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A.N.CA.NA. P., serious if in Italy the prospecting technique "air gun" became a crime
the shipbuilding association asks the abolition for art. the 452 - quaterdecies of the bill n. 1345
April 14, 2015
the National Association Private Ship yards (A.N.CA.NA. P.) is worried that in Italy the scientific activity of prospecting of basement and seabeds with the technique "air gun", that is with the employment of a weapon to compressed air used like means of propagation of acoustic waves, can be mail outside from the law. "4 March 2015 - the Italian shipbuilding association explains - is fired by the Senate the bill n. 1345, bringing dispositions in matter of crimes against the atmosphere. During the argument the classroom, by means of amendment, has deliberated the introduction in the Penal code of a new crime: "Art. 452-quaterdecies - Anyone, for the activities of search and inspections of the seabeds finalized to the hydrocarbon cultivation, uses the technique of the air gun or other explosive techniques are punished with the confinement from one to three years"".
In forecast of its next examination to the Chamber of Deputies, and remembering that the technique "air gun" legitimate and is regularly practiced all over the world, A.N.CA.NA. P. demands with force "the abolition from the bill n. 1345 of this art. 452-quaterdecies, since - the president of the navalmeccanica association specifies, Stefano Silvestroni - its introduction in our legal system would determine the following detrimental effects immediately: huge damages for the state treasury and national the energetic bill, and risks of closings and strong reorganizations between the thousands of Italian enterprises and the tens thousands of workers who operate in the exploitation of the reservoirs offshore and in the services and supplies collaterals to this important activity of Italy; cessation of the search of new national reservoirs hydrocarbon submarines; ulterior collapse of question of new ships for the Italian ship yards".
"A.N.CA.NA. P. - Silvestroni concludes - demands moreover with force, also for reasons by right, the abolition of art. the 452 - quaterdecies, being the genericità of the callback contained to the "other explosive techniques", in total spregio to those principles of tassatività and determinatezza that mark Rules of law. Only the respect of such principle from the legislator can allow to delineate with immediacy and objectivity, which it is the riconducibile action to a penal fattispecie, to the aim to avoid it".
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