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From three years the alive port of Venice in the uncertainty of its future crocieristico
Today Flag 2015 is signed the voluntary agreement Venice Blue
April 10, 2015
The Harbour Authority of Venice denunciation once again the uncertainty in which it is forced to program own crocieristiche activities and to answer to the demands for the shipowning companies of the field. State of uncertainty that lasts by now for a long time, as it evidences the review exposed from the agency.
"They are passed more three-year-old - the Harbour Authority remembers - from when the government has promised with decrees to Clini-Passera (2 March 2012) to eliminate the crocieristico traffic over 40 thousand tons of tonnage along the basin of San Marco and the channel of the Giudecca imposing also to the great croceristiche ships to reach the Marine Station for a way alternative. They are three years that the Competent authorities (Harbour Authority of Venice, Harbour office of Venice and, then, Magistrate to Waters of Venice) have introduced the solution - entered in lagoon from the mouth of Malamocco and reached Marine Stazione through the Twisted connection Sant'Angelo that is departed from the Malamocco-Marghera channel - able to answer to the urgency, more and more made own also to international level, to move away the great ships from San Marco without for this putting in danger the excellence of the Venetian crocieristica portualità, and with it of the harbour activity as all, that is of the historical member of the Venetian economic base and one of the little alternatives to tourist monoculture".
"They are three years - the agency explains - than the Harbour Authority and its terminalista they work in order to continue to make to accept to the 37 companies of navigation that scale Venice the transitory measures of quantitative control for the 2014 and qualitative one for 2015 of the crocieristico traffic to Venice, waiting for the realization of the solution that will allow with international the crocieristica industry to return to a normal functionality of Venice as main port terminus in the Mediterranean oriental".
Moreover, "they are beyond 10 months that term (6 has expired june 2014) previewed from the agenda voted from the Senate of the Republic (6 February 2014) that it imposed "to start the comparative appraisals of the introduced solutions within 30 days and to conclude them within three months, taken into consideration the necessity to guarantee the occupational levels; once operated the choice with the modalities, the guarantees and the times (...), to carry out in the short possible time the consequent work being used the enforced norm"".
"Eight months are passed, from 8 August 2014, from when - the harbour authority still remembers - the address committee coordination and control for the safeguard of Venice, the Comitatone, has deliberated to subject to appraisal of environmental impact the project of "Adaptation via water of access to the Marine Station of Venice and requalification of the bordering areas to the Contort-Sant'Angelo Channel"; implementation to which the Harbour Authority of Venice has supplied on September 16, 2014. By that given four months are passed, very beyond the terms previewed from the law, before the same Commission of VIA demanded integrations of environmental impact under consideration in order to hold account of the observations collections on the project. In the 40 next days the Harbour Authority has supplied to on March 10, 2014 answer to all the demands for integration delivering all. Today the 30 days have expired within which the commission via would have had (respecting the ordinamentali terms of law) to express its opinion of environmental compatibility with the indication of every eventual prescription".
"From the september the 2014 today - specific anchor the agency - Harbour Authority, with all the other authorities responsible second the law and felt the bearers of interest within formal conferences of service, has examined (in the respect of the agenda of the Senate and on February 6, 2014 running of the action of address of the interdepartmental committee for the safeguard of 8 Venice of August 2014) the two projects of rilocalizzazione of the marine station to Bocca of Lido, Duferco-De project Little ones, and to Marghera, project Of Augustin. The two conferences of the services have been concluded with a judgment of functional impraticabilità of the two solutions - in the their current state of elaboration - that it prevents to the Harbour Authority to declare of public interest both projects. As mentioned to the Commission of special WAY and as expected from the action of address of 8 the interdepartmental committee of August the 2014 - the Venetian authority specifies - Harbour Authority of Venice reserve, in the within of the started review of the Portuale Town development plan, that it will go obviously lead of understanding with the municipal administrations interested for competence (Common of Venice, Municipality of Little horse and Comune of Sight) to estimate eventual ricollocazione of the Marine Station it is to the mouths of port, Lido or Malamocco, is to Marghera, in area already ricompresa in today destined the harbour within and to other uses or in external area to the current harbour within along the Malamocco-Marghera channel. Ricollocazioni however various from those previewed in the progettuali proposals Duferco-De Little ones and of Augustin. In transmitted integrations under consideration of environmental impact to the Commission VIA special 10th March an example of the civic dimension has been anticipated, and not only harbour, of I redesign town-planning of parts of the city that would achieve from the ricollocazione of the marine station to one of the port mouths. For the ricollocazione to Marghera it has been specified that this will not be able to happen other that within I redesign of the harbour order post realization of the offshore-onshore system that, with the construction of the harbour platform of height (complementary work of Mose) will give back to the port of Venice full today temporary which sacrificed on the altar nautical accessibility of the safeguard of Venice".
"In this picture - the Harbour Authority of Venice emphasizes - the possibility to answer to the urgency with which the international community asks that the great fleeting ships are strayed from San Marco and to the urgency with which the companies for crocieristica navigation asks to return to normality of sustainable use of only tied Venice as croceristico port terminus is all and to the possibility of prompt realization of the Twisted Channel Sant'Angelo: project that with the collaboration of every technical-scientific competence that up to now has been applied under consideration of the lagoon of Venice and the prescription, than us hopes sages, of the Commission VIA special it is intentional, and it is possible, to transform in a great project of morphologic, environmental and naturalistic recovery of the central lagoon, inverting of so the tendency to the degradation".
The Harbour Authority announces that "it has continued, and continues also in these days, more and more to transform the Twisted project Sant'Angelo in a project of environmental recovery that satisfies also a requirement functional of the crocieristica industry" and that "it is in these terms that are working to capitulating of contract for an international contest opened to all the enterprises of the world that they will want to contribute with their experience and progettualità to the realization of this delicate project". The Harbour Authority has been declared "already ready launch a first demand for interest manifestation in order to accelerate for the how much possible realization of the solution of the problem".
The Harbour Authority concludes hoping that "also the Commission of special WAY (that it since has in its hands the project in the original version on 16 September and integrations under consideration of environmental impact give beyond a month) put to us as soon as possible in the conditions for answering to the requirements - both legitimate ones - manifested by the worry that continuous the international community to express for integrity of the Venetian historical-artistic patrimony and by that of the international and local crocieristica industry to being able to carry out own activity in full serenity being demonstrated, at the same time, every scruple for the environmental and landscape sustainability".
Today, while, Flag 2015, a engagement is signed the voluntary agreement Venice Blue undersigned from Municipality of Venice, Harbour office, Harbour Authority of Venice and from all the crocieristiche companies that scale the lagoon port. "The agreement, one of a kind - the harbour authority emphasizes - ago of Venice the port more "green" of the Mediterranean allowing, from 2007 today, to pull down in important measure the polluted ones emitted in the air. So as it is verified by the ARPAV in its last surveys - the agency evidences -, the Blue Flag has allowed to pull down the emissions the thin powders (PUBLIC PROSECUTOR) of 60% and of 96% the SO2 in maneuver if, instead, they are considered together are the phases of parking that of maneuver the discouragement turns out to be of 46% for PUBLIC PROSECUTOR and 91% of the SO2".
The Blue Flag previews that every ship in arrival to Venice uses - they give before the income in Lagoon and until all the period of parking in dock - fuels to low sulfur content (0.1%). Draft of a limit very more restrictive regarding how much it establishes the Italian norm that currently previews for the ships the fuel use with a percentage of inferior sulfur to 3.5%, limit that will be condescended to 0.5% solo beginning from 2020.
Edition 2015 of the Blue Flag previews an innovation: the companies will be able to introduce also the employment of “scrubber” to the funnels of their ships, that is of particular filters that they allow to trap the polluting ones and to pull down the emissions.
Verifications and controls will be carried out and guaranteed by the Harbour office of Venice that through own staff will certify the respect of the norms anti-pollution with analysis to champion on the fuel, whose cost will be at the expense of the Harbour Authority of Venice.
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