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the Harbour Authority of Ravenna asks the Italian government to make to write up "true" a two diligence on the study of the Platform of Height of Venice
If it were so productive - denunciation the agency - "would not neither serve to speak with MSC, Maersk, Contship or others, it would be enough to call a bottom of private equities"
December 9, 2014
The Harbour Authority of Ravenna does not consider at all that the harbour platform of height planned from the harbour agency of Venice can promote the development, as well as of the Venetian port of call, also of the other ports of Alto Adriatico. Replying to the affirmation of the president of the Venetian authority, Paolo Costa, which - in its turn answering to a slating of the project sentenziata from some parliamentarians - has supported that "the development of the port of Venice is the best contribution that can be given so also to the development of Trieste and Ravenna, as of Koper and Fiume, because it is necessary that entire Alto Adriatico reaches the minimal dimensions of scale in order to compete on the European market" ( on 4 December 2014) the agency ravennate emphasizes that "to the development of the port of Ravenna the Harbour Authority of Ravenna with all thinks us the operators of its port, which - the authority specifies - does not receive some contribution from the Platform of Height of Venice".
Sul economic contribution to the Venetian project is centralized the retort of the harbour agency of Ravenna that, in its stinging which titled dispute "the Law of Stability is not an automatic teller for Venice", it remembers to have "many times over represented to professor Paolo Costa our opinion on that study, based on little documents introduced officially to the Italian government. The point - confirmation the agency - but is not that. The point is if it is worth or less the pain investing billions of euro in order to make a structure with 20 meters of ground in the middle of the sea, having already in Alto Adriatico 20 meters of natural ground to Trieste. The position of the Harbour Authority of Ravenna, that it reasons indeed in a system optical, always has been (also when it was, unheard, in NAPA [the association of the ports of the northern Adriatic, ndr]) that the port of Trieste must be the hub in the Adriatic for the great container vessels. Shared opinion, in the course of meeting technical, from MSC, Maersk and Contship. If the Harbour Authority of Venice is convinced that the offshore one has an elevated valence, uses own resources in order to finance it and not those deriving from the Law of Stability".
The opinion inforMARE
Never as in these days the project of the new offshore port of Venice is under attacks, perhaps because unfortunately the residual public resources do not allow (finally) to today distract the attention of all from the feasibility and usefullnesses of the infrastructural projects on the table. Everyone considers, rightly or wrongly, that own programs are more concrete and farther-sighted and - as Ravenna - it is worried that other founded infrastructural plans less can surreptitiously take control public funds.
Ago Paolo Costa to defend the Platform of Height, which convinced well as he is that he can represent the future of the portualità of Venice and the ports of the region. He never seems however that as today the president of the lagoon Harbour Authority is left only in the field of battle, where fights itself in order protect or to kill the project.
As in these days Coast it never needs allied if it wants to guarantee that the project for the future of the Venetian portualità has a future.
It seems that to Paolo Costa they do not remain that two sun alternatives. Or ago name and last name of a shipowning, terminalistico or logistic group that intention has truly to invest money in the initiative or convinces harbour the city community and of Venice and Veneto to make square around the project.
In order to enter the first road useful to shelter the Platform of Height from the repeated and more and more insistent assaults they are not enough more the interest manifestation. Coast needs that an important international company of the shipping openly places side by side it in a crash that otherwise verosimilmente will see it defeated, besieged as it is from all sides. A road impervia, date the always smaller proclivity of the large groups to invest in Italy, but not impossible as it has demonstrated - even if in times a little less difficult - Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk with the project of the platform container under construction in the port of Savona I go that it will be managed by branch terminalista APM Terminals. An ally would be useful also once and for all to convince the possible investor and national and international private backers, they also lavish in manifesting interest but reluctant to engage resources without to catch a glimpse an economic return on close horizon.
The second one via appears equally arduous. The economic institutions and local operators have not never revealed with conviction their support to the project, or so at least it has been perceived at a distance from the Lagoon. With all this it remains a more suitable distance to induce the backers publics, plus disposed listening to the voices of the territory and the electorate, to increase the cords of a by now almost empty stock exchange.
Coast gives the impression to be convinced that he is percorribile another route. But its attempt to evidence that the Platform of Height benefits spanderà also on the other ports of the region do not produce yields. The enemy fire is more and more near. Institutions and operators of the near communities at all are not convinced any, indeed they are hostile.
Coast would have to abandon its ecumenico approach. It would be a good for Venice. But it would be also for the Italian portualità. It has reached in fact the moment to decide which projects are feasible and which not.
Bruno Bellio
The Harbour Authority of Ravenna exhorts Venice to follow its example: "Ravenna, than by now is shaped on the base of the numbers as the first port of the Adriatic - the agency remembers - has launched to May 2012 the Harbour project "Hub of Ravenna" having in case little less than five million than euro. To October 2012 the project is approved of by the CIPE, that it has deliberated a public contribution of 60 million euros, with the clause that the Harbour Authority of Ravenna would have had to supply copy of contracts of the private investor or the deliberations of their copy and boards of directors of the contract of bank financing. The Harbour Authority of Ravenna has supplied copy of the aforesaid deliberations, as a result of which the State Audit Court has recorded deliberation CIPE to beginning june 2013 (after eight months from the approval of the CIPE). To end the 2013 Harbour Authority of Ravenna has supplied to the CIPE copy of the contract of financing signed with BEAUTIFUL (the European Investment Bank), that it has publicly defined our project as a "best practice") and, on October 26, 2014, has delivered to the definitive project for the final approval contest pre-ban. All this for "single" 60 million euros. Parallel, the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has started the expropriation procedure in order to acquire 220 hectares of areas and to realize the new Retroportuale Plate and larger Logistica of Italy. Reassuming: two years and means of time in order to carry to approval a strategic project from 240 million euros, of which 60 (25% of total) CIPE and 180 in self-financing. Only 16% of such amount are destined to the realization of the new Terminal Container, that it will be realized by the private ones, on the base of engagements already signed, for about 200 million euros and whose business plan has taken into consideration the task that only Trieste can be the hub of the container in Alto Adriatico".
"The Harbour Authority of Ravenna - it has fiercely emphasized the agency - has put all its assets on the table and has only asked a small contribution to the State, than for giving it has expected it precise guarantees that have involved a remarkable lengthening of the times and assumed important engagements from our Harbour Committee".
"For these reasons, to beyond the contents and of the real valence of the study on the platform of height of Venice - the ravennate authority explains - it is considered unacceptable that a any Italian infrastructural project, of any type and any territory, receives deep from the Law of Stability, as if these last graves a kind of automatic teller on hand of the friends".
"We least of all do not have nothing against Venice neither against the Mr. vice minister Baretta - continues the Harbour Authority of Ravenna - indeed. We afford but to assert that the problems of the port of Venice cannot be unloaded on the Italy system, the base of preliminary studies and, above all, than the rules of the game they must be equal for all. The Harbour Authority of Venice would have had to introduce a preliminary to CIPE, according to the law Objective project. To approval of the CIPE, it would have had to obtain, if of the case, public funds. Instead five million euro have already obtained to be worth on 2013, in Law of Stability 2012, and ask other 95 million in Law for Stability 2014. In a normal Country this calls “distortion of the market”: if the Harbour Authority of Ravenna had had its 60 million in Law of Stability, it would have earned two years and means of time”.
“Al professor Paolo Costa, which we renew our sincere esteem and friendship - the colleagues of Ravenna emphasize moreover - we afford to mention not to never have met, in our thirty-year career, an infrastructure with a IRR (Rate of internal yield) annual gross of 13%. If so graves would not neither serve to speak with MSC, Maersk, Contship or others, it would be enough to call a bottom of private equities (that it invests normally, on infrastructures, to a Rate of internal yield that goes from 12% to 15%) and to ask this, without to disturb the Italian government or the EU commission, to mount a project financing, with equity and bank financing. Not there would be no need of public contribution. More simply, vice minister Baretta could ask the support for the Italian Strategic Bottom of Cassa Warehouses and Loans, armed arm economic-financial of the Ministry of the Economy, without to disturb neither the Law of Stability neither the Flat Junker, in which projects with a level of maturity would have to be inserted single (delivery of the work within 2015) that the offshore one of Venice does not have”.
The Harbour Authority of Ravenna proposes therefore “the Italian government to make to write up true a two diligence from the BEAUTIFUL ones, from the World-wide Bank or from an agency third to its choice, it is on the study of the Platform of Height of Venice, than on the definitive project of the Hub Harbour and the Logistic Platform of Ravenna. Otherwise - it concludes - the “resumption of Italy” is not coupled, primary objective of our prime Minister Matteo Renzi when the idea of the Flat Junker has launch. The Italian State cannot and it does not have to spend more money “in the dark” and we appeal just to the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, because it clarifies its position on the Venetian project”.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher