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This year the crocieristico traffic in the Italian ports will be of 11,05 million passengers (+6.01%)
The 2 and 3 October to Civitavecchia will hold the fifth edition of Italian Cruise Day
September 17, 2015
This year the crocieristico traffic in the Italian ports will add 11,05 million passengers, with a decided increment of +6.01% regarding 2014. It previews Answers Tourism, society of search and advising to service of the tourist macroindustry, than today it has introduced the fifth edition of Italian Cruise Day, the forum of reference in Italy for the crocieristica industry in program to next 3 the 2 Civitavecchia and October that this year has been organized from the company in partnership with the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia.
The relationship Italian Cruise Watch 2015 written up from Answers Tourism indicates for this year a more contained increase of the number of touched ship, that they will be 4,875 (+1.99% on 2014).
The relationship evidences that in terms of handling fleeting (embarks, disembarks and transits), since it is preannounced for the 2015 will be approached again to the data of 2013, although inferior to the recorded absolute record in 2011 (11,5 million passengers). Italy, in spite of this period of oscillations of the crocieristico traffic - it emphasizes Answers Tourism - confirmation the only European and Mediterranean country by now from five over quota 10 million stablily fleeting years enlivened.
To regional level the projections elaborated from the company for 2015 show as the Liguria will confirm the region leader in Italy for number of passengers enlivened in own ports, leadership obtained by virtue of beyond 2,5 million passengers enlivened (+6.1% on 2014), continuation from the Latium (than little more 2,3 million passengers, +7.5%), Veneto (1,6 million passengers, -7,8%), Campania (about 1,5 million passengers, +7%) and Sicily (beyond 1,1 million passengers, stable on last year).
It classifies previsional of touched the ship will see a leadership which competed for between the Sicily (estimated 821 landings place in the ports of Palermo, Messina, Trapani, Catania, Naxos Gardens, Cefalù, Syracuse, Lipari, Porto Empedocle and Licata), the Liguria with 820 (ports of Genoa, La Spezia, Savona, Sanremo, Saint Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Port Venus, Lerici and Portofino) and Latium (816 in the ports of Civitavecchia, Ponza and Gaeta).
Meaningful the results of the Friuli Venice Julia that goes back of two place between the Italian regions and that percentage shows the best variation it is in terms of enlivened passengers that touched ship. To double positive figure also the esteem on the increase of the Sardinia.
Analyzing in the detail the results achieved from the single ports, second the esteem of Answers Tourism in 2015 Civitavecchia will be confirmed to the first place with about 2,3 million passengers enlivened (+7.6% on 2014) and 793 touched ship (- 4.7%), continuation from Venice with 1,6 million passengers (- 7.7%) and 524 touched ship (+7.4%) and Naples with about 1,2 million passengers (+7.7%) and 450 touched ship (+12.8%).
"As already happened recently - it has found Francesco di Cesar, president of Answers Turismo - to negative variations recorded in a year, 2014 on 2013, follow some of positive (2015 on 2014), continuing so in the design of a curve that often changes direction, sign of a period of substantial stability in the medium period. It will have to attend the first forecasts for 2016, that we will announce on 2 October - has explained of Cesar - in order to understand if the section sets off to resume a real one and constant increase or is maintained inside of the picture and the scene that have characterized the last years. Certainly that of 2015 is a variation that goes received with favor, and that it can give to the just optimism and the necessary charge in order to chase turned out more important, approachable only interpreting at best dynamics world-wise, remembering that the competition is always played at the level of area more than than single port".
Edition 2015 of Italian Cruise Day, that it follows the precedence four svoltesi editions to Venice (2011), Genoa (2012), Livorno (2013) and Naples (2014), will accommodate Space newly Young, with of initiatives and activity that Answers Tourism it has chosen to dedicate to the world of the young people and of the students between which Carriere@ICD, only career day the Italian one dedicated exclusively to the world of the crocieristica, in program this year in the morning of 3 saturdays October in the same premises of accommodating the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia the forum the day precedence. The initiative will be developed as a series of encounters between the young people, the selected from the organizational secretariat, and responsible human resources of some of the main companies of the field between which companies of cruise, harbour companies, marine agencies, tour operator and Network of travel agencies.
Participating to the today's presentation of the Italian Cruise Day, the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia and president of Assoporti, Pasqualino Monti, it has emphasized that "the development of the economy tied to the crocieristico field cannot not be connected to the tourist and cultural promotion of the Country. In our port of call - it has evidenced Monti - the segment cruise has definitively confirmed the profiles of excellence and the leadership of the field in Europe attesting the port of Civitavecchia which first Italian and European port, together with Barcelona. Whoever arrives in the Italian ports must, from quickly, to live the experience to dip itself in the history and monuments of inestimable value, let alone in the charming landscapes of our territory. From here the importance of the crocieristico field that - it has concluded - carries out an important role for our economy and of increasing dynamicity".
The national director of crocieristica association CLIA Italy, Francesco Galietti, has observed that "the crocieristica in Italy faces a series of challenges today: from the stall of Venice - he has remembered - to the imminent harbour reform, over a long time span attended from the section, that he will carry to a total reorganization of the regolatorio picture and governance of the portualità. The better way in order to face these challenges - it has added - is that all the operating actors around the world of the cruises make system effectively. In this optical, the Italian Cruise Day is a precious platform, also thanks to its job of information dissimation of data and on the field".
Program 2 October 2015
Antonio Cozzolino - Mayor, Municipality of Civitavecchia
Giovanni Bastianelli - Director, Regional Agency of Tourism of the Lazio Region
Manfredi Lefebvre d' Ovid - Chairman, CLIA Italy
Pasqualino Monti - Commissioner Str. , Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia and President, Assoporti
Andrea Camanzi - President, Authority of Regulation of the Transports
Presentation of Italian Cruise Watch
Francesco di Cesar - President, Answers Tourism
Entirety for the increase: rules, infrastructures and competences
Pierfrancesco Vago - Chairman, CLIA Europe
The crocieristica in Italy: state of the art and future perspectives
Leonardo Massa - Country Manager, MSC Cruises
Edoardo Monzani - Administrator Delegato, Marine Stations of Genoa
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher