Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the within of the reform of the legislation on the Italian portualità it must be recognized the specificity of the port of Trieste
Doormats (To propel Club of Trieste): "it is necessary that the central government knows, fully recognizes and comprises the potentialities and the vocation of Trieste which international port"
June 25, 2015
Tuesdays the associates of the The International Propeller Club Port of Trieste have discussed about the national Plan of the portualità and the logistics, the reform of the law on the ports and in particular of the perspectives and the risks for Trieste and the development of its harbour port of call. "In these months - it has found professor Stefano Zunarelli, expert by right of Navigation and between the advisers for the national Plan of the logistics - the topic of the governance of the Authorities has been what mainly it has attracted the attention, but goes instead emphasized two aspects: a national direction hard because up to now Italy has characterized for investments to rain with a losing logic and the attempt to characterize a criterion in order to choose where to invest, with the hypothesis to privilege where there is also the interest of the private ones". Zunarelli has observed that in topic of governance it would serve a sovraordinata Authority of harbour system and coordination on competent the civil services and local, while regarding Trieste it is necessary to concentrate itself on the oneness of the situation, since - it has explained - the other Italian ports have a basin of national and not international user.
To the encounter of Propeller Club of Trieste another of the drafters of the national Plan of the portualità is taken part and the logistics, professor Marco Spinedi, investigator and coordinator of working groups on the issues of the economy of the development and the transports, that it has spoken about the riallineamento of the Plan of the portualità current to the economic truth: "probably - it has asserted - we are living a period of trapasso that lowland will be characterized by increase. Up to now they jumped given historical of the GDP in generous way. We must exit from this logic and the Plan tries to put again the feet for earth. The industries have been ripiazzate towards east because the Balkans, Turkey and Est Europe are a good market. Italy borders with this New World and must take advantage of this opportunity. It could be to us an enormous space for the European railway industry and - it has specified Spinedi - the Italy northeast could become an important knot". In harbour matter, Spinedi has specified that a recovery of authority of the central government will be important and therefore an operation of political type.
For professor Sergio Bologna, expert of marine traffics and not for long to the guide of the AIOM (Entrepreneurial Agency Operating Marine) of Trieste, the last phase of the work for the reform of the law on the ports contains positive aspects: "there is - he has explained - an innovation on as is faced the issue, with the greater realism. The number of the Harbour Authorities does not interest a lot, but it must decide which are the important logistic nodes". According to Bologna, it is necessary "to make to understand to all the international vocation of Trieste. We hope - it has added - that is recognized its specificity and that it can be said that the reform has carried something of bond also here".
The point of view of the general secretary of the Harbour Authority of Trieste is that it is "difficult to reach turned out if solo is wanted to be made it through a normative new. The reform - it has clarified Mario Sommariva - would have to give some answers: as affecting the obsolescence of the norms, as constructing more adherent models of operation to the requirements of the market and as in existence putting industrial politics that support the enterprises that operate in the ports".
"The force of Trieste - it has emphasized the national president of the The International Propeller Clubs Italian, Umberto Masucci - is the force of the cluster, Trieste - it has confirmed - has all the characteristics of the international port, but the appeal is that to speed up. In last the 20 years, it has been a first period during which law 84 of 1994 is applied well. Today - it has continued Masucci - I consider that the president of a port must have also characteristic policies and that the State must take part with some healthy state planning".
Also according to president of Propeller Club of Trieste it is indispensable that in the within of the reform of the legislation on the portualità the peculiarities of the port of Trieste are recognized: "it finally seems started politics of the choices - Fabrizio Zerbini has stated - but - it has emphasized - is necessary that the central government knows, it fully recognizes and it comprises the potentialities and the vocation of Trieste which international port and places in being how much necessary one in order to allow of the determined development which gateway of the Adriatic North for the traffics with the South and East Europe. Trieste is a true port of the frontier, being distant only half hour of truck from the Slovenian port of Koper where they are you anticipate economic, fiscal conditions, of costs of labor and bureaucratic slimness, comprised that customs one, of great advantage regarding Trieste: of this - it has concluded Doormats - it must be considered and must be created the conditions so that Trieste can debitamente compete".
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