Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Grimaldi (Confitarma): it is fundamental that the pillars are not modified on which the competitiveness of the Italian fleet rests
Squinzi (Confindustria): "the harbour reform is a priority not more postponable"
October 15, 2014
The Shipping president of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma), Emanuele Grimaldi, has sped up the institutions to support national the marine industry safeguarding of the competitiveness, promuovendo research & development, dedicating attention to the formation, strengthening the presence in the international and European centers, simplifying the norms and slimming the bureaucratic procedures.
"Against persistent data negatives of the general economy - it has emphasized Grimaldi in the course of the today's assembly of the Confederation held to Rome - the marine activities turn out stable and continue to being very important for the Country, producing every year goods and services for about 40 billion euros (the double quantity of strategic sections for the textile Country as and telecommunications)". In its relation, that we publish in the address book "Forum of the Shipping and the Logistics", the president of Confitarma has evidenced that also the occupation of the marine cluster is in controtendenza and still appoints to a job means million people, directly or in the induced one.
In the past decade, moreover, the shipowners have invested more 15,5 billion euros in renew of the ship, the occupation of marine Italians and communitarian on the ships enrolled in the International Registry it is increases in three years of 4.7%, with tips of 9% for municipalities and 6% for the officials, above all in the fields of the cruises and the ferries. "With a fleet of beyond 1.500 ships for about 18 million tons - it has found Grimaldi - Italy is between the countries leader of the shipping world-wide: second between the fleets of the European and fourth Union to the world between the fleets of flag to national shipowning control". Grimaldi has explained that all this has been possible thanks to the introduction of the International Registry and the Tonnage tax, and for this - it has specified - "is fundamental that they do not come in some way modified the pillars on which the competitiveness of the fleet rests, competitiveness that allows us, also in the presence of crisis as the current one, to continue to invest, to create occupation, to form the young people for the careers of sea and earth and to make logistics". "With the doubling of the fleet in little more 10-year-old - it has added - we have demonstrated that, when our requests are received, the results are concrete for the field".
The president of Confitarma has remembered also the necessity to defend ships and crews that operate in areas to piracy risk. "The action of Marina Militare for the contrast of marine piracy in the Indian Ocean - it has observed - has protect the Italian ships and asked for the risk to neglect the Mediterranean from the context of the world-wide traffics. Our ships do not have some seizure more quickly, for the simple effect of deterrence".
Grimaldi has restated the solidarity of the armament to the two withheld riflemen naval in India and has asserted that such event "does not have to be instrumentalized in order to question a normative system that allows with the Italian mercantile fleet to operate in safety in waters to risk piracy". Grimaldi therefore has asked that it is given completes performance to the law in order "to avoid that every six months must be proceeded with the demanded frustrating to postpone the former-pertaining boarding to the Armed Forces, date the absence of the previewed training courses. We are - it has remembered - to the fifth delay perhaps while a more elastic formulation would be enough in order to avoid extravagance of time and energies".
In its relation the president of Confitarma has among other things drawn the attention on the cabotage services defining "adventurous" the pseudo-shipowning, recurrent initiatives in the summery periods on the routes for the Sardinia and Greece, that they have badly interpreted the philosophy of the services low-cost, using old ships 30-year-old and beyond, than - he has asserted - would have been better to send to the demolition. "Nobody - Grimaldi has said - has wondered as never, at the end, all these "adventures" fail regularly with fallen back negative economic and of image on the entire collectivity". Regarding the hoary issue of the corrected one approached the traffics national coasting vessels, classified to communitarian shipowners and single to they, the president of the Italian shipowners has asked once again a reply from Rome and Brussels in order to avoid that falsely" communitarian operators "break balances of genuinely" communitarian market ", damaging the economic interest of the Italian enterprises but above all, the economy and the occupation of the Country.
In matter of portualità Grimaldi the availability of the armament has restated to contribute to define an inspired reform to criteria of competitiveness and efficiency. For I throw again of the competitiveness of the field - it has asserted - is necessary that enterprises already burdened by a heavy bureaucratic burden, can count on an adequate administrative context. The recent reorganization of the ministry of Infrastructures and Transports - it has remembered - has carried to the amalgamation in an only Head office of the various marine and harbour competences who would have to be strengthened for being able to delineate integrated politics marine-harbour, as demanded from the EU and as it happens in all the other Countries of the Mediterranean.
In its Giorgio Squinzi participation, president of Confindustria, has observed that projected industrial politics in the future cannot prescind from the modernization and from I throw again of the harbour system. In particular, naval gigantism and the alliances between the main international players - it has explained - are determining factors for the future development of the Italian ports for which accessibility, the management of cargos and logistic connectivity will make the difference. The harbour reform - the president of Confindustria has said - is a priority not more postponable since beyond 30% of the goods Italian and 63% of those of Southern Italy it travels via ship. The way undertaken from the government with the art.29 of I decree 133/2014 - it has concluded - is a good starting point to which but it must follow an organic reform of law 84/94.
Emphasizing that "for Italy not there will be increase and resumption without the economy of the sea that it represents one of the pillars on which to set upright again the Country", the minister of Infrastructures and the transports, Maurizio Lupi, has assured that within 90 days from the conversion of I decree Unblocks Italy the government will approve of the national Plan of the portualità and the logistics that will contain all the elements and the contents for the harbour reform. Moreover Wolves have announced that in the first week of November States general of the economy of the sea will be convened "" and have express invited Confitarma and Confindustria to participate and to contribute in order to begin a distance of operating and concrete proposals. Referring to the critics expressed from Grimaldi in it confronts of the marine services low-cost that in summer remarkable uneasiness to the passengers has created on the routes of Olbia and Brindisi, the minister has asserted that the government must take part on model than he happens in the aerial transport in order to guarantee the consumer.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher