Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the ports of Koper, Rijeka, Trieste and Venice confirm their common engagement in the association NAPA
Assured the support to the projects of development of every port member
June 20, 2013
Today to Venice the assembly of the North Adriatic Ports Association (NAPA has held), the association constituted from the ports of Koper, Rijeka, Trieste and Venice that at the end last year the defection of the port of Ravenna to root cause of the decision of the Harbour Authority of Venice of giving course to the project for the realization of a harbour terminal of height to the wide one of the Venetian lagoon with the objective has recorded to make you to land the containerized and oil traffics, project that have provoked protests also in the giuliana city and have embedded the recent failure of president of the Region Friuli Venice Julia, Debora Serracchiani ( on 12 June 2013).
Al term of the encounter the association has circulated an official notice in which it is evidenced that the presidents of the four ports NAPA "have convene that many of the European infrastructural priorities are played in Alto Adriatico and that the role that the ports of call can play in the chessboards are, and he will be, crucial. NAPA - the note explains - enjoys in fact strategic a geographic positioning that a medium increase of the ports of call of +22.3% for handling has allowed container (given 2011).
It is obvious that in order to satisfy the waits European (than it has them chosen which terminals to sea of the net TRY) the adriatic ports high must act as an only gateway of access and implement the infrastructural equipment, are side sea that side earth, until the maximum of their potentialities. For this - the association specifies - the ports of NAPA alternatively support the projects of development of every port member, in the belief that the increase of contributions benefits to all the ports of call and that only together it will be possible to become that large hub that Europe asks".
"In the course of the assembly in fact - the association continues - the four presidents have renewed the engagement to define a co-ordinate development plan for the total infrastructural potenziamento of the Multiport Gateway of the Adriatic North, integrating the projects of development of every port".
In particular, the presidents of the ports of Koper, Rijeka, Trieste and Venice have convene that, as many times over demonstrated in these years of collaboration, "the shipowners do not choose of cover the Adriatic in order to only scale a port, but are necessary to make system also in order to guarantee to the shipowners more alternatives each that are distinguished and been attractive for its peculiarities".
The remembered association moreover that the ports of the Adriatic North have realized important infrastructures in support of the increase: the port of Rijeka has finished to the work for the realization of the terminal container that previews two crane in order to receive ships post-Panamax, while the design and the construction of the new terminal container already are begun; the port of call of Trieste is implementing Pier VII with new cranes in equipment; to Koper an important will be carried out job of escavo in order allowing the berthing of larger container vessels; Venice, finished the escavo that it has carried the grounds to -12 meters prepares to accommodate the ferries from end 2013 in the new terminal dedicated to the Freeways of the Sea of Fusina and container in the new harbour terminal of height with natural grounds for -20 meters.
"The order word - the presidents of NAPA to the term of the assembly have commented - is therefore to grow, to offer to new possibility of business to the shipowning companies and to become that point of reference that Europe asks us for being. To the development side sea an important development of the street and railway net will have to correspond equally; also for this we will have ourselves to be equipped, everyone for competence, in the belief that the development of every port will be the fortune of all".
In occasion of the assembly the presidents of the four ports have given "a warm welcome to the port of Rijeka (Croatia) that from on 1° July he enters in Europe".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher