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Greenpeace rejects the port of Piombino for dismantling which center of Costa Concordia
Gianni: we wish that the reclamation and destruction happen in the limits of the legality, in one of the former present ship yards in Europe
March 10, 2014
For Greenpeace "today practicable solutions for digestion of Costa Concordia in Italy do not exist". Indeed, for dismantling of the property left at death one of the cruise ship been shipwrecked at the beginning of 2012 to Isola del Giglio - second the association enviromentalist - "also in Europe the possibilities remain vague and limited: in the 2012 - Greenpeace Italy has remembered - EU commission it has excluded the ships from the Convention of Basel that prohibits the waste disposal naval toxics in Countries not of area OCSE, without to preview the preliminary reclamation (pre-cleaning). This has contributed to the dismantling of the destined European yards to the demolition of the ships and has favorite the practical one of the export of the ships to scrap in Turkey and other Asian Countries.
Forgetting the normative participations that they have favorite the practical one of the dismantling in European Countries, many politicians, comprised the commissioner of the Antonio Tajani industry, have wished the realization of a pole of digestion to Piombino".
"These declarations - the director of the campaigns of Greenpeace Italy has asserted, Alessandro Giannì - are unrealistic. For the construction of a real basin of naval demolition at least two years would be necessary and the future manufacturer of this project is annulled by the norms recently adopted in Europe". "We wish - it has added Gianni - that the reclamation and destruction of Costa Concordia happens in the limits of the legality, in one of the former present ship yards in Europe, second the lines guide of digestion of the ships elaborated from the Convention of Basel, that previews the reclamation of the hulls before destruction. But before still of the removal and the transfer of the Concord its mass in safety is absolutely necessary".
Greenpeace has denounced newly as "regulated digestion of the ships in Europe has not developed a business of steel recycling in the countries of the Third world, of which they benefit the European shipowners, to discapito of the atmosphere and the workers of Asia of the south. The development of this illegal commerce - it has explained the association enviromentalist - has had to the saving on the costs work legacies friendly, to the very bad management of present hazardous waste in the ships and to the best price on the market of the recovered steel. The disaster of the Concord - it has found Greenpeace Italy - has carried Costa Crociere and Carnival - the American company that of is owner - under the reflectors of all the world. For this, for image reasons, he is likely and favorable that digestion will not happen in Countries as India and Turkey, where the demolition would cost about 30% in less. For example, the Carnival has scrapped the Costa Allegra ship, than it has caught fire little weeks after the disaster of Costa Concordia, in the site of Alyaga in Turkey, simply changing the name of the ship in Saint Cruise, and the flag: from Italian to Sierra Leone. The site of Alyaga, between those candidates also to the demolition of Costa Concordia - Greenpeace has still denounced - is very famous for practical of the spiaggiamento, prohibited from the regulations EU 1257/2013, as documented of the images obtained from Greenpeace little weeks ago".
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