ship and the cargo it exercises the powers that are attributed to it by the law.”.

“Art. 297 (Duties of the commander before the departure). - Before the departure the commander, besides to promote the visit in the ways previewed from anticipates code, must personally assess that the ship is suitable to the travel to undertake, armed and equipped well. He must also assess that the ship conveniently is loaded and stowed.”.

“Art. 302 (Provisions for the salvation of the shipment). - If in the course of the travel events happen that put in danger the shipment, the commander must try to assure of the salvation by all means that they are to its immediate disposition or that it can procure itself repairing in a port that is demanding the assistance of other ships.

If to such fine it is necessary to procure money, the commander must supply according to article 307.

If it is necessary to sacrifice or to damage parts of the ship or the cargo, it must, for how much it is possible, proceed beginning from the things of minor value and those for which the more useful appalesa sacrifice and less indispensable the conservation.”.
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Abu Dhabi/Trieste
The order is worth 500 million euros
T&E, remove deforestation-related biofuels from shipping decarbonization strategy and limit those produced from food crops
Dijkstra: IMO should consider climate impact of ‘bad’ biofuels
ICS confident about outcome of next week's IMO meeting on decarbonisation of shipping
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell by -1% while in Savona-Vado it grew by +7%
Cruise passengers down by -11%
Last year traffic in the port of Koper increased by +3.0%
Containerized goods were over 9.4 million tons (+5.6%)
Assarmatori, the ok to the recruitment of crew members by the ship's commander is good
Messina: We ask that the measure becomes structural
In 2024, the port terminals of the Moroccan Marsa Maroc handled a record volume of goods
Historic peak of containers with 2,898,779 teu (+13)
ECSA, A4E and T&E urge EU Commission to promote clean fuels for maritime and aviation
Raptis: We need huge investments, certainties and simplification of access to public and private funding
Kalmar's annual business and economic results decline
Sharp increase in new orders in the last quarter of 2024
In the fourth quarter of 2024, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -53.5%
Tankers fell by -42.9% and other types of vessels by -58.1%.
Evergreen Invests Nearly $3 Billion in 11 New 24,000-TEU Containerships
Taiwan's three major container shipping companies continue to grow in revenue
Confitarma, the current regulatory framework for port towing services is more than fine
Ministerial circular of 19 March 2019 fully suitable for managing tenders
Last year, cargo traffic in Croatian ports decreased by -10.1%.
Record number of line passengers and cruise passengers
MSC Reorganizes Two Transatlantic Services Between Mediterranean and US East Coast
Nine-day transit time between the port of Genoa and that of New York
Danaos Corporation revenues surpass $1 billion for the first time in 2024
Annual net profit decreased by -8.0%
Ro-ro traffic and regional routes increasingly important for the development of the port of Ancona
Research presented on the potential of the Marche port
HMM revenues grew by +39% in 2024
In the fourth quarter alone the increase was +53%
AP Moller Capital - Bergé y Compañía Agreement to Invest in the Port Sector in Spain and Latin America
Kongens Lyngby/Madrid
Investments through a separately managed fund supported by the Danish company
HHLA signs collective bargaining agreement with ver.di
The union had opposed the transfer of shares of the company's capital to MSC
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority suspends Istat variations on concession fees
Maestripieri (CISL Liguria): the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado need a president
The airports - he denounced - are forced to operate in an absolute emergency regime
Nova Marine Carriers, Aug. Bolten and Ership Acquire Maja Stuwadoors Groep
The Dutch company operates a bulk terminal in the port of Amsterdam
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Algeciras decreased by -0.5%
The negative trend continued last month
Confitarma, maintenance of the simplified procedure for the enlistment of seafarers is a good thing
Neapolitan journalist Bianca D'Antonio dies at 83
Point of reference for courtesy and professionalism also for the shipping sector
The AdSP of the Eastern Ligurian Sea has joined the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea
The organization promotes the valorization of the sea resource
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
Port of Los Angeles Hits New Container Traffic Peak for January
Los Angeles
Port of Livorno, in 2024 rail traffic grew by +10.4%
Rail share of freight volumes moved rose to 19%
Contract for the immersion in the Ancona reclamation basin of the dredging sediments of the ports of Fano and Numana
Federlogistica, the closure of the Busalla motorway toll booth could put logistics in crisis in the North West
Last year, cargo traffic in Montenegrin ports increased by +2.2%
Passengers increased by +16.1%
Investments of 1.4 billion euros for the development of the Logistics Hub of the FS Italiane group
Investments for new physical and digital assets are foreseen in the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
Grimaldi Group extends its maritime network to India
On February 20th the first call at the port of Mumbai with the PCTC "Grande California"
One million euros for the reduction of the amount of anchorage fees in the port of Gioia Tauro
Joy Taurus
Ok to the expansion of the Automar car terminal
The AdSP of Eastern Liguria agrees on the need for buffer areas for the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara
The Spice
Areas identified by the body near the port and hinterland of Santo Stefano di Magra
Conference "Iron-Rubber-Water: Intermodality and the Port of Genoa"
It will be held on Friday at the Maritime Station of Genoa
Fratelli Cosulich has acquired a controlling stake of 62% of the capital of Femo Bunker
It has an annual turnover of over 70 million euros
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Nola Interport, in 2024 intermodal traffic grew by +18%
Road freight traffic stable
MSC Cruises' new cruise terminal in the port of Barcelona has become operational
It will be officially inaugurated in the next few months
In January, the port of Singapore handled 3.5 million containers (+5.8%)
Container traffic in the port of Hong Kong decreased by -10.5%
The "mole" for the Bisagno torrent spillway tunnel has arrived in the port of Genoa
It is composed of three main pieces of 196 tons
Port of Long Beach Continues to See Exceptional Container Traffic Growth
Long Beach
In January, 953 thousand were moved (+41.4%)
Mercitalia Intermodal reaches agreement with PJM for the digitalization of 600 intermodal wagons
Between 2025 and 2027 they will be equipped with the Austrian company's WaggonTracker digital system
Tomorrow CMA CGM will activate a new service between Italy, Spain and Egypt
Reorganization of the Bora Med Service line with the inclusion of stopovers in Syria
Assoporti at the Fruit Logistica fair in support of the Italian fruit and vegetable sector
Record export value of 6.1 billion euros in 2024
Cargo traffic in Russian ports fell by -1.6% in January
St. Petersburg
Only import loads are growing
First Newbuild Container Ship Owned by ONE Christened
It has a capacity of approximately 13,800 TEUs
Call for proposals for the enhancement of the Tuscan Port Community System
Paroli: the TPCS is used profitably not only by our AdSP, but also by those of Naples, Venice and Cagliari
D'Angelo (ANSI): Necessary steps forward also in cybersecurity for the port sector
Threats can paralyze a highly strategic component for the Country System
UBV Group buys International Services and Logistics Nardi
The Milanese company has been operating in the shipping and integrated logistics sector since 1949
New logistics area in the Milanese hinterland
Joint venture between SFO Capital Partners, Edmond de Rothschild REIM and GARBE
In 2024, container traffic in the port of Valencia increased by +14.1%
Strong growth in transhipment (+18.8%)
Dutch Raben Group has acquired fellow Dutch DGO Express
The company provides road groupage transport and logistics services
Musso (Grendi group): escaping from Genoa? For us it was a stroke of luck
Among the initiatives planned for 2025, the relaunch of the container port of Cagliari
This year the association of Genoese maritime agents celebrates its eightieth anniversary
A series of celebratory events are planned
MPC Capital Acquires 50% Stake in Fellow City BestShip
The Hamburg company currently offers services to around 450 vessels
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow in Naples a conference of studies on the fight against illicit trafficking by sea
It will be held at the University of "Parthenope"
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
››› Meetings File
Türkiye's largest shipping company moves to Greece, while tourism giant exits
(Türkiye Today)
Billions lost at sea: over-reliance on foreign shipping drains economy
(The News International, Pakistan)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Port of Chioggia, the call for tenders for the assignment of temporary port work service has been published
The optimal operational staff of the authorized company is set at 20 units
Hyundai Mipo Orders Four LNG Bunker Vessels
Yara to lease new ammonia carrier from NYK
In Ancona the conference "The port as a strategic development hub for the territory"
It is scheduled for February 11th
Improvement in the final part of the year is not enough for Eimskip to close 2024 positively
Container traffic at HPH Trust terminals grew by +4.8% last year
Revenues up +8.8%
Konecranes posts record annual and quarterly revenues
In 2024, the value of new orders fell by -3.9%
AD Ports - CMA Terminals Agreement to Manage New Multipurpose Terminal at the Port of Pointe-Noire
The Sustainable Intermodality Logistics Association renews its technical commissions
Francesca Fiorini confirmed as general secretary. 30 new members welcomed
Tarros activates a new rail link between the port of La Spezia and the Interporto of Padua
The Spice
The frequency is weekly
CMA CGM to continue operating container terminal at Syrian port of Latakia
New contract with the General Authority for Land and Sea Ports
Costamare posts record annual and quarterly revenues
Last year, turnover increased by +37.9%
Fatal accident in the ship repair area of the port of Genoa
Immediate strike by workers in the sector
The work on electrifying the docks of La Spezia is proceeding rapidly
The Spice
Federlogistica calls for temporary suspension of measure on new classification criteria for customs offices
Wärtsilä closes 2024 with record financial and commercial results
The value of new orders acquired in the year grew by +14%
DSV Group revenues increased in 2024, but not profits
Air and sea shipments handled by the Danish company increased by +7.1% and +6.6%
Approved for the concession for the automotive terminal of Vezzani in Porto Marghera
25-year contract
Port of Ravenna, estimated growth of +12.9% of traffic in January
Over 1.9 million tons of goods moved
Container traffic in the port of Gioia Tauro increased by +12.5% in January
Joy Taurus
347,917 TEUs were handled
The Interporto of Jesi is part of the Unione Interporti Riuniti
The terminals of Melzo and Rubiera are new aggregate partners of the association
Cisl FP Liguria, the downgrading of the Customs offices of Genoa, La Spezia and Savona is absolutely unjustified
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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