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During the last few years the quota marine traffic of the goods journeyed in the Mediterranean has grown
In 13 years recorded a +123%. It evidences according to annual report "Italian Maritime realized Economy" from SRM
June 5, 2015
. It evidences according to annual report "Italian Maritime Economy. Risks and opportunity to the center of the Mediterranean" realized from SRM (Studies Searches for Southern Italy), center studies connected to the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, that it is introduced today to Naples in a convention from the title "New broken for the increase of Southern Italy" held near the center of the Bank of Naples.
The relationship, I yield of the activity of monitoring of the Permanent Observatory on the Economy of the Marine Transports and of the Logistics of SRM, it specifies that in last the 13 years the volume total of the goods transported by sea in the basin of the Mediterranean has grown of beyond +123% and that in 2013 in the Mediterranean is journeyed 19% about of the world-wide traffic goods naval, percentage that in 2005 was of 15%. Important also the increase of the activity of the ports of the Mediterranean in the segment of the container: in the 2013 first 30 Mediterranean ports container they have enlivened a traffic pairs to 44 million container teu, with an increase of +382% regarding 9,1 million teu in 1995.
The study, with data and analysis that are illustrated by Massimo Deandreis, general manager of SRM, and by Alessandro Panaro, in charge of the office Maritime and Mediterranean Economy di SRM, that it has deepened the topics of the great alliances and the competitiveness of infrastructures, specific moreover that, from an analysis of SRM on a panel of European, North African and Asian areas harbour, evince that in the 2014 harbour areas of the Mediterranean (East side, side the West and side South) have succeeded in to stop a market share container of 33% (have acquired six points percentages from 2008) against 42% of Northern Range that in the same period has lost five points percentages.
The relationship finds that in period 2001-2014 the marine transits North-South of goods coming from the Mediterranean and directed towards Gulf-Mean and Estremo East are increased of +160% while the inverse director is increased of +92%. An area that goes proposing with force its strategic valence is that of the Arabic Gulf: the marine from North towards South through the Suez Canal and directed transits towards the Gulf are increased of +339% in last 14 years (2001-2014). In the same period the coming passages South-North from the Gulf are always increased of +175%.
If in harbour field the ports of the Mediterranean are always in competition with the historians competitor of the Europe North, also inside of the Mediterranean basin a competition primed from new harbour truths as the Moroccan port of call of Tanger Med, that has been ignited it is recording traffic performance goods in continuous growing (in 2014 has enlivened beyond three million teu, with a +20.7% on 2013 and now it has a market share of the segment, in the Mediterranean, of about 10%), or the port of call Egyptian of Port Saïd that has arrived to four million teu, with +1,500% in period 1995-2013, but also provoked from historical ports of call that they are recovering competitiveness, as the Pireo that in period 1995-2013 has grown of +400% succeeded in to enliven 3,1 million teu and Algeciras that is gone up to 4,3 million (+300%).
As for the Italian portualità, the relationship ricorca that from an analysis of the "Liner Shipping Connectivity Index", a indicator of the Unctad that measure the competitiveness of the marine system of a nation, evince that in 2015 Italy is to 17° the place and that by now they give about 10 years oscillates himself around this position, always behind Holland and Germany. With 460 million total tons of goods, Italy is third in Europe for managed traffics. Moreover the Italian portualità, with 213,3 million tons in 2014, stops the supremacy in the UE28 for transport of goods in Short Sea Shipping in the Mediterranean.
"The report of SRM - president Banco of Naples has commented, Maurizio Barracco - us confirmation the increase of the strategic and economic role of the Mediterranean and makes us to understand as the doubling of the Suez Canal will be able to have a extremely positive impact on the marine commerce and, if we are good, also on the Italian economy and of Southern Italy".
"The enterprises that they produce - have observed the president of SRM, Paolo Scudieri - they need a row of the sea - portualità, logistics and operators of shipping - that it is efficient, competitive in the times and the costs, and in a position to inserting to us in large the guiding ones of the marine traffics. The announced reform of the ports goes in this direction but it is necessary to make in a hurry. We have lost much time in the past. Time that ours competitors, in the Europe North and the Mediterranean South, have used in order to strengthen themselves with important infrastructural investments. Italy has extraordinary a geographic position. We are convinced that to throw again the row of the sea and to invest for a efficient portualità he can be the new modality in order to haul the development of Southern Italy".
"The search - it has emphasized the general manager SRM, Massimo Deandreis - is rich of data and puts in evidence the weight of all well the row of the sea, not only as productive section, but also as occupation and value generator. In Italy a third party of all import and export the part or arrives by sea. Great part of this section is placed in the Southern Italy that could carry out the role of logistic platform for the benefit of all national the productive system. Also because a marine director is emerging in marked way that gives Europe, via the Mediterranean, it passes for the Suez Canal, Gulf and Asia. In this director Italy and the ports of Southern Italy, could find still better their function than hub strategic".
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