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Uiltrasporti has sped up the participation of the Italian and European Antitrust on the event Tirrenia-CIN - Moby
Tarlazzi: equally it will be made the Authority anticorruption
February 26, 2015
The general secretary of Uiltrasporti, Claudio Tarlazzi, has announced that the labor organization has demanded an participation to the Italian and European Antitrust on the event of the acquisition of the control of Tirrenia - Italian Company of Navigation (CIN) by the shipowning group Moby ( on 29 December 2014) and that equally it will be made the Authority anticorruption. "It is ours right-it must - Tarlazzi has explained - protect the users, the workers and the workers! There is a clean distinction between the strategic-entrepreneurial objective that heads to assert the private initiative and our judgment that, as Uiltrasporti, is interested to the good operation of the system, to the efficiency, effectiveness and economization of the service to guarantee of the rights of the user, to the safeguard of the occupation and the rights of the workers and the workers".
"For these reasons, although the attempts to browbeat to us - it has emphasized the general secretary of Uiltrasporti - we will continue to exercise ours right-it must questioning solutions that seems to us sacrifice the objectives that they are to the center of our initiative. We will continue, therefore, to denounce an operation that would realize the total control in only hands of the two greater companies than navigation, Tirrenia-CIN (that the year perceives public funds for 72 million euros in order to assure the territorial continuity) and Moby Lines, companies these, that they in particular connect our greater islands and the Sardinia".
"In fact, if this project had unfortunately to be realized - it has specified Tarlazzi - would in fact be come to determine a condition of harmful monopoly with the intuitable negative repercussions for the interested populations, the user all and in particular for the workers of the two companies that would pay the price of preannounced "the synergies of routes and costs" (contraction of services to the aim to recover twenty million euro for year 2015) that other does not mean, except race and less places of work".
"For part ours - Tarlazzi has confirmed - we have sent the demand for participation of the Italian and European Antitrust and will send the all also to the authority anticorruption. We remain however waiting for an encounter already asked the government so that it is clarified to us, in transparent way, as it can be possible today this that the Italian and European antitrust in the past has considered of having to block".
"We could so - it has concluded the representative of Uiltrasporti - be all "more serene ones" (better more tranquilize) and it would be put, perhaps, also fine to all undue "the exercised pressures" in ours confront for stuffed to renounce to carry out, as we have always made, with conscience and costrutto our job".
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