Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Coast: "the development of the port of Venice is today all in the hands of the national authorities"
the president of the Harbour Authority lists the obstacles to remove in order to guarantee a future to the Venetian portualità
May 11, 2015
The port of Venice cannot lose other occasions and goes removed those political-administrative artificial constraints that stop the exploitation of its potential one of all the segments of harbour traffic. It has emphasized today the president of the Harbour Authority of Venice, Paolo Costa, taking part to the convention "the port of Venice: tomorrow it is today" organized from the agency in order to discuss about the future of the Venetian portualità.
"The world - it has evidenced Coast - goes too much fast, does not wait for to us. While we make melina, on cruises, offshore, etc, i ours competitor - and not only national ports - go ahead, grow, attack us from every part, often supported from systems country that facilitate them, not that hinder them".
The first barriers to remove in order to allow the development of the Venetian portualità - it has found the president of the harbour agency - are those of "delayed restitution of sacrificed nautical accessibility to defense of the safeguard of Venice after the realization of the audience of rest of the large chests of Mose to the mouths of port" and of "delayed attainment of the full functionality of the navigation lock to Malamocco (due to the lacked functional test for the passage ships of length pairs to 280 meters) and the necessity to complete the realization of the mooring dolphin along the ways of access to the conca (that it can to penalize the bulk traffics, commercial and industrial, and of general cargo)".
"We are a port - it has continued Coast - that the remainder of the world (from the United States to Africa) us copy because represents the Columbus egg who allows to obviate otherwise to the irretrievable obsolescence of the existing harbour structures in front of the continuous increase of the medium dimensions of the portacontainer and of the portarinfuse needs is maintained the promise to realize that offshore-onshore system that". The president of the harbour authority has remembered that the project of the offshore-onshore harbour system is written up in 2010 and optimized in November 2014 and has been "marked from the OCSE (Prize ITF innovation in transport 2014) for its innovative content and its replicabilità to world-wide scale (made - has rimarcato - than is punctually verifying)"; moreover the project "has diligently exceeded all the technical, environmental and economic sieves demanded", "the green light has received in order very two times parliamentarian with the law of stability 2013 and 2015" and "are mature for a financing outline that previews 600-700 million the state contribution, distributed only in the presence of the private financing at least one of the two energetic terminals and container. A project - it has found Coast - that can give to the high Adriatic and Italy that door towards the Adriatic west that complements the functions carried out from Trieste towards the east Adriatic" ( on September 23, 2010 and 12 November 2014). According to Coast it is therefore necessary to make up for to the "delay in the realization of the offshore-onshore system from which the development of the gateway container and the terminal for natural the energetic gas and refined oil traffics depends which liquified (penalization of the energetic traffics container and)".
Between the obstacles to remove in order to allow the development of the Venetian portualità listed from the president of the Harbour Authority they figure also "the lacked ministerial authorization to the full load I use of the bonded area for the lacked release the permissions of street transit towards the frontier of the traffics from and for Mediterranean countries extra EU (Turkey, Albania etc)" and "the delay in the realization of the way alternative (Contort-Sant'Angelo Channel) to the passage of the cruise ships through the basin of San Marco to three years from I decree Clini-Passera".
"For this - it has observed Coast - beyond how much it can make the Harbour Authority, the development of the port of Venice is today all in the hands of the national authorities from which decisions that is returning local the harbour entrepreneurs difficult and to their customers depend to define winning strategies of medium period".
In its participation the president of the harbour agency has announced that in the first quadrimestre of the 2015 traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Venice he has recorded an increase of +12.1% regarding the same period of 2014, "graces - he has specified - to the clean resumption of the liquid bulk traffics, that they have absorbed the shock of the cessation from 2013 of the activities of refining of the crude oil to Marghera and Mantua, and the strong increase of the goods in container (+19.4% that carries the level anniversary of these traffics to its historical record that approaches the 500,000 teu) and to the traffics of general cargo (+32%)".
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