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the EU commission has approved of the national Plan Nets and Infrastructures 2014-2020 of Italy
Delrio: 1,8 billion to invest are a good news for the South and the Country
July 30, 2015
Yesterday the EU commission has adopted the operating program "Infrastructures and nets" 2014-2020 of the Italy that anticipates a equipment budgetary of 1,84 billion euros, of which 1,38 billion euros comes from the European Fund for Regional Development (FESR). "This program - it has emphasized Corina Cretu, European commissioner for regional Politics - will contribute to return the field of the transports in more sustainable and competitive Italy. The previewed investments respect the priorities of relative politics to transport infrastructures TRY and will contribute to improve the connections of multimodale transport. I consider that better connectivity is than vital importance for a country. These investments will have a positive effect, will return Italy a market of interest for the enterprises and will improve the quality of the daily life".
"The approval of the PON Nets 2014-2020 - the Italian minister of Infrastructures and the Transports has confirmed, Graziano Delrio - represents a good news for Southern Italy and the entire Country. Total 1,8 billion euros to invest in the South in order to complete some great infrastructures strategic and in order to favor the railway intermodalità, connections and connections, the connections between ports, railroads, airports, the potenziamento and the efficientamento of the material and immaterial equipments of the main harbour ports of call". "Important investments - it has specified Delrio - also for the ITS, the Intelligent Systems of Transport: we need to quickly complete the realization of the integrated logistic chain, to head at "intelligent" infrastructures, to work for the overcoming of the bottle necks". "We are contextually accelerating the expense - the minister has remembered - also for the closing of national the operating Program Nets and Infrastructures 2007-2013: neither an euro must be lost. The coherent picture of a finally unitary programming and online with the communitarian guidelines in matter of Only Space EU of the Transports and Politics of the Corridors and Nets TEN, has thrown again a vituous collaboration with the EU commission, and to Cretu commissioner my thanks goes in order to have intentional to print a decisive acceleration to negotiates with the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports".
The program "Infrastructures and nets" 2014-2020 of Italy will be concentrated on two main priorities: to support the creation of an European only space of the transports multimodale with investments in IT TRY, a financing total of 1 095 million euros pairs to 62% of the budget of the program, and to develop and to improve sustainable systems of transport from the point of view of the atmosphere, to lowland noisiness and lowland carbon emission, included internal navigable ways and marine transports, multimodali ports, connections and airport infrastructures, to the aim to favor sustainable regional and local mobility, with a financing total of 684,2 million euros pairs to 38% of the budget of the program.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher