Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the 2014 port of it has enlivened 15,7 million tons of goods (+1.3%)
the container has been 1.303.017 teu (+0.2%). Crocieristi +126%
January 30, 2015
In the 2014 port of it has enlivened a traffic of the goods pairs to 15,7 million tons, in increase of +1.3% regarding 15,5 million tons in the year precedence. The goods to the disembarkation is piled to 6,6 million tons (6,1 million in 2013) and those to the boarding to 9,1 million tons (9,4 million).
The sun goods several pairs to 13,5 million tons (+1.4% have been), of which 13,2 million containerized tons of goods (+1.4%) pairs to 1.303.017 teu (+0.2% totaled with a handling of containers). The Harbour Authority of from Liguria port of call has emphasized that draft of "a volume of important traffic, above all if which proportioned to the persistent difficulties of the Italian economy and to the persistent suffering, by now in existence from some years, of the markets north Africans, in particular that Libyan, with which our port of call boasts gives beyond forty important years volumes of traffic in the field of the containers and break the bulk, that it has strongly affected the results of the Terminal of the Gulf. This - it has found the agency - has not prevented to the port of to assert itself as second Italian port of call between the ports of final destination towards the markets of the Italy north and between the first 20 European ports of call. These results are obtained inside in a scene where the competitive threshold comes mail, from year to year, to more and more high levels, especially from the great ports of call of the Europe north". Altogether the enlivened full containers to dock are piled to 974.242 teu (+3%), of which the export with 612.980 teu (+1%) it represents 63%. Particularly positive in the 2014 course of the import that, with 361.262 teu full, it has grown of +6.5%. Altogether the transfer activity has represented 7.3% of the harbour total traffic, with 95 thousand movements to dock.
The harbour agency has announced that in the markets foreign countries served from the port of the interchange import-export with Asia, Americas, Africa, Europe and Oceania is evidenced in importance order. Moreover the port of confirmation its natural vocation to serve the more important Italian markets of the Po plain and the Italy north on the Tyrrhenian-Brenner axis. Main the regions inland in the interchange with the port of call break are Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Liguria. Encouraging signs come from the Swiss markets, of Bavaria and the German region of Baden-Wuttemberg, on which - it has remembered the agency - the engagement of the harbour system continues breaks in order to implement the offer of efficient and competitive intermodal services.
For that it regards the activity of the terminalisti in the field of the container, in 2014 La Spezia Container Terminal (LSCT) of the group Contship Italy has enlivened to the pier Fornelli 1.109.000 teu (+7.5%). With the absorption of Speter by LSCT in the course last year total handling in dock has reached a total of 1.187.890 teu (+2.5%). The Terminal of the Gulf of the Tarros group, instead, that it is specialized in the transport of the containers in the basin of the Mediterranean, has suffered ulteriorly from the political crises that interest the side south of the Mediterranean, in particular of the interchange with the practically annulled Libyan market, and in the 2014 terminalista society it has enlivened 115 thousand teu (- 17.8%).
More and more important the relative data to the intermodal transport of the port break: in 2014, second the data supplied from La Spezia Shunting Railways, the society that carries out the railway service in port, are enlivened altogether beyond 119 thousand wagons (+10%) that they attest to about 35% the quota rail shipment, the highest percentage in Italy and to the summits in Europe.
Last year the traffic of the solid bulk have been of 1,4 million tons (- 1.6%) and that of the liquid bulk of 842 thousand enlivened tons (+4.2%).
In the crocieristico field the port has recorded an increment of +126% of the traffic regarding 2013: they are journeyed in fact altogether 483,564 passengers, of which 468,781 to (+128%), 14,094 to Portovenere (+78%) and 689 to Lerici (+123%). The passengers in homeport boarded and disembarked to the terminals cruises have been beyond 40 thousand unit, while touched the ship to has been 176 (+18%).
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