Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the Harbour Authority of Savona signs a protocol of understanding with the Interporto of Turin for the development of the railway modality
Foietta: "we wish, within Christmas, to make to leave a first symbolic train and experimental that they give I go can arrive to Orbassano"
November 11, 2015
Today to Savona the local Harbour Authority has undersigned a protocol of understanding with S.I.T.O., the society that manages the Interporto of Turin and that it stops 13% of CIM, the society that manages the Interporto of Novara. The parts have specified that a first concrete action of the understanding regards the railway line for the transport goods on track between Savona and Turin, with the goods in transit towards Piedmontese interposing to you, and that the first experimental train, for the transport of the fruit, could already be tested within this year.
"If we think that to the intermodal center of Novara five arrive trains from Rotterdam and nobody from the Liguria - it has emphasized the president of the Piemonte Region, Sergio Chiamparino - this says to us how much we must recover. We must upgrade and optimize our logistic system, strengthening the connections between Savona and ours to interpose to you. The which signed agreement this morning, goes just in this direction". Specifying that "this agreement is yields of an understanding between Liguria, Piemonte and Lombardy", Chiamparino has been said convinced "that the strengthening of the connections is essential, for the future development of the harbour traffics, and the transport of the goods".
"We think - it has continued the president of the Piemonte Region - than North-West in its entirety is a logistic platform with great competitive potentialities regarding those of the Europe North as Rotterdam and Antwerp. A platform that comprises the long period works, as the Third Pass, the Frejus, the East-West corridor of Alta Velocità and the connection with Switzerland. We are therefore speaking about a great design, but we must - and the sense of the signature of this protocol is this - accelerate the times, because if it is not quickly begun to put in function which already there is or what it is about to be realized we risk to lose broken precious, because the traffic meantime has been addressed elsewhere". With reference to the understanding, Chiamparino also it has remembered that "for when it regards the Piemonte, the Mondovì-Turin-Rivalta-Novara axis represents our testing ground in order to understand if the system can work, and in order to begin while to move on track the traffic that is currently on rubber".
The president of the Harbour Authority of Savona, Gianluigi Miazza, has evidenced that draft of a concrete and important understanding for from Liguria port that has the scope "to realize a consolidated system of railway connection, from Savona towards Turin. The transfer of the transport rubber-track - it has supported Miazza - is realizable, and can make it in times breviums. In this, we will complete our synergy, with Piedmontese interposing to you, and will return our logistic system more efficient".
The president of the Interporto of Turin, Giambattista Quirico, has confirmed that "the understanding protocol sanctions an institutional relationship that - it has specified - has the objective to develop that still unexpressed intermodalità and that instead we must pursue for being indeed competitive, improving more and more our service and offering new guiding for our goods".
"The infrastructure - it has found the governmental commissioner for the realization of the railway axis to high Turin-Lyon speed, Paolo Foietta - is already, and it can be taken advantage of in order to transfer the traffics from the rubber to the track. This can be an important corridor of transport, in order to upgrade the logistic system of all the North the Italian West". According to Foietta, Italian Railway Net (RFI) "must reason, as an infrastructure manager: by now - it has observed - they are changing the logical ones and for the railway lines, declared in dismissione, now it can be taken part in order to return them operating and to take advantage of so, new connections. In this way, the emissions and the congestions of the traffic are reduced. Now, we must demonstrate that it can be made, for this we wish, within Christmas, to make to leave a first symbolic train and experimental that they give I go can arrive to Orbassano. We are already working with the interested operators and harbour subjects to the project. Afterwards we will decide as realizing the service in the field ortofrutta, in structured way".
Referring to the protocol undersigned today from the Harbour Authority of Savona and the Interporto of Turin the Fiom Cgil Savona has manifested the auspice that the local institutions participants to the understanding take as reference the plant of the Bombardier of Vado Ligure for the planning, construction and production of the inserted railway material in the program of development of the railway modality. "We ask the local institutions - it has specified the representative of the union, Andrea Pasa - to put in field every finalized action to guarantee the current occupational levels and the maintenance of the same site of Vado Ligure. The declared objective this morning - it has added - is that to make the first symbolic travel within the turn of the year, with departure from Vado Ligure and arrival in the port of call goods of Orbassano and would be well that the workers of the Bombardier saw a locomotive Traxx Bombardier to haul the convoy. Opportunities as that of this morning - it has concluded Pasa - must be taken straight off the mark but must necessarily guarantee job to the territory, at least for those activities that on the territory carry out their job very well".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher