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Confcommercio/Fedarlinea, Italy must throw again the Freeways of the Sea
The modality needs of adapted support measures. Slowly of Tirrenia-CIN in order to increase energy efficiency of the fleet
April 2, 2014
The Freeways of the Sea can constitute a concrete answer to the problems of mobility of the goods in Italy, it is from a point of view of reduction of the highway congestion is under the profile of the valorization of coastal the harbour equipment and of which Italy already it arranges, is, still, in an environmental optical. It is the ascertainment, obvious but not discounted, emerged in occasion of the seminary on the topic "Freeways of Sea 2.0. Results, criticality, proposals for I throw again today" held to Rome in the center of Confcommercio, than it has it organized with Fedarlinea, in the course of which it is evidenced as the benefits that the implementation of the Freeways of the Sea can generate could not be valued to the maximum degree if not in the presence of a national programming of strategic investments careful to the topic of the competitive positioning of Italy in the international context and to the role of first floor, played in such game, from the logistics.
In the course of the encounter the relationship is introduced "Freeways of Sea 2.0. Results, criticality, proposals for I throw again" written up for the Isfort by Andrea Appetecchia, that the opportunities offered from the Freeways of the Sea restate, been born "in order to remove the trucks from the road to the aim to contain the impacts negatives generated from the intensive use of the transport on rubber in terms of pollution, congestion and safety", and with which "the displacements to transfer from the road to the sea are those with a advanced distance to 500 kilometers", than in absolute terms "they on the road represent a marginal quota the heavy transport, since regard alone 3% of the total. But the environmental impacts, social and economic of this segment of traffic - the study finds - are decidedly more important regarding those generated from the transports short beam".
The relationship of the Isfort evidences moreover as the next expiration of the delay of the Ecobonus calls the political forces to open a reflection with respect to the instruments to activate in order to reach the general objective to construct to a model of mobility of the people and the goods sustainable and that specific of the section goods to favor the modal re-balance. "It appears in fact discounted - the relationship specifies - the refusal of the communitarian authorities to an eventual demand for ulterior delay of current the Ecobonus by the Italian government, however it cannot be considered to maintain to balance the general objective and that specific one short time ago which restated without adapted support measures. He is more than ever urgent therefore to start a distance of renewal of the aid policies on the field that takes the movements from the parliament and the government and sees involved all the parts interested in the phase of definition of the strategic picture. A picture of shared reference that it will have to be successively estimated from the point of view, is of the coherence with market dynamics, is of the congruence with national and communitarian normative constraints, before to activate the incentive modalities that will have to be monitored in depth to the aim to characterize with precision and transparency the their effective ability to reach the selected targets".
A Pact for the Freeways of Sea 2,0 is therefore necessary ", that is clearly institutional a political address that together puts all the various ones stakeholder involved; a programmatico instrument that participation priority translate in binding the strategic choices of the National Plan of the Logistics and organic measures for accessibility of the ports; the boosting through notices of projects of new lines or widening of the existing promoted sinergicamente from all the subjects of the row; the aimed boosting according to the goods transferred and addressed to the choices of traffic not accompanied (towings and semitowings); a plan of reconversion of the motorization of the ships towards less impattanti solutions (LNG-methane), that it holds account of the refueling requirements
strengthening of the activities of control of the respect of the norms on safety of the street circulation; the exemption from the respect of for vehicles adherent prohibition of circulation".
In the course of the seminary it is emphasized that with the performance of the project of the "Freeways of sea 2,0" Italy, with its 7,500 kilometers of coasts, 290 ports, about 300 ferries for five million tons of tonnage (world-wide leadership) and 105,000 enterprises of road haulage (third position in Europe after Spain and Poland) could move from the rubber to the sea beyond 12 million tons of goods that move along the Country, to remove from the road beyond 700 thousand truck, to eliminate 8,000 kilometers of virtual tail of truck, to save two billions of KWh of consumed energy every year, to reduce consequently the annual diesel oil consumption of about 200 million tons, to reduce the emissions of co2 of 400 tons every year and to increase of about 80 days year (+21%) the full operativity of the adherent enterprises of road haulage to the project (through the exemption from the calendar of the circulation prohibition).
According to vice president Confcommercio, Paolo Uggè, "what us Italy is lacked in is true politics of transports, because if finally it decides itself what is wanted to be made in this Country and as they want themselves to be made to travel the goods, then would be very simpler to understand which infrastructures to privilege. And politics that employ 20 years in order to give birth a law on the ports, evidently do not realize of as in order to compete it wants speed to us; 20 years today it is equivalent to the ice-age: if one is on an ice slab in order to save itself must be fast. In absence of Consulta of Transports that continuous Confcommercio to ask is reconstituted - it has explained Boredoms - has today reunited all the actors of the row, in the knowledge that the challenge for the competitiveness of the system of the transports and the logistics of the Country, or it we win all together, or everyone is condemned to lose it individually. The Freeways of the Sea can make very in order to stimulate the commercial competitiveness are in our Country, but also to international level. Important is in fact their role in order to increase accessibility of the territories, to reduce the congestion of the street net, to increase safety of the circulation and not last to respect the atmosphere. In such sense - it has specified the vice president of Confcommercio - it goes read the demand for the exemption from the calendar of the prohibition of circulation for the Tir adherent to the project: in 2014, 78 days working wasted pairs to 10 thousand euros spold uselessly for every vehicle only in cost of leading, than multiplied for the circulating park give a ride to beyond three billions of euro the potential recoveries of competitiveness to achieve. They go resolved but - it has added Boredoms - of the important contradictions. One for all the European Union while confirmation the support to the transport by sea, establishes that from on 18 June of this year Italy the directive 2012/33/UE will have to recepire that previews I use she on the fuel ships with smaller percentages of sulfur making some to leaven the costs. Therefore as thinking of already giving an acceleration to the Freeways of the Sea with to the base a burden of this type"
Also for the general manager of Confcommercio, Francesco Rivolta, if on one side "the ports are the natural logistic platforms of this Country and represent in fact the bridge between North Europe and Paesi Africans", from the other "Italy still discounts twenty-year delays of a reform of the harbour system in order to return competitive ports of call national and to recover competitiveness gap". "Already in the Eighties - it has remembered Turned - Confcommercio took care of the topic of the Freeways of the Sea". According to Revolt, "a strategic vision, true politics of the transports lacks. Many projects are started planning for but then as too much often it happens have remained on paper". For the general manager of Confcommercio, at last, the lack of productivity of the Country has not only had to the job lack, "but also to the chronic infrastructural deficiencies".
Also according to the president and managing director of Tirrenia - Italian Company of Navigation, Ettore Morace, "is unthinkable to reach turned out meaningful without a unitary vision and an integrated system". In occasion of the Morace encounter it has announced the intention to transform Tirrenia-CIN "in a company customer oriented: own in these days - it has explained - also we have launch the new service of late check-out: the ship arrives in port very soon in order to afford to the conveyors to unload and to deliver the goods, but we give the possibility to the tourists to come down later in more compatible timetables with the hotel structures". "Today - it has continued Morace - we are the only ones to having fleeting 50% of turnover and 50% of turnover goods".
Morace has faced also the problem of the costs having evidenced that "without the state contribution today he would not be convenient for the haulers to load own truck on the ship. Neither on drafts evidently more navy as the Ravenna-Catania”. Moreover the president and CEO of Tirrenia-CIN have announced the launch of the project “Saving energy and environmental” finalized to improve the efficiency of the ships, the fuel saving and the reduction of the emissions. “For us - it has clarified - they are fundamental energy efficiency and environmental protection”. They give beyond a Tirrenia-CIN year has instituted the Office for the Energy saving to which it has entrusted the task to study and to realize processes and projects in a position to carrying turned out tangible and from has been born the project “Saving energy and environmental” in collaboration with Rolls Royce and others here important manifacturing planners of propellers. The project previews the substitution of the propellers with others of new generation on seven ships in less two-year-old, with an investment of about 10 million euros, for a total reduction of 17% of the decrease and fuel burnups, consequently, sensitive of the emissions and the maintenance of the engines of the ships. The next May they will begin the work on the first unit, that they would have to last presumablly a ten of days. The calendar of the work previews according to participation on another unit to October and third to December, while other four ships will be subordinates to the change of the propellers within the summer of 2015.
“If it is true that the Freeways of the Sea are born with the attempt to optimize the transport chains improving some the economic efficiency, environmental and social, - Morace has asserted - also we are convinced that every single actor protagonist of this row, harbour shipowners, haulers, authorities, trade associations, agencies and institutions, in the first place has the duty to not already characterize direct and concrete actions that regard own activity in order to favor the efficiency and the energy saving and the environmental protection, in a mere process of green washing in favor of own image, but which real instrument of economic and social development. I thank - it has concluded Morace - the Grimaldi Group for being us it are of guide and example in this important distance”.
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