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the Orsero group will yield own participation in interporto the VIO to the Harbour Authority of Savona
the quota the authority will go up from current 8% to 72%
September 16, 2014
Yesterday the Harbour Committee of Savona has deliberated unanimously to seem favorable to the increment of the shareholding of the Harbour Authority of Savona in VIO Spa, the interporto of Vado Ligure, through the acquisition of the vital quota pairs to stopped 64% from the GF Porter Srl of the Orsero group. The from Liguria harbour agency has specified that, after this deliberation and finished the iter procedural that a passage near the State Audit Court previews that could drag on until the term of this year, the parcel of shares at the head of Harbour Authority will pass from current 8% (acquired quota in 2009) to 72%, while the quota actions will remain unchanged, 28%, in hand to Freeway of the Flowers controlled from the Gavio group. The maximum cost of the operation, so as written in deliberation - it has specified the agency - it will be of 23 million euros.
The Harbour Authority of Savona has emphasized as in Committee the acquisition has not recorded some contrary ballot and some abstention by the social organizations, from the representative associations of the various harbour fields, so as from the local authorities. "The feasibility of the acquisition - it has specified the president of the harbour agency, Gianluigi Miazza - is gushed once ascertained state of health of society VIO and the feasibility of the initiative under all the profiles, from that legal, patrimonial, financial. The Harbour Authority of Savona has the resources in order to carry to term an operation that will be the completion of necessary infrastructures to the intermodal logistic platform under construction and that it is previewed enters in activity within the end of 2017". In a relation to the members of the Committee, Miazza has clarified that the acquisition of the quotas in cession by group GF Porter has been object of attention deepenings let alone of punctual appraisals, preceded from a "two diligence" commissioned from the same savonese authority.
The harbour agency has remembered that interporto the VIO is between 24 in Italy recognized of importance and inserted from the European Union in 2013 in the directory of the Core nodes, central element in transport the Transeuropea net TRIES towards center and north of Europe, and that it covers a fundamental role in the completion of the project for the multipurpose realization of the platform in the harbour basin of Vado Ligure with a public-private investment pairs to 450 million euros, of which 150 is at the expense of the controlled one of Maersk, APM Italy. "Once entered in exercise - it has explained the authority - the platform, that it will be managed by the terminalistico operating arm of the Danish world-wide colossus, will not only guarantee a traffic container, operatively, of 850 thousand teu with job 650 places directed, but it will reach traffic volumes such to carry the port of Savona between those including in the Core node. The presence of the Interporto di Vado in deep the adjacent areas will then allow to approach the conspicuous part of EU destined with the completion of the net TRIES.
The Harbour Authority has remembered moreover that VIO, "that it has as primary object the production of relative services to the intermodal transport and to the logistics, it has also the areas that, in compliance with plannings already defined, will be destined to the realization of a suit and rational railway terminal, that totally it will be renewed regarding the current situation through the widening and the enrichment of the equipments of structural and instrumental character". "They are these perspectives of development with the obvious ones and directed repercussions under the twofold productive and occupational profile - it has evidenced Miazza - than have carried to us to deliberate on the increase of share quotas Harbour Authority in VIO. I consider indispensable also that it is the Harbour Authority to exercise an activity of supervision in the logistic field and intermodal legacy to the future activity of the platform of I go and to the priority participations that must privilege the most sustainable railway modality for the transfer of the goods from the dock to the reference markets. This will be own one of the points on which the efforts of the agency will be concentrated. With the acquisition of the quotas in VIO a modern and rational railway terminal will be able to be realized on the areas served from the already existing railroads, that it will be to service of all the port of Vado Ligure".
"To increase the public quota within the VIO - it has concluded Miazza - it is the completion of the action of guarantee carried out from the Harbour Authority, for which hard it is the interest to continue to give an economic and occupational future to a territory deeply touched from the effects negatives of the persistent general crisis".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher