Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the logistic community European manifest worry for the possible transfer of deep EU destined to transport infrastructures
Fear for the impact that could have the proposal to institute an European Bottom for the Strategic Investments
February 11, 2015
Today thirteen European and international associations of the fields harbour, railway, intermodal and logistic have introduced an open letter addressed to the European institutions on the introduced proposal a month ago from the EU commission of regulations that institute an European Bottom for the Strategic Investments (FEIS), program that would have to constitute the fulcrum of the plan of president Juncker in order to promote the occupation and the increase in the European Union.
In the letter the associations of the railway section Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM), European Rail Freight Association (ERFA), International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP) and UNIFE (The Association of the European Rail Industry), the association of intermodal transport International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIRR), the associations of the transport and the fluvial portualità European Barge Union (EBU), European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP), Inland Navigation Europe (INE) and European Skippers' Organisation (ESO), the associations of the marine ports and ofthe terminalisti European Sea Ports Private Organisation (ESPO) and Federation of European Port Operators (FEPORT) and the association of the loaders European Shippers' Council (ESC) have expressed worry for the proposals budgetary in transport infrastructure matter.
In the open letter the associations remember that in the lines it guides of the net IT TRY the European Parliament and the Member States have agreed politics that are that to address the decisions towards those projects of transport that they would have to receive financings of first call. According to White Paper on transports 2011 - the associations remember moreover - in period 2010-2030 they will be necessary more than 1,5 trillions than euro for the development of infrastructures of transport to the aim to satisfy the question. "Therefore - they explain - we receive with absolute favor the initiative of "a plan of investments for Europe" and are ready to support all the efforts addressed to I throw again of the European economic impulse through investments in infrastructural projects key".
"However - the thirteen associations specify - we would want to draw the attention on three main worries that we nourish with respect to the proposal: the budget of the European Fund for the Strategic Investments drastically limits the equipment for the subsidies of the program "Mechanism in order To connect Europe"; the investments in the within of the European Fund for the Strategic Investments will not follow the priorities TRY so turned to the financing of infrastructures of transport and the priority as defined on the base of the approach for Corridors; the money transferred to the European Fund for the Strategic Investments entirely is not dedicated to the investments in the field of the transport".
Impact of regulations FEIS on the equipment financial institution CEF in figures (in billions of euro)
First FEIS
After FEIS
Reduction in euro
Transports - deep not cohesion
- 2.700
Transports - deep of cohesion
total CEF
"Of the eight billions of euros that must be captured from the budget of the European Union for the new fund of guarantee - the associations specify - 2,7 billion euros will come from the equipment for transport of the Mechanism in order To connect Europe (CEF), in particular from the voices "To eliminate the throttlings, to increase the railway interoperability, to realize the lacking connections and to improve the transboundary drafts", "To guarantee efficient and sustainable systems of transport" and "To optimize integration and the interconnection of the transport ways and to increase the interoperability". This means that the sum total available in order to grant financings to the projects of transport (in Countries in which the cohesion fund is not applied) turns out cut of beyond 18% from proposal FEIS. Current equipment CEF for financial instruments and investments in transport in the Countries beneficiaries of cohesion politics will remain unchanged".
"The lines guide TRY - the associations find - define a rigorous methodology for admissibility and the priorities of transport infrastructures. In the course last year the EU commission, the Member States and the managers of infrastructures have worked jointly on work programmes for corridors that must characterize the priority projects with the most elevated European added value and that it would have to be therefore the first beneficiaries of the financings EU. However, in the within of the FEIS, any project of European transport, independently from localization and the modality of transport, can receive financings. This moves logic far from the priorities of transport selected with attention of the CEF and of IT TRY. Therefore, the riallocazione of the resources financial institutions from budget CEF to the FEIS constitutes very more than an attempt than to attract new private resources to projects to added European economic and social value. Draft, rather, than a politics change that must be estimated carefully: other projects will be promoted in place of those which they are identified as a priority from the CEF and meanwhile will be cut the ability to expense of the EU turn to subsidize projects of the net TRY. Moreover the FEIS does not assign funds to a any particular type of investments. Various fields that go from the energy, to the education and the health will be in competition for the financings. The money transferred from the CEF could so end in order to be wrapped up in other fields, if these are mainly in a position to introducing mature projects with clear flows of entrances".
"Therefore - the thirteen associations conclude - we ask the decisive ones for the institutions of the EU to take in consideration the worries of the signers and to assure that the money dedicated to infrastructures of transport in the Picture Financial Pluriennale and continuous the Mechanism in order To connect Europe to serve the objectives of transport defined in the lines guide TRIES".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher