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the Harbour Committee of Livorno has approved of consuntivo budget 2014 of the Harbour Authority
I renew of the authorizations for the enterprises of which to art. the 16 of law 84/94
April 30, 2015
Today the Harbour Committee of Livorno has approved of the consuntivo budget of 2014 of the Harbour Authority, that a trading profit after tax of 13,2 million euros and an increment of the remainder of administration of 17 million euros regarding the year anticipates precedence. "Al 31 Decembers the 2014 - the administrative leader of the authority has explained, Simone Gagliani - Harbour Authority of Livorno anticipates a final balance of case almost 86 million euros and a total remainder of administration of 46,842 million euros, of which a bound part for total 18 million and a part, eight million, destined one to cover of the deficit of the budget of forecast 2015. Therefore, the residual availability is of 20,6 million euros".
Gagliani has moreover communicated that in the 2014 they are engaged 41,2 million euros, of which 22 million for the infrastructural participations: the dredgings of the Italy Pier and the Mouth South, the consolidation of large squares and the electrification of the docks are only some of the works that the Harbour Authority has realized last year, spending also eight million for maintenance extraordinary euro of the harbour port of call.
Sul forehead of the entrances, instead, in the 2014 Harbour Authority has confiscated 48,6 million euros, of which 14,3 from the taxes on the cargo and disembarked, of anchorage and revenue, 13,3 from relative proceeds to the collection of the state property canons (between concessions, temporary occupation and approaches publics) and 13,2 from transfers of resources State-Regions.
"The accounting picture that emerges from the data of the consuntivo budget - has found the general secretary of the harbour authority, Massimo Provinciali - virtuosity of the management which got ahead from the agency demonstrates. It is what sure that today the Harbour Authority can plan without problems own investments: 47 million euros of the administration remainder certify our solidity financial institution and are a good business card to introduce to the banks for the contraction of the necessary mortgage to the realization of the Europe Platform".
Sometimes "I feel - it has observed the president of the Harbour Authority, Giuliano Gallanti - comments negatives on the Harbour Authorities and the fact that cost too much to the state treasury. I believe that 22 million euros spold in solo 2014 in works of infrastructural modernization of the port explain better than every other word how much is today important to have on the territory a Port Authority operating. I will not never get tired to repeat it: we are today the first investor of Livorno with beyond 60 million euros engaged and 15 yards opened from 2012 today".
In the course of the today's reunion the Harbour Committee has approved of unanimously the deliberation that arranges according to renews anniversary of the "permissions" for the development of the operations and the harbour services of art. the 16 of law 84/94. Of it various societies will have use of. With reference to the harbour operations, the authorizations to Cpl, Uniport are renewed, Seatrag, Mediterranean Trasporti and Sealiv. The first three will be able to carry out the harbour operations for all the operational cycle, last the two solos with reference to the warehouse and handling. Sul forehead of the harbour services, green light, always for solo 2015, to the Consortium Harbour Conveyors Reunited (transfer goods), to the Sworne Body Policemen (vigilance), to the Gio. Trans (transfer goods), to the society Myth (transfer goods) and to the Harbour Company Livorno (transfer, accommodation, control of the goods and vigilance). Green semaphore, for the sun activity of control of the goods, also for the Inter Repairs Nord, the Co.Re. Mas. and the Cpm, society, this last one, which the authorization is released on condition that before the possession of the minimal number of mechanical means is verified necessary in order to carry out the activity. Moreover it is deliberated I renew pluriennale, until 2035, of the authorizations in head to the Silos and Warehouses of the Tyrrhenian one, on condition but that the society maintains the previewed organic equipment from the enterprise plan.
In the course of the sitting the Harbour Committee has then expressed to majority to seem favorable to the demand for the societies Scotto and Seatrag to contract out part of the activities of the operational cycle to Uniport. The reunion has been shut with the release in favour of the Sintermar society of two marine concessions for it uses situated in areas on the way Electrotypes, one of 5.305 square metres and another of 4.700, to use as warehouse of varied car, rotabili and goods. The deliberation is voted with the abstention of four representatives of the workers, that they have asked the new society occupational solutions that can justify a widening of the areas today consented in concession.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher