Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Gallanti: I throw again of the competitiveness of the port of Livorno is subordinated to the approval of the Portuale Town development plan
Between the 15 and on 20 January the publication of the contest notices is for the cession of the quotas the Port of Livorno 2000
December 19, 2014
I throw again of the competitiveness of the port of Livorno is subordinated to the approval of the Portuale Town development plan. The president of the Harbour Authority has emphasized in the press conference of held year-end yesterday, Giuliano Gallanti: "this year - it has explained - the conditions have come to maturation in order to return the port truly competitive. All wheel, but, around the approval of the Flat Harbour Pegolatore. Al PRP - it has specified - is tied three left important, the contest on Porto 2000, that on the Basins and the realization of the Europe Platform, necessary work if we want to answer to the challenges of naval gigantism in concrete way".
Remembering that the last dowel to worm its way into the jigsaw puzzle of harbour zoning is varying to the structural plan of the Municipality, the general secretary of the Harbour Authority, Massimo Provinciali, than evidenced that the agency "has asked the institutions simply that do not make political struggles on the skin the port. If there were of the observations on the areas of waterfront between the port and the city - it has specified - we are obviously ready to receive them, but it is proceeded quickly".
"Sul PRP - it has added Gallanti - the Municipality has already given the understanding and in the precedence consiliatura it has approved of to majority varying to the structural plan. Those that remains to make is to answer to the observations of 16 subjects that, during the period of publication of varying on the Burt, have sent some controdeduzioni". Gallanti has moreover emphasized that the areas of competence of the Common one much are limited: they regard the areas of contiguità between the city and the port and they do not have nothing to that to see with the compendium of the basins.
Sul topic of the so-called "privatization" of the Port of Livorno the 2000, society that manages the traffic of the passengers in the Leighorn port of call and that it is participated with 72.18% from the Harbour Authority and with 27.82% from the Chamber of Commerce of Livorno, Gallanti and Provinciali have restated that the harbour agency and the Chamber of Commerce will make all this that is in they to be able in order to safeguard the presence of the public inside social compages whose majority will come soon yielded to a new associate. "Within the turn of the year or the beginning of 2015 - it has said Provincial - we will convene the assembly in order to modify the charter of the society. It will be established that on the more delicate issues the associates will have to vote to qualified majority". Between the 15 and on 20 January they will come however published the contest notices it is for the cession of the quotas the Port of Livorno 2000 that for the confidence of the basins.
In the course of the press conference Gallanti has made also the point of the situation on the yards opened in the course of 2014. The characterization of the backdrops of the Tuscany Dock and the dredging of the side North of the Italy Pier is by now a truth: the first job already is completed and is propedeutico to the real deepening of the backdrops of the main terminal containers of the port, the second will be completed around the first week of January and will favor the offshoring of the Harbour Company from Alto Fondale. Other important game is that relative one to the consolidation of the two bathtubs of overwhelmed: the second one will be finished in 2015, but it is already working and it has received the mud of the dredging of the Italy Pier. "We have commissioned a study - it has explained the Ambient leader and safety of the Harbour Authority, Giovanni Motta - in order to estimate the opportunity to perforate, however in limited way, the waterproof girdle that the norm Until imposed to the action of the approval of the projects. The study will estimate which are the risks connected to this type of operation, but doubts us of it is. To January we will be able to send the project to the Region for the opportune appraisals". Others two infrastructural works that deserve a particular attention are the resecazione of the dock of the Marzocco, with the first finished lottery and according to which it is concluded in 2015 and it will afford the increase of the channel of access of the 30 meters, and banchinamento of the Dock Caulkers, that the displacement of the floating dock currently located Ercolino II will allow with the Magnale and that many problems had given to the maneuver of the ships.
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