Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Confcommercio, in 12 years the lacked participations for transport, the infrastructures and the logistics have cost 24 billion GDP
Sangalli has sped up the new government to take part on the economy leaving from these fields. Inefficiency of the logistics - minister Lupi has confirmed - makes us to lose competitiveness
May 15, 2013
Today to Rome, in occasion of the convention "Transports to the step, firm economy", the entrepreneurial confederation Confcommercio has introduced an own analysis on "Accessibility, transports and mobility to the time of the crisis" that it evidences as between 2000 and 2012 "politics of not making" in Italy it has cost 24 billion Gross Domestic Product.
The search, "with which - the president of Confcommercio has explained, Carlo Sangalli - we want to start a distance of reflection on more tightened connection between infrastructures and services of transport in order to increase the competitiveness of the economic system and the quality of the life", finds as in Italy accessibility of the territories in 2012 slightly is improved regarding 2010, but as this which consequence of the crisis that has reduced traffics and economic activities and not for the adoption of effective measures in matter of transports, infrastructures has happened and logistics.
According to an elaboration of the Office Studies of Confcommercio, in particular, between 2000 and 2012 accessibility it is come down of 5% and this has involved exactly a loss of about 24 billion euros in terms of GDP, while if Italy had adopted political of improvement of accessibility at the level of how much fact from Germany the increment of the GDP Italian would have been altogether of 120 billion euros. Moreover if us "it had been limited" to annul the enormous imbalances between North and South, the Gross Domestic Product one today more would be elevated than about 48 billion euros.
The incomplete ones of the transports
Normative references
Times of wait
Harbour orders
L. 84/1994
19 years
To interpose to you
L. 240/1990
23 years
Local public transport
D. Lgs. 422/1997
16 years
Bus services publics not of line (NCC and Taxi)
L. 21/1992
21 years
Unico Doganale door
L. 350/2003
10 years1
Slowly National update of the Logistics
Of the 22 CIPE March 2006
7 years
City plans of Mobility (PUM)
L. 340/2000
13 years
Framework law pause and parkings
L. 122/1989
24 years
1 In the 2013 the experimentation in the ports of Ravenna and Civitavecchia has seted off
Sul normative depositor, the analysis of Confcommercio signals lasting of the lack of measures of programming and regulation, as the lacked reforms the norms on the harbour orders, on interposing to you and logistic platforms, on local public transport, the services of chartering car with leading, on the City Plans of Mobility pause and parkings, besides the lacked approval the updates of the National Plan of the Logistics and to the lacked implementation on all the national territory the customs only door.
Examinee one to a various modality of transport, regarding the traffic goods on rubber the search explains that, based on the Aiscat data, the traffic of heavy vehicles on the Italian highway net from 2010 to 2012 has recorded a contraction of 7.5%, while for the road haulage the 2011 has confirmed a particularly critical year for the enterprises with a reduction in terms of ton-kilometer on the year precedence of 19%. Confirmation moreover the local dimension of the road haulage services: in 2011 55% of the tons km enlivened has covered an inferior distance to 50 and about 79% distance km has not exceeded the 150.
Also the displacements of the people have suffered a lot of the economic crisis: the data of the Audimob Observatory indicate that the volume of the displacements in a week medium day has been reduced in 2011 of about 14% regarding the year precedence. The role of local public transport is strengthened meanwhile, while the Aiscat data on the highway traffic emphasize in a 2012 decrease of 8.3% of the traffics of light vehicles on the Italian net regarding 2010.
In the field of the automotive, the registrations of car have marked in a 2012 decrease of about 20% regarding the year precedence. According to Federauto, against a decrease of the GDP of about 7% regarding 2007, the loss in terms of registrations in 2012 has been of about 43%. To brushed off the car they join that of the commercial vehicles and, in particular, of the industrial vehicles where the market is more than halved.
The data on the natality and mortality of the enterprises of the field you transport and storage shows a contraction of the number of active enterprises of 2.5% from 2010 to 2012, pairs to beyond 4.000 units. In the road haulage on account third party, the number of the enterprises totals enrolled in relative the white one is come down of beyond 16.000 units (- 9.5%) regarding 2008. Moreover, in 2011, the balance negative between registrations and cancellations have been of 12.800 enterprises and in 2012 of 6.000 enterprises.
For the railway traffic, in 2011 it has been an light improvement: the ton-kilometer has grown is regarding the 2010 that to 2009. The crisis of the rail shipment in continuous Italy but to having structural nature and is not a case, in fact, than the loss regarding 2007 it has been of 12%.
In the section of the marine traffic the tons of goods have grown little enlivened in the Italian ports in the 2011 regarding the year precedence, not exceeding however the threshold of 500 million the tons. The reduction regarding 2007 (beyond 535 million) has been of 7%. In the field of the transport container, 2011 have marked, instead, an ulterior regression regarding the year precedence (- 4.1%).
In its participation the president of the Sangalli Confederation has evidenced that "Confcommercio is the "natural house" of the transport on rubber, of the transport on iron, the harbour field, the city row and the automotive" because - it has explained - "when is spoken about the services - section that the Confederation widely represents - the member of the transports of it constitutes just the more meaningful part". Sangalli has invited "the private companies of the logistics and the transport to see this house as most pleasant, but also to start a tighter relationship between all the protagonists of the row, to begin from the enterprises of the tourist section until those of the row of the acceptance"; I confront - it has found - that "demands immediate actions in the picture of systemic politics and not more episodic that lead to strong simplifications in the management of the services, irrenounceable objective so much more today in a general picture and deep crisis".
After to have sped up the new government to act on three foreheads (institutional, economic and social) melting four great knots (fiscal pressure from world-wide record, credit with the dropper, lacked payments by Public Administration, bureaucratic implementations and fiscal expensive complexes and), Carlo Sangalli has emphasized that "it is necessary to take part quickly with courage on the levers of government of the various economic fields, beginning from the transports and from the logistics, decisive section in the system of the services". This because "the search that we anticipate brings to light the interconnection between the crisis and the criticalities of our infrastructural system and the transports well: a considerable part of the GDP that we have not produced is from attributing itself to the generalized worsening of the mobility conditions. Accessibility and increase are, therefore - it has emphasized the president of Confcommercio - a strong relation, on which it is necessary to take part completing the reforms that the field attends too much from time and unblocking investments for infrastructure as “assets competitive publics””. It remains but essential - it has continued Sangalli - “to equip itself of a strategic picture that sayings the route and individuals, univocamente, the participation priorities”: between these, “it is essential that it is ricompresa the city dimension of mobility: a Pact, a Plan and a Bottom for city mobility that supplies lines guide and national resources in support of the local participations”, since - it has observed - “in the city dimension it is concentrated beyond 70% of the question of mobility of the Country and the economy of the services thickens” and that “in the great and medium city areas, the cost of the congestion is estimated in the order of 11 billion euros per year”.
“To define a Plan, to construct a Pact, to organize a Bottom - it has concluded Sangalli - they are then true emergencies, which debit answer in order to assure, in our cities, an approach integrated for mobility of the people and the goods. They are necessary, certainly, programming and I confront in order to pick with four great objectives: the environmental sustainability, the economic sustainability, the logistic sustainability, the social sustainability”.
In the participation that has closed the convention the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Maurizio Lupi, has confirmed that “inefficiency of the logistics in our Country us coast 40-50 billion and makes us to lose competitiveness”. Wolves have agreed that “it cannot be continued to reason for watertight compartments, but are necessary to be pragmatic and concrete”. In practice, the minister has proposed to take “to this that of bond is made, recependo the observations of the civil society” and, in particular, between the priorities Wolves he has indicated the realization of the customs only door and the takeover of the Authority of the Transports.
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