Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Of Marco: for the Italian ports they do not serve who knows which reforms, enough to import the best practices world-wide
I wish - the president of the harbour agency of Ravenna has explained - a business model as that of Rotterdam, than it could be applied quickly after a radical reduction of the number of the Harbour Authorities. The financings through the VAT constitute aids of State
November 17, 2014
In occasion of own participation to the exhibition event "Transport & Logistics" dedicated to logistics, you carry, transports, handling, storage and software to the service of the logistics, than has held to Rotterdam from the 11 to the 13 of November slid, the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has introduced to the international community the Harbour Project Hub of Ravenna (the Progettone).
In the course of the manifestation the president of the Italian harbour agency, Galliano Di Marco, has met also the summits of the Harbour Authority of Rotterdam with which he has been confronted regarding the Italian business model and that Dutch. "While Ravenna conserve and indeed increases to its leadership in the not containerized field of the goods - it has commented Of Marco - for the development of the field container tip, with to a great company of this field, Contship, than currently it manages the Terminal Ravenna Container together with Sapir, to a strategy based on the intermodal connections with the hub of Melzo, to east of Milan, through which serving the main south-European markets. To Rotterdam, in these days, we have received the greater number of demands on the services that the port of Ravenna can offer, from operators for China, Egypt, Turkey, North Africa and Albania, as well as of the area already of reference of our port, the Black Sea".
"The port of Rotterdam - it has found Of Marco - has a model of very simple business, market-driven, based on a strong Harbour Authority, structured as a S.p.A not quoted in Stock exchange, to total public participation (70% Municipality and 30% government), within which all the services and the activities of public character are included, comprised the part of the Marine Federal property and the structure premail to the clearance of the goods. The society has management board of three people, chosen from the market and named by the shareholders publics through a supervisory board, composed in its turn from five people, they also with along curriculum and a experience of field in private. Management board has all the powers in order to manage the society on the base of the lines guides, the budget, flat the investments, the international development plan, approved of from supervisory board and the shareholders the Municipality-government. The Harbour Authority of Rotterdam is financed to market and currently has a indebtedness ability pairs to about 1,5 billion. Wage annually a dividend to Municipality and government: it does not take money from the State, but of it gives every year for about 100-150 million. The revenues arrive from harbour taxes and canons of concession, but now the society has constituted society also abroad (Brazil and Oman) in order to develop and to export its it win business model".
"From two years - it has continued Of Marco - I support in Italy a business model as that of Rotterdam for the Italian ports. A model that could be applied quickly after a radical reduction of the number of the Harbour Authorities. The Italian model, based on law 84/94, than also has had many positive aspects and historical merits, by now in fact are old and go exceeded. They do not serve who knows which reforms, enough to import the best practices world-wide, as that which I have known to the Harbour Authority of Rotterdam or that which I saw to New York some month makes. I must say that, having studied both models, that Dutch is perhaps preferable because simpler to adopt in Italy. Our ports are behind of about 50 years regarding those of the Europe North and are absolutely useless to shout to the wolf to the wolf when these last ones shout. Rotterdam is large 10 Genoa times and 20 Venice times. Real aid of State does not need financings through the VAT (), as they make the Italian ports, because there it is the exact contrary: it is the Harbour Authority that gives money to the State. Enough to read to their Financial Report, than every three months it is put on the site, for having of evidence".
"Nothing of complicated, nothing of distorting - it has emphasized the president of the harbour agency of Ravenna - only the instruments for a efficient management of a field from which our Country could draw much wealth. Not servants no revolution, in which at this point we do not hope more seen the disappointing things made in the field of the portualità from this government, as from many others that have preceded it. We still hoped and we hope that this government opens the eyes and sees the great opportunity that the portualità represents for the economic resumption of Italy. It is the moment to make of the choices, to change broken and the government must have the courage to resume in hand the control of this field, to define of the strategies and to characterize the projects of development on which to head, against more and more insufficient public resources, of a more and more trained international competition and services in harbour within more and more efficient and of quality. In order to make this - it has concluded Of Marco - they do not serve presumed Commission of expert, called "to re-invent the wheel", but good sense and alliances with great international players of field, as the port of Rotterdam. We work for this".
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