Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The Slovak Maros Sefcovic will be the new European commissioner for transport and the space
Fusion of the Ambiente Head office with the DG marine Transactions and peach
September 10, 2014
The Slovak Maros Sefcovic is designated in order to cover the charge of in charge of the fields transports and space in the next EU commission, that he is introduced today by elect president Jean-Claude Juncker. Representative of European Socialist Party (PSE), currently Sefcovic is member of the Commission Barroso II in quality of European commissioner for the interistituzionali relations and the administration.
Congratulations to Sefcovic for the nomination to next European commissioner for transport and the space are expressed by the general secretary of the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA), Patrick Verhoeven, that the European commissioner to the transports has thanked outgoing, Siim Kallas, "for the excellent collaboration that we have had in last the five years". Congratulations to Sefcovic have reached also from the secretariat of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO).
Between the many innovations introduced by Jean-Claude Juncker, Head office (DG) for Mobility and Transports are renamed DG Transports and Space and probably will assume competences in spatial matter that currently are under responsibility of the Head office Enterprises and Industry. An other innovation of the new EU commission is represented by the fusion of Ambient DG (ENV) with the DG marine Transactions and fishing (SEA) in order to form Ambient new DG, marine transactions and fishing guided from the Maltese Karmenu Vella designated European commissioner for this new Head office in substitution of commissioner ENV, Janez Potocnik, and of commissioner MARE, Maria Damanaki.
Between the other nominations, |Danish candidate Margrethe Vestager is the commissioner designated to the Competition in substitution of Joaquin Almunia, while the Belgian candidate Marianne Thyssen is named as new commissioner for the social Occupation, transactions, competences and mobility of the job in place of László Andor.
Introducing the new team, Juncker it has explained that the organization of the new EU commission will be rationalized in order to concentrate itself on the great political challenges that Europe is found to face: to re-insert the people in decent places of work, to stimulate put up investments, to newly assure bank loans to the real economy, to create a connected digital market, to put into effect credible foreign politics and to assure independence of Europe in matter of energetic safety. "In a period as this, unprecedented - he has emphasized Jean-Claude Juncker - the European citizens expect from turned out we. After years of economic difficulties and often painful reforms, the European citizens attend a working economy, long-lasting places of work, a greater social protection, surer frontiers, energetic safety and digital opportunities. I today anticipate the team who will bring back Europe on the road towards the occupation and the increase. The configuration of the new EU commission answers to its function. We must be open to the change, we must demonstrate that the Commission can change. Today you I anticipate political, dynamic and efficient, able an EU commission of giving to Europe a new beginning. I have assigned the pocketbooks - it has specified - to the people, not to the Countries. I am putting in field 27 players, everyone with a specific role, for a winning team". "In the new Commission - it has continued Juncker - not there are commissioners before or second class but team leader and members of the teams, that will work with dependency and teams spirit of mutual. I want to exceed the mentality to "watertight compartments" and to introduce a new collaborativo way to work in fields in which Europe it can truly change the things".
The auditions of the candidates of the new Commission near the European Parliament will hold in the week to horse between september and October and, after the green light of the europarlamentari to the new team and the official nomination by the European Council, the Juncker Commission the next 1° November will begin its mandate officially five-year-old.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher