Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Philippi (PD) explains to that point is the work parliamentarians on the reform of the ports and which is the position of own political part
"A reform of the portualità - it emphasizes - does not make if not with possible the wider consent of the interlocutors and certainly not with the contrarietà of the government"
June 9, 2014
In attended that next friday the minister of the Transports and Infrastructures, Maurizio Lupi, you anticipate, as announced from the same member of the government, the proposal of the executive for a reform of the Italian harbour system, Marco Filippi, group leader for the Party Democratic in Commission Transports and Infrastructures of the Senate, emphasize which is the state of the work parliamentarians on the topic and which is the position of own political part. "The clear will to give to concrete answers express with the choice of the abbreviated procedure in Commission Transports and Infrastructures of the Senate for the examination of the reform law on the ports, by now to the landing place to the Chamber - the senator clarifies - from last November is in stall as a result of the declarations of minister Lupi. The Commission - Philippi specifies - has not been able to continue the job of lay-off of the text of the bill under investigation that it would have been of completely various guideline from that of the minister, as he has many times over declared without however translate it in existence realizes".
Philippi specific that in these months "with exponents PD of the Commission Transports of the Chamber, the member of parliament Tullo and president Meta, and the national responsible for the field, president Serracchiani, we have engaged ourselves in a job of riallineamento of the positions between government, parliament and political forces of majority", this - it explains - "in the absolute knowledge that a reform of the portualità does not make if not with possible the wider consent of the interlocutors and certainly not with the contrarietà of the government".
"The divisive issues, object than locked I confront on the ministerial table - senator of the Party Democratico finds - are essentially three: the definition of an instrument of ministerial planning and government of the system of the Italian portualità; the harbour classification and the number of the relative authorities; harbour logistic integration, than to my way to see, constitutes the true reform of the Italian portualità. In order to recover the necessary competitiveness to our ports of call - Philippi emphasizes - we consider essential that the Italian harbour system has of an instrument of planning and national government in a position to selecting priority and indicating detailed lists missions in a system vision, exceeding fragmentations, divisions and duplications, that we know all being dispersive and implosive. To our way to see, future the Slowly National one of the Portualità and the Logistics will have to answer mainly for this purpose. Exceeding the mere recognition of the necessary works, it will have to be inserted rightfully in the discipline of the law objective and ricompreso, in a specific section of attached infrastructures, to the document of economy and approved of finance every year from the parliament".
"On the harbour classification - the senator adds - we have shared that our system has solid a programmatorio and prescribed anchorage, recependo characterized how much from the European Union, that it identifies for our Country 14 you carry pertaining to the Core net or headquarters and 25 Comprehensive ports to the peripheral net or. In so far as, we have considered condivisibile that all the 39 ports in question had however an analogous normative and prescribed regime, independently from the nature of the level of government. We have considered comprehensible that also the field of the portualità is not stranger to the regime of "spending review", but to the condition that however by it contextually is guaranteed a new model of development and increase. To become simpler and to rationalize can and it must also for the ports, but this process cannot be disconnected from an increase process and of I throw again of the portualità… otherwise are solo you cut"
Moreover Philippi evidences the necessity "to exceed the problem of the outage of adapted public resources that in the past have financed the portualità with field laws. I throw again and the development of our ports - it observes - is possible in new and unknown forms of integration between portualità and logistics, that they free and they favor the contribution also of private resources, united to the forecast of the autonomy financial institution of the ports, from always considered the pillar of a effective reform. Here the knots with the government in fact are still all to melt, and today it is more than ever necessary that all the field in all its members does not yield to the imaginative conjectures of who perhaps looks the things as from the keyhole, giving more importance to what imagines rather than to what is. Differences are sure that are not simply semantic between logic of the logistic, advance from the ministry and decreed districts from above, and how much we consider we are instead privileging, and that is a construction from the low of the harbour logistic systems. In fact, we are convinced that only an approach from the low affords the sufficient and able flexibility to generate forms of parternariato public-private, structured directly on the flows of the goods with systems of harbour logistic integration not necessarily homogenous territorial. Extirpated and rigid geographic or administrative quadrants cannot generate all this".
Specifying that "they have not been object of I confront topics which the concessions, the customs regime of the goods and the harbour labor", famous Filippirende such proposals of the Party Democratic are introduced to the minister after them to have represented in a reunion promoted from the PD first last April in front of representative subjects of the harbour and logistic marine cluster.
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