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Gallanti wishes an opening of the EU to the nations Africans also through the freeways of the sea
In Europe - according to the president of the Harbour Authority of Livorno - it must be faced also the topic of naval gigantism
November 13, 2013
"The European Union must decide if to remain locked up in own fortalice, in defense of the status quo, or if to consider, instead, the openings by the States Africans as a development opportunity". It has emphasized today the president of the Harbour Authority of Livorno, Giuliano Gallanti, in occasion of the presentation in the Forum Mediterranean Euro that will hold between two days in the Tuscany city ( of 11 November 2013), explaining that Livorno, with the objective of an extension of the net of Freeways of the Sea to the nations of the side South of the Mediterranean, is for a long time supporting, with the director of the national Agency of the Moroccan ports, Nadia Laraki, the battle in order to convince the EU to finance the connections between the Country European and those extra-Europeans.
Al Forum Mediterranean Euro will speak also about the repercussions of naval gigantism on the development and the harbour planning. This phenomenon - it has admitted Gallanti - will have an impact on the activity of the port of Livorno: "we are worried. The P3 Alliance, the consortium formed from MSC, CMA CGM and Maersk - it has explained - will be soon operating and will put in service 252 ships for 28 routes: only five of these will interest Italy. We want some to speak or not? Here it goes us of means not only Livorno, but also Rotterdam, that he risks to lose five lines". According to Gallanti, in order to answer to the challenges of gigantism it is not possible to only entrust "to the initiatives antitrust of the EU commission, than probably it will start an investigation in order to assess if the trust has not violated the competition norms, but - it has found - it is necessary to set foot in a shared and condivisibile strategy in order to resist to a more and more pitiless competition".
To such Gallanti purpose it has been stopped on the topic of the cooperation: "we have not invited the president of ESPO, Santiago Milà, or the director international transactions of the port of Rotterdam, Victor Schoenmakers - he has continued - only for a footbridge, but we expect very from their contributions on this argument. In Europe it is begun some to speak: I perceive an important cultural ferment around the issue of the coopetition: the thinkers of the free market are today converging towards the perspective of a competitive cooperation between the ports. It will be an unavoidable process that he will involve also who today only thinks to if same and own traffics. Whoever of it takes care less is because she considers than to have some benefit directed from these great trusts, but she mistakes herself".
"Shortly - it has observed the president of the Harbour Authority of Livorno - the navigation companies will make orders for ships from 22 thousand teus and will use for the feederaggio big beasts from 10 thousand teus. They are numbers at all to laugh, than probably they will cut outside all the Italian ports. University professor Sergio Bologna is right: someone will have to stop, sooner or later, the run-up to naval gigantism. There is quite who, to Brussels, suggests to put a roof to the dimensions of the ships". If this last one - it has found Gallanti - is a provocation, in bottom - it has specified is not an idea out-of-the-world.
Gallanti has remembered the projects that the Leighorn port is putting into effect in order to face these challenges: in its little one - it has specified - Livorno is being equipped in order to answer to the challenges of the future: the project of the railway connection between our port and the national net, that it has not for long obtained the green light to Brussels; the infrastructural project of the Europe Dock, than will afford us to receive, hence to two years, the ships feeder from 10 thousand teus upwards and the extension of the freeways of the sea to the Countries of the Maghreb, they are the papers that the Leighorn port of call has in hand in order to react in propositivo way to the competition of the great trusts".
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