Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Formal delivery of the work of modernization of the Polisettoriale Pier of Taranto
the dependent of Carmed Italy ask that a working perspective is assured waiting for completion of the works
December 23, 2014
Today the Harbour Authority of Taranto has formally proceeded to the delivery of the work of "Modernization of the dock of mooring of the Polisettoriale Pier" to ATI Stable Consortium Great Work Scrl (mandataria), Favellato Claudio Spa (sending) and Ottoman Enterprise Ing Carmine Srl (sending).
The Harbour Authority has announced that for how much the ulterior connected work of dredging of the Polisettoriale Pier concerns and to the relative overwhelmed case of the director of the work has formally authorized to start the preliminary investigations on the editing of the executive project, propedeutica activity to the start of the work, successively upon maturity of the term for the premise of eventual resources that could compromise the tempistica agreed with the Prime Minister's Office the international and operators. In the first months of the 2015 works will be entrusted the work of the others and it will be taken part on the cronoprogrammi for the reduction of the times of completion of the participations.
The harbour agency has remembered that the realization of such works, that Taranto port of the state of emergency re-enter on June 20, 2012 in the "general Agreement for the development of the containerized traffics in the overcoming and environmental economic associate", will allow the mooring of container vessels of last generation of ability until 18.00 teu and will modify in substantial way the aspect and the efficiency of the port of call to advantage of the diversification of the traffics and the attainment of the status of "port of third generation". Moreover these works, united to the works in progress for the realization of the Logistic Plate, will exclusively contribute to the development of the commercial traffics in the port not legacies to the transhipment, strengthening the role of logistic-harbour the Jonian port of call which hub international and European gateway in a position to operating as bridge of connection of the territory with the international markets.
While the nine dependent of the Carmed Italy, manager of the warehouse of temporary customs guard of the Taranto Container Terminal (TCT) and harbour agent of the ships of the group Marine Evergreen Marine Corporation /Italia, have sent to the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of Taranto, Sergio Prete, a letter in which evidences that, because of the diversion of the Evergreen ships towards the port of Pireo and the closing of the terminal containers of Taranto for via of the work of modernization of the dock of the Polisettoriale Pier, is endangered the future not only of the workers of Taranto Container Terminal but also of those of the induced one between here those of Carmed Italy, to which the company has communicated in recent days of wanting to start the procedures for a drastic reduction of the staff. "Such decision - they explain - is motivated with almost the total absence of store clerks". "The future - the dependent of the agency emphasize - not only appears therefore dramatic for writing but also for the colleagues of other marine agencies, shipment houses and enterprises of transport. The social shocks-absorber currently in being do not allow in fact with small business truths as the Carmed Italy to guarantee a form yield alternative that prolongeds until March-june 2016, period in which esteem the work of requalification and adaptation of the dock of the Polisettoriale Pier and the relative dredging of the backdrops has been completed". The workers of Carmed Italy ask therefore an encounter with Sergio Prete in order to manifest their worry and in order to make clarity on the cronoprogramma of the work "from which - they emphasize - at the moment, he depends the future of the dependent of the Carmed Italy and all the companies of the induced one". According to the dependent of the agency, "it would be opportune that the president of the Harbour Authority demanded to all the involved societies, from the carrier to the terminalista, to make loaded with the responsibilities to assure all the workers, comprised those of induced, a sure working perspective, once that the work of modernization of the entire Polisettoriale Pier, or more better still than a portion of the same one, will be finished", and meantime would be necessary "that the Harbour Authority, together with all the other social institutions and representations, strives to the maximum in order to raise awareness the Evergreen carrier to maintain regulating connection feeder with the port of Pireo, paventato in recent weeks but of which at the moment not there is some certainty. Obviously - they specify - the start of such service of feederaggio would not resolve the crisis of the Carmed Italy and all the other companies of the induced one that they are found in a state of as much suffering, but would be an unambiguous sign that the company of taiwanese navigation still believes in the potentialities of the port of Taranto". For the dependent of the agency, moreover, it is equally important that they come emanated social shocks-absorber ad hoc so that all the companies can resume, once completed previewed infrastructures and restored the containerized traffics, theirs normal activities.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher