Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Last month the traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna is increased of +13.7%
In the first nine months of 2014 a +10.7% are recorded
October 27, 2014
The Harbour Authority of ravennate Ravenna has announced that last month the port has enlivened 2.015.581 tons of goods, with an increment of +13.7% regarding september 2013.
In the first nine months of the 2014 traffic it has been of 18.302.692 tons, with an increase of +10.7%, regarding the same period last year. It disembarks have been pairs to 15,3 million tons (+8.9%) and it embarks it to 3,0 million tons (+21.3%). The goods sand banks has marked an increase of +10.9%, with beyond a million tons in more, and the liquid bulk has recorded an increase of +1.6%. Regarding the goods unitizzate, those in container they have turned out down of the -1,5% while for those on rotabili, with 600 thousand tons in more, they have continued to follow the excellent trend of increase with a +72.9%. The increment in more meaningful absolute value has been that of the produced metalworkers, passed from 3,43 to 4,19 million tons (+22%), with quantitative consisting the more coming ones always from the ports of Taranto, Novorossisk (Russia) and Bremen (Germany). In increase also the passed agricultural produced ones from 856 thousand to 1,2 million tons (+43.3%) thanks to quantitative of wheat (624 thousand the tons) perlopiù coming from Bulgaria, the USA and Canada and of corn (345 thousand tons) imported above all from Ukraine, of wood in pellet in arrival from Canada and the USA and of I rise reached from Ukraine and Russia. In increase also solid mineral fuel (+31.8%), carbon fossil in particular coming from Ukraine and coke from the USA. Stable the raw materials for the ceramics, and in particular clay, feldspar and kaolin (beyond altogether 2,5 million tons). Regarding the goods in container - the president of the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has explained, Galliano Di Marco - "to september we have assisted to a great recovery in this type of handling with an increase of about 19%. Altogether in the first nine months of the year an increase of the goods in container of 8.28% that carries the difference in teus, for the period January-september, between 2014 and 2013, to a -4,9% has been recorded". The more meaningful decrease has been that of the container empty, with 7.160 teu in less (- 15.4%), while for the full loads they have turned out 1,210 teu in less (- 1%). Regarding the trailer, by January to september of this year 59,969 against the 37,801 of the correspondent are enlivened some period of 2013, with an increase of +58.6%; in particular on the Ravenna-Catania line 35,603 are enlivened trailer regarding the 35,254 last year, while for the Ravenna-Brindisi line the pieces have been 9,145 against the 6,905 last year. Positive the result also for the traffic of new cars that with 20.434 pieces disembarked in the first nine months have recorded a positive balance of 1.612 pieces (+8.6%). The number of the ships arrived in the first nine months has been of 2.358 units, 42 ships in more regarding the period January-september of 2013.
In occasion of the communication of the results of traffic of the first nine months of the year the president of the Harbour Authority has announced that "the first phase of the Extraordinary Plan of escavo has been concluded with absolutely positive outcomes of the Channel, that has seen the immersion to sea of the material dredged in outer harbor and that has carried to the removal of the decree of the Harbour-office that limited the income of the ships in port". Of Marco he has turned "thanks to which they have helped us during these months, undoubtedly many complicating. The data - it has emphasized - demonstrate that the satisfied job and the controversies have no effect. It comes natural to wonder where it would be today this port if there were the economic conditions of the 2007 (pre-crisis) and the ground of that age. Probably Ravenna would have already exceeded 30 million the tons of goods enlivened per year. We still have, I am convinced some, although the changed economic conditions, a real opportunity to reach this goal and we will succeed ourselves, also shortly time, if we will realize the Progettone". "I dedicate to the positive data of these first nine months of the year and the job that keeps up to you - it has concluded polemicamente the president of the harbour agency - to the usual owls and rosiconi, always ready to slate on the Harbour Authority and employee its, without the job of which, instead, all this would not have been possible. And own in order to guarantee to our port of call turned out still better than these I go ahead to stages forced with the Progettone: within year-end we will have the observations of which expropriated agencies and, to valley of which the procedure of the definitive project will be shut".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher