Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the position of the Italian Regions on the aids of State to the airports and the airlines
the European norm cannot prescind taking note of the role of the regional and local authorities
October 18, 2013
Yesterday the Conference of the Regions presided from the governor of the Emilia-Romagna, Vasco Errani, has approved of a position of the E regions the Italian independent Provinces on the review of the guidelines in matter of aids of state to the airports and the airlines, document that will be transmitted to the Minister for European Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, and to the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Maurizio Lupi.
The main requests shared from the Independent E regions Provinces are represented in seven points that are transmitted to the EU commission as contribution to the public consultation on the first proposal of new guidelines in matter of aids of State to the airports and to the airlines. They are relative to the financing of infrastructures and institutional the public role, to the little ones and micro airports that do not re-enter in the field of application of the norms in matter of aids of State, to the aids to the operation of the having airports dimensions comprised between the 200,000 and a million passengers, to the aids to the investments in favor of the airports, to the aids of starter in favor of the airlines, to the financing of the intermodalità of the airports and to the challenges of the total competition
"The topic of the public financing of the airports and the airlines that open new broken from regional airports" - law in an official notice - has "an essential role in the development of the regional economies". "In this as in many other fields, the regional and local authorities are protagonists of policies of development and increase of the territories, also through aids of State, and stop a deepened acquaintance of the local economies, thanks to the proximity to the economic and social actors, from which the European norm it cannot prescind if it wants to be set to the service of the territories and their cohesion in the only market". "For this reason the Independent E regions Provinces have received positively the assignment of the president of the Region Umbria, Catiuscia Marini, to write up on the topic an opinion of initiative of the Committee of the Regions".
"Many investments publics - the document of the Conference of the Regions explains - are finalized to the intermodal connection of the airports". "In White Paper on politics of the Transports of 2011, the EU commission has restated the necessity and the urgency that the Union takes part in times breviums in favor of multimodale integration of the displacements", but "from the analysis of the policies of the transports lead in the past, the Commission has also concluded that they turn out to be are ineffective and lacking in the resources necessary financial institutions". "In the light of such scene, the independent E regions Provinces consider a transparent legal picture overly necessary and clear in the field of the public financing of infrastructures, that it is I truly yield of an authentic modernization of the easy rules of competition that the participations publics to correction of these dangerous infrastructural deficiencies and modal fragmentations of the system of European transport".
"The independent E regions Provinces - the document continues - emphasize the importance that the efforts of the Union in order to realize the home market do not end in order to represent a limit to the ability to the Union to tackle to the challenges of the total competition of Countries that are today between our main ones competitors, in it confronts of which the same Commission has recorded a worrisome and increasing loss of competitiveness of European aviation".
At last "the independent E regions Provinces consider that the new guidelines would have to allow that the broken new financing is not limited to European Common Aerial Spazio, but can include also connections of European airports with the Third-country to guarantee of the conservation and the development of the connections with the existing and above all emergent markets and for the directed economic benefits that they can generate for the Union".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher