Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Letter of the RSU of Costa Crociere to the institutions in order to manifest worry and disappointment for the transfer of part of the company to Amburgo
Uiltrasporti has been said ready to contrast with all the previewed instruments the offshorings planned from the company
February 11, 2015
The Unitary Trade-union Representation of Costa Crociere has sent a letter to the president of the Liguria Region, Claudio Burlando, to the mayor of Genoa, Marco Doria, and to the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa, Luigi Merlo, in sight of the encounter of next friday to Rome near the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports to which minister Maurizio Lupi it has convened the summits of Costa Crociere, with the managing director Michael Thamm, in order to discuss about the perspectives of the crocieristica company in Italy to light of the announcement of the company to transfer part of the activities from the center of Genoa to Amburgo. To the riiunione the representatives of the genoese local institutions will participate.
In the letter the RSU of Costa Crociere communicates to Teasing, Doria and Merlo "the worries, not ché the disappointment, with respect to the transfer of part of the company to Amburgo. Firmly we are convinced - the dependent of the company explain - than this is only the beginning of a disarmament plan that it will involve from a minim of 500 to a maximum of 600 people. The first cut could be of about 130 dependent on about 160 involved in the transfer of Marine Operation and other departments to Amburgo; it is presumable - they observe - that they are transferred not more than 30-40 of the current members of these departments, without occupational guarantees for remaining".
"The change of the office armament from Italian to German (therefore with staff from Italian to German) - the letter of the RSU of Costa Crociere continues - will involve an impoverishment of the Italian marineria: in fact always in the medium long period we consider the gradual substitution of the Italian staff of car with other communitarian one reasonable, beginning from the positions of command (chief engineers and chief engineers in second) and of the Italian blanket staff, also in this case beginning from commanders and seconds in command. Our conviction also is confirmed by the fact that on the site of Carnival Maritime already has exited of the "jobs offers" for research purposes of staff is of earth that of edge".
"Costa Crociere - the RSU of the company emphasizes - is getting ahead this plan in the measured and aimed way more possible in order not to incur in the reactions of all the workers. The motivation of the plan of transfer of the operating activities is the conviction of the managing director Thamm of the inability of the Italian staff to manage the criticalities".
"This RSU - it is emphasized in the letter - deeply is outraged by the declarations which released to the dependent on January 29, 2015 from Mr. Thamm, that they discredit and they discriminate the professionality of the workers of that society and all the category, to the single scope of wanting to transfer a healthy company in Germany. We would not want that the incidents happened on our ships and the several technical damages, absolutely physiological for the carried out activity - the RSU concludes - were used by Mr. Thamm in pretestuosa and completely instrumental way. To confirmation of this, the nonsense resides in the fact that is not removed in charge of the technical department".
While Uiltrasporti has been said ready to contrast with all the previewed instruments the offshorings planned from the crocieristica company. "The will of Costa Crociere of wanting to delocalizzare to Amburgo four departments, that they involve 157 workers - has asserted the national secretary of the labor organization, Paolo Fantappi - represents the most serious action in confronts of employee own, that they have given a lot in working terms to this society, and a slap in the face to the economy of the city of Genoa and the entire Country already strongly penalized from the current crisis".
"We face - it has found Fantappi - to an obvious paradox, not is a crisis situation to push the company to the reorganization and at the same time, but, by virtue of a facilitated fiscal system, the same one, benefits of a series of consisting savings. We are stews of these macrocospic contradictions that they always see to safeguard and to protect the part more hard, that is the shipowner, without to hold account of the risen ones of the 157 involved workers and the economic repercussions that this will involve".
"For such reasons - it has concluded Fantappi - we attend the outcome of the encounter between Costa Crociere and the minister to Infrastructures and Maurizio Lupi Transports that will be carried out in the next few days in order to find solutions to this difficult dispute. Meantime the Uiltrasporti will strongly remain determined to defend with all own force these places of work using all the instruments of contrast to protection of the involved workers".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher