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Forcieri (AP La Spezia) writes to the governor of the Liguria remembering to it the importance of the financings in order to complete the railway line Pontremolese
It is - it has emphasized - a strategic work for the Liguria region and the entire Country
July 16, 2015
In recent days the new president of the Liguria Region. Giovanni Toti, has written to the Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister, and to minister of Infrastructures and Trasporti, Graziano Del Rio, protesting for the recent exclusion of the Third railway Pass Genoa-Milan from the previewed financings EU from program CEF (Connenting Europe Facilities) ( on 3 July 2015). In its turn the president of the Harbour Authority of, Lorenzo Forcieri, has sent a letter to Toti in order to carry to its attention also the event of the Pontremolese line: "I share taken of position of Toti on the recent exclusion of the Third railway Pass Genoa-Milan from the previewed financings EU from the CEF", Forcieri has explained; "however - it has remembered - another strongly strategic work for the Liguria, that is line the railway La Spezia - Parma, so-called "Pontremolese" exists also, absolutely necessary for the completion of the Tyrrhenian-Brenner corridor towards the rich regions of the south of Germany. It is a work that interests the entire infrastructural and logistic system of the Italy North: not only Liguria but also Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto".
"Draft - it has continued the president of the harbour agency break - of a work still more necessary with the completion of the doubling of the tunnel of Brenner previewed in 2025, in order to assure the direct connection of Brenner to the Ligurian Sea and Alto Tirreno, to their ports that already today represent the natural one gate of income of the goods directed towards the markets of the areas to high economic and productive value served by the director".
Forcieri has rimarcato as the railway line La Spezia - Parma is not inserted in the Core net TRIES, but it is classified in the Comprehensive net, in the new planning of the transeuropee nets of transport (Regulation EU 1315/2013). "It has been be a matter - it has emphasized - of an error I yield of the attention lack and of insufficient consideration towards a strategic work, whose national and European valence many times over is expressed it is from the Italian Parliament that gives the European Parliament".
Moreover Forcieri has remembered as the importance of the line La Spezia - Parma, that it represents the more immediate coupling to the priority Corridor Scandinavia - Mediterranean, the more important axis than connection North-South, many times over is restated by the Harbour Authority of in various centers, is techniques that political and last during the reunions of the Forums Group di Corridoio SCANMED. However today not retrieved the necessary financings to its completion and also those already allocated, as the financing of 234,6 million euros for the realization of the Parma-Vicofertile sub-lottery, never are not distributed.
"I consider - it has concluded Forcieri - is indispensable a strong action and incisive of the Region in it confronts of the government, also involving the other interested regions beginning from the Tuscany".
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