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the Municipalities of the harbour cities ask a greater involvement in the nomination for the summits of the Harbour Authorities
Cosimi in audition in front of the eighth commission Infrastructures of the Senate
November 12, 2013
A direction cabin where to discuss the reform about the legislation on the ports, a greater involvement of the Municipalities for the nomination of the Harbour Authority and an adaptation of the law online with previewed how much from bill Delrio on the metropolitan cities. It is how much asked today from the National Association Common Italians (ANCI), represented from the mayor of Livorno and delegated to the Portualità, Alessandro Cosimi, in a audition to the Senate in front of the eighth commission Infrastructures that are examinee the reform of the national legislation in matter. In the course of the encounter the ANCI has introduced a document, that we publish below, where is listed to the proposals of amendment and the indications of the mayors.
"They serve - Cosimi to the term of the encounter has declared - rules defined for a programming that is effective on the territory to the aim to define the relationship between Municipalities and Harbour Authority well. The picture of the dumb matter with great rapidity and the Harbour Authorities will be invested soon by a directive or European regulations. Then the game tied to the bill Delrio is all on the metropolitan cities, to whose inside the cities will find space also alleviate of ports". From here the demand for a common table where the mayors must sit with pairs institutional dignity. "We do not have to forget - he has found Cosimi - that Titolo V of the Constitution assigns a role to us. This does not want to say to want to name the Harbour Authority wants, but to discuss, everyone for own functions and prerogatives, not of who it commands, but of as making to work our ports".
Besides the points touched from the delegate Anci, the mayors ask to equip the territory "of the resources necessary to tackle to the expenses tied to the harbour services and the environmental compensations". Moreover, as decided in the national council on July 14, 2011, ANCI asks that "marine politics" are "issue of primary importance in the agenda of government to represent in the communitarian centers".
Combined examination Of the Designs Di Legge NN. 120 and 370
Harbour Della Legislazione In Materia reform
The harbour field object of particular attention as involved productive field in a more and more wide of liberalization and on a national level international process, carries out a fundamental role in the economic life of the Country and, as it is recognized also in the Green Book of the Commission of the EU on the ports and marine infrastructures, it has a strategic importance for all the European continent. The harbour system on the whole moves an important economy for the Italy Country.
The strategic position of the Italian peninsula affords to our main ports to not only place itself to the center of the intra-Mediterranean marine traffics, but also to the center of the routes between the Far East and the Europe North and, in perspective, also from those connecting Asia, the Mediterranean and Nord America.
The Association receives with favor the will by the Parliament and of the Commission of wanting lend the attention due to a so important field for our economy previewing, also in this Legislature, a proposal of modification of the legislation portuale1 at a distance by now almost 20 years from the last participation of I reorder of the field.
The Anci takes note of the choice to use article 81 of the regulations of the Senate whose text integrally resumes the contents of the Bill (T.U. 263, 754 and 2403) already approved of to the Senate in the slid legislature and reached the examination of IX the Commission you transport of the Chamber.
Sul slowly of the method is necessary to relatively signal that the Municipalities to the Governmental Bill (A.S. 2403) in the course of the technical preliminarys investigation of Unified Conference and in political center have introduced proposed of amendments to the text, many of which received from the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports.
One remembers that Legge 84/94 has innovated the institutional model precedence, based on ports entirely publics who went adapted to the new requirements of the industry of the marine and intermodal transport and have allowed with the main Italian ports, through the institution of the Harbour Authorities, to intercept the increasing in transit traffics in the basin of the Mediterranean, generating rates of growth considerably put up of the majority of the Mediterranean competitors.
In such sense the harbour Authorities in managing the services inside of the port must continue to being instrument of the activities in the ports and not subject holder of functions of Government of the Territory.
To such purpose to art the 3 of the Bill under investigation where the harbour town development plan is defined and the relative performance, it turns out of fundamental importance to clarify that the Harbour Authority, as such, can define the harbour works and the relative regional plannings of the port under the functional profile but not under the territorial profile, functional own because subject to the activities of the Port but not to title of competences of government of the territory.
Regarding the government of the harbour territory, in exceeding the dimension that stranger to the programming and territorial planning of the most total government of the territory sees to it, goes recognized the specificity through a rivisitazione of the norm that sees an active and strong role of the Local authority also in sight of the ordinamentale reform in action
The programming of the offer and the coordination with the terrestrial nets goes placed to the correspondents administrative levels, where the government of the territory used for the portualità - or according to the portualità - goes led back more close possible the community where it is inserted according to the sussidiarietà principle.
In the within of the general planning it could so be recognized for the harbour Authorities a specificity through appropriate concertazioni promoted from the titular subjects of the fundamental functions of government of the territory.
He is unavoidable in short that the approval of the Portuale Town development plan produces effects only if explicitly previewed from the Town development plan and the enforced town-planning instruments also recognizing the specificity of the port.
This, also as a result of the experience matured on the territory in the relationships between Municipality, E region Harbour Authority on the useful procedures to the territorial planning.
the ANCI considers that the acceptation of the modification proposals is fundamental and restates that it is a priority for our Country, to modify Legge n. 84 of 1994, previewing online with municipal federalism, to equip the territory of the resources necessary to tackle to the expenses tied to the harbour services let alone to have of the necessary resources for the environmental compensations as well as to assure infrastructural participations it is of street character who on iron for the connection in city area and the potenziamento of the participations in favor of the traffic fleeting and for safety of infrastructures and the ports. Moreover, the fields of navigation and harbour infrastructures must be able to count on stable a normative picture defining fair and transparent legal rules for the investor, the operators and the users.
As already emphasized in a o.d.g approved of from the National Council Anci svoltosi to Livorno on July 14, 2011 and that today we restate, also the necessity to assume marine politics, and in particular the shipbuilding topic of the naval one and the naval repairs in the economy of the sea and the harbour cities, as issue of priority importance in the agenda of government to represent in the communitarian centers.
And not only, but to involve the harbour cities to a national table of I confront on I throw again of shipbuilding the naval one that exceeds logic of ‘the which diced’ negotiation for the single cities, to the aim to contribute to the definition of the measures of throws again and development of the portualità, with the forecast of directed falling back on the territories in occupational terms and of economic increase, let alone to improve the cooperation between the harbour activity and the city life.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher