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Unions and political forces criticize the action of the government on the ports
Cortorillo (Filt Cgil): encounter to Far West is gone. Forza Italia critical the intention of the government of commissariare other Harbour Authorities
January 19, 2015
Filt Cgil has expressed perplexity for that the government is making for the ports and the marine field, "one of the little fields - it has emphasized the national secretary of the labor organization, Nino Cortorillo - not devastated from the economic crisis of these years". A section that, second the Filt, if it were object of a reform process and reorganization could attract investments, improve the services and generate good occupation. "If instead - Cortorillo has denounced - we put with how much the Ministry of Transportation (Mit) and the Ministry of the economic Development (Put), probably unbeknownst of the other, are planning in their scientific Committees or writing bills, we understand that the field of the ports is not wanted to be reformed but a space is wanted to be simply had in which the rules, safety in the activities and the labor laws bit by bit is drastically reduced".
"Not to case - it has found Cortorillo - the union is held outside by the elaboration places and to case Mise is not amending a bill that simply "repealing norms" puts to risk the technical-nautical activities (between which mooring, tugs and pilotage to the center in the last shipwrecks of participations of highest ability) that they cannot be compared to a normal economic activity".
"In the ports - it has evidenced the national secretary of the Filt - they must be authorized to operate enterprises, independently from the legal form, that they have all requirement of competence and necessary professionalities. If it is thought instead that the ports will have to become a deregolamentato place in which anyone will be able to operate goes encounter to Far West that it does not damage alone the job, but with of the activities and the same enterprises". For Cortorillo, "so development is not created, enterprises are destroyed and the job and rather than to reform a field is put within an instability of which nobody it felt the necessity".
"By the government - it has observed the trade-union leader Filt - politics of reform who looks to the necessities of the country, of the ports and of the logistics without ideological deformations serve that whereby put into effect without rules, see the airports, they have only produced to enterprises in structural crisis and precarizzazione of the job and moreover serve to stop the prepared bill Mise and this to proceed scoordinato. After the national initiative of the Filt on 19 December that it anticipated worries that they are become truth - has concluded Cortorillo - not lasceremo that all is completed without our immediate action of contrast".
From part its Forza Italia has criticized the intention of the government to continue on the road of the commissariamento of the Harbour Authorities. "Three governments which elected - transports of the political force have observed the national responsible, Bartolomeo Giachino, and the group leader of Forza Italia in Commission you transport to the Chamber, Sandro Biasotti - and in the ports the little positive changes do not derive finally from the activity of some presidents of good Harbour Authorities and also from new initiatives of Customs. But the market share of the Italian ports on the traffics in transit in the Mediterranean Sea - they have specified - continues to being very lowland and the contribution that the ports it gives to the increase of the Country is beneath of its great potentialities. While the Committee for the Plan of the Ports and the Logistics, than does not completely represent the world of the transports, works in order to write up the Plan previewed from the law is thrown again the intention of the government of commissariare the Harbour Authorities".
According to Giachino and Biasotti, "democratic would be an action very little and sure the better way in order not to change towards in the Italian portualità one of the more important engines for the increase of the future. The reforms - they have rimarcato - are of competence of the Parliament; the government gives addresses, makes proposed and we, in logic of the Pact of the Nazarene, we will give all our positive contribution.
"In these three years - they have concluded Giachino and Biasotti - the Country has lost five points of GDP, it has lost hundred of thousands of places of work and has seen to increase the national debt from the 116 to 133% and has a potential increase much lowland. Instead thinking to operations of being able acting dishonestly Parliament and local authorities it is opened I confront on "that to make" and Forza Italia it will give its constructive and effective contribution".
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