Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the European association of road haulage UETR has met to Trieste
Cinzia Franchini (CNA-Fita): "it must re-balance the costs of labor and of the fuel. And the cabotage remains an emergency"
June 6, 2013
Monday slid to Trieste, near the center of association CNA, has held the shareholders' meeting and the board meeting of administration of the UETR (Union Européenne DES Transporteurs Routiers), the organization with center to Brussels that reunites the categories of the road haulage of the European Union. The UETR represents beyond 200.000 enterprises of road haulage in Europe (in particular PMI), for a total of 430.000 vehicles.
Between the innovations on the agenda of the assembly, the income of Croatia in the UETR; in appraisal the entrance of Serbia. "The objective - Giosualdo Quaini, delegated in UETR for CNA-Fita has explained - is that to increase the compages, today one of the more solid and reliable interlocutors of the field to European level, to others Which were about to make critical mass and to weigh regarding the communitarian institutions (European Parliament, EU commission). The UETR, moreover, establishes a constant dialogue with the other actors interest bearers private publics and, Network and organizations of category".
Besides the foreign delegations national president of CNA-FITA, Cinzia Franchini was present also, that he has found as the priorities of the field are "the treacherous competition and the cost of the fuel, that it is between dearest of Europe. The Friuli Venice Julia - it has emphasized - still more is hit because mainly near the countries of the East, where the costs of labor are dramatically low: the Italians abroad assume because so they save 2/3 on the staff, creating ulterior unemployment in our Country. Before to pull down all the barriers - Cinzia Franchini has asserted - it must rieliquibrare the disparities". The national president of CNA-FITA has specified that European level he had reached himself the eve of the liberalization, "that - has explained - he would have meant to be able circular without constraints", but that the issue is sent back to 2014. For the CNA-FITA the solution of the cabotage remains an emergency, with the exaggerated cost of the fuel. Cinzia Franchini has asked moreover more transparency on requirement for joined the white one for the haulers, that he goes however audited, and a skimming for the rules: "better - he has concluded - little but clear".
According to the Belgian general secretary of the UETR Verkinderen Praise, "with the cabotage we have avoided worse". "The EU commission to the Transports - it has specified - pushed for the complete liberalization, instead a few days ago us has come encounter declaring that they go considered the interests of all. Draft of an interesting political turn". Verkinderen has anticipated that in 3-4 years from now the trucks will become more aerodynamic (this will make to diminish the consumption of the fuel of 10%) and that it will aim at the trucks constituents (but for the time being the too much heavy batteries do not return this modality little competitive).
Between the points discussed in assembly the approval about budget 2012, the relationships with the UEAPME, the organization of the project on the standardization, the state of belongings to the UETR of the Croatian organization, the Board of Directors, the presentation of an organization of the Bosnia-Herzegovina, the review of the regulations on the digital tachograph (compromise reached between the Council and the European Parliament), the review of the communitarian market of the street transports (communication of Kallas in cabotage matter), in a minute for light trucks (study and point of view of UETR, rules of technical control and state of the directive proposal), weights and dimensions: the point of view of UETR on the directive proposal, NiT proposals on the future marketing plan of UETR (section transport fleeting, prize for the best company than transport, European organization of a conference), transactions (Contract Trace 2, reunions on safety of the terrestrial transports, reunion on city mobility, reunion of launch of the project I EXIT on the occupation), information on next reunion UETR.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher