Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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For Hupac it urges to introduce in the railway traffic goods indemnify for delays generated from the railway infrastructure
In the first semester of this year the Helvetic company has enlivened 340 thousand shipments (+3.8%)
July 29, 2014
In the first half of the 2014 Helvetic society of arranged transport Hupac it has enlivened a traffic pairs to 340 thousand street shipments, with an increment of +3.8% regarding the first semester last year. The company has evidenced as such increase is achieved in spite of operating poor quality of the railway net, with yards, incidents, technical breakdowns and strikes that have weighed on the operativity of the net, and as such course of the traffic it reflects the economic situation in Europe, where a conjunctural weakness persists and where the exchange of goods, above all with Italy, moves volumes relatively little elevated. According to Hupac, such situation of the question will continue to maintain itself stable until the end of this year.
For the Swiss company the decrease of the operating quality of the railway system is but more worrisome. "Regarding the 2013 - Hupac has explained - punctuality, however in various measure, it is diminished on all the traffic aces and the insufficient quality of management that is found in the railway net constitutes a deleterious factor for the transfer of the traffic". "In the field of the logistics - he has emphasized the director of Hupac, Bernhard Kunz - vigono very advanced timeliness goals to 90%. If the railway system does not change broken, we will find ourselves uncoupled from the market and we will lack the objectives transfer of the traffic".
Hupac has found as it is not only the satisfaction of the customer to suffer from the devoid quality, but also the same profit of the intermodal transport: "every freight train that attends on a pause railroad to continue its travel - has specified the Helvetic society - the productive one of the employed resources makes useless potential, as staff, railway locomotrici, wagons, truck and systems of transfer. The costs that derive some weigh on the entire system and penalize the development of the railway transport goods".
According to Hupac, the fact that a irregular railway traffic involves heavy problems of quality "is from chargeing to general the normative conditions. In numerous Countries - it has clarified the company - the ordering of the priorities assigns to the traffic goods the last place for the transit in the railway net. In case of criticality, it is easy that delays of hours and quite of days happen sometimes. However, also the traffic goods needs that is respected the established timetables". "Often - Kunz has denounced - the traffic goods still is seen as a factor of disturbance and not as a multimillion customer with great future potentialities. It is a conception that goes in the mistaken direction, so much more than the prices of infrastructures they are increasing everywhere in Europe. There is therefore the requirement that the several infrastructural divisions at the market give proof of a greater vicinity also regarding the traffic goods".
For Hupac, "a resolutive approach is the introduction of indemnifications for delays as those in use in the rail shipment of passengers and the air traffic: the delays generated from the railway infrastructure - it has observed the society - go exactly leaned to this field". "If all the corresponsabili sentissero actors of the logistic chain - it has concluded Kunz - could be offered attractive producing and jointly be accelerated the transfer of the traffic on track".
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