Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the regional committee of the Latium has deliberated the institution of a bonded area in the port of Civitavecchia
Lineage (Unindustria): it is a fundamental instrument for the development of the economy of the sea
November 27, 2014
The regional committee of the Latium, on proposal of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta, has deliberated the institution of a bonded area in the port of Civitavecchia. "It is - she has emphasized the president of the Region, Nicola Zingaretti - an action that we have strongly intentional since we consider important to use every possible instrument for giving to new lymph to the economy and the increase of our region. In this way we give a national and at the market international sign hard with the objective to increase the investments on our territory and to increase the occupation".
The regional agency has evidenced that, besides to guarantee advantages for the entrepreneurs, the bonded area will involve fallen back positive also regarding the occupation and will afford to value and to grow the commercial relationships also in an international optical. In particular, the bonded area will allow with the economic operators to have of structures or open spaces where to guard the goods, to work them and to transform them without they are subordinates to the relative fiscal imposition, with a determined effective advantage from the suspension of the deposit of the Vat and the octrois on the goods entering without some temporal tie.
The regional deliberation is received with satisfaction gives from the Union of the Manufacturers and the enterprises Rome, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Viterbo: "Unindustria - the president of the association of the manufacturers has remembered, Maurizio Stirpe - has always supported and shared the creation of a bonded area inside of the harbour area of Civitavecchia. We are many satisfying that president Zingaretti and the regional committee have approved of in a time much express the deliberation that sanctions the birth of this fundamental instrument for the development of the economy of the sea, as we had wished also in our agreement which signed last june with Pasqualino Monti, president of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta. The approval of so an important deliberation emphasizes as the economy of the sea represents a device driver of fundamental increase in order to return our Region still more competitive, creating the conditions in order to generate ulterior wealth to our productive system with meaningful fallen back occupational".
While tomorrow beginning from hours 10,00 in the port of Civitavecchia, near Sala Convegni of the Harbour Authority, a convention will hold on the topic "Investments, Atmosphere, Safety, ethics and legality for increase politics". To the organized encounter from the harbour agency Antimafia will take part Franco Roberti (prosecuting attorney national), Gianfranco Amendola (Chief Prosecutor of Civitavecchia), Antonio D' Acunto (prefect of Latina), Costanzo Jannotti Pecci (president of Federterme, member of directive and who reached in Confindustria), Francesco Mantegazza (European Investment Bank, vice head of the office of Patient compliance) and Maurizio Vallone (director of the Service control of the Public safety territory Department).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher