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Hupac and FS confirm the common engagement in order to adapt the railway infrastructure to the requirements of Alptransit
the entrance in exercise of the gallery of base of the Gottardo is previewed for December 2016
October 16, 2014
Today the operator of arranged transport Hupac and the group Italian Railroads of the State has confirmed the common engagement in order to adapt the railway infrastructure to the traffic requirements that the tunnel of base of the Gottardo will determine, is to North that to South of the Alps, in the optical of the completion of the Rhine-Alps Corridor.
The Swiss company and that Italian have remembered that the participations in course regard the infrastructural and technological potenziamento of the lines of Uproar, Luino and Sempione for the upgrading of the performances, let alone the construction of new intermodal terminals.
"Regarding the work in Italy - it has asserted the president and managing director of Hupac, Bernhard Kunz - we are calm. Italian Railway net is making a great job, in tune with the Swiss part and ahead of time programmed".
"The works in progress - Maurizio Gentile has explained, managing director of Italian Railway Net (RFI), Italian societies of the group FS - regard the lengthening of the railroads of precedence and crossing for long trains until 700-750 meters and the adaptation of the shape on the line that will allow the transport on iron is of the travelling freeway is of the arranged transport, with the maximum height to the edge of four meters for vehicles street. The implementing Convention for the so-called corridor of the four meters, undersigned 18th September to Genoa between Italian Railway Net and Federal Office of the Transports Swiss for the adaptation of the Corridor of Luino - it has remembered Kind - is only the last step aerobic of a sinergico distance that aimed at the increase of the competitiveness of the rail shipment. Without to forget that also the traffic fleeting will benefit of the work previewed on the line of Luino".
In parallel with the potenziamento of the railway lines they continue also the projects inherent to the terminals of Milan Shunting, Piacenza and Brescia, object of the memorandum of understanding undersigned in 2012 between FS Italian, FS Logistic, Cemat and Hupac. A new society is created just for this purpose, the Teralp Srl. In these days the Federal Office of the Transports of Switzerland has approved of the co-financing of the project for the new terminal of Milan Shunting while studies of prefeasibility for the terminals of Piacenza and Brescia are on. New developments are attended also for the Terminal of Arsizio-Gallarate Bust: RFI and Hupac are analyzing the synergies in order to improve the performances of the terminal, with infrastructural participations and technological faces to return intermodal the transport still more efficient.
Italian Hupac and FS have emphasized that the entrance in exercise of the gallery of base of the Gottardo, previewed for December 2016, will clearly involve an improvement of the conditions picture for the arranged transport and the Italian logistics. The new railroad Alptransit plain will allow a saving on the costs, for example with the shortening of the distance and the abolition of the carried out triple traction with three locomotori.
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