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Last month the traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna is diminished of -12,5%
Of Marco: not to realize the Progettone, with the consequent loss of the public resources, would be a real suicide is politician who, above all, entrepreneurial
February 27, 2015
Last month the traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna has been pairs to 1.883.981 tons, with a decrease of the -12,5% regarding January 2014. Ravennate the Harbour Authority of the port of call has announced that the more obvious decrease in absolute value has been that of the alimentary commodities that give to 237 thousand tons are come down to 93 thousand, recording a decrease of the -60,9% which had above all to the soybean seed flour. Decreasing also the quantitative ones of coils disembarked (- to 18.7%) and in particular those coming from Germany and Taranto. Only positive data that relative one to the container that, with 15.935 teu, has totaled an increase of +23.0%.
"After beyond 20 months of uninterrupted increase - the president of the Harbour Authority of Ravenna has commented, Galliano Di Marco - January it marks a decrease of the traffics of 12.5%, after already December had disappointed the expectations. Sure the data is legacy also to the seasonality and to conjunctural situations that, are hoped, are not extended in the time, but it cannot be led back exclusively to these events. For a long time - it has remembered Of Marco - we say that in absence of the dredging work legacies to the Progettone, in the next few years the traffic difficultly will be able to maintain the levels of 2014. I will not never get tired to repeat that the only salvation for the port of Ravenna is the Harbour Project of Hub, currently to the CIPE, for which they are already available about 220 million financings publics".
"It is news yesterday - it has continued the president of the harbour agency ravennate - than minister Lupi has introduced to Brussels, to the EU commission, an organic plan of infrastructural participations with demand for financing, participations connected to the New one Slowly of the Logistics that the minister has by now ready. Of the 71 introduced projects, 15 regard the marine field. Of these 15, the more important in economic terms, with a financing demanded to the EU of 29 million euros, "Hub of Ravenna" is the Harbour Project. The project was introduced, after hard a work of months, from the Harbour Authority of Ravenna to the ministry, in the within of notices CEF (Connecting Europe Facility), own to the aim of the obtaining of a co-financing pairs to 20% of the relative resources to the part works. The short-list of the projects it will be made by the EU within thirty days and the outcome of the demanded financings, for the chosen projects, will be known in the next July".
"The Harbour Authority of Ravenna - it has emphasized Of Marco - has made a precise choice: the Progettone, recognized from the ministry and the CIPE which great marine structure, since graces to it will be, finally, possible: to empty our cases of overwhelmed, to carry out the dredging operations and to realize the Logistic Platform connected to the Hub. These are the three pillars on which they have been and they are based all the actions of regional and national programming and that they have been understood in our definitive project. Not to realize the Progettone, with the consequent loss of the public resources (about 250 million euros if the 29 demanded from Wolves to the EU will obtain also) - has concluded Of Marco - it would be a real suicide is politician who, above all, entrepreneurial".
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