Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Filt, Fit and Uiltrasporti speed up the Tuscany Region to activate themselves in order to create a real regional harbour system
System - they specify - that Piombino exists only if, Livorno and Marina di Carrara are together
January 12, 2016
According to Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti the Tuscany Region must be activated in order to create a real regional harbour system that comprises the ports of call of Piombino, Livorno and Marina di Carrara. Representations of Tuscany of three unions have remembered are "by now passed almost two months from when, on 17 November, Court Constitutional has stoppato reform of portualità started from government, because in contrast with Titolo V of Constitution, as concurrent matter on which cannot lack the direct involvement the Regions" and has evidenced that "of the Constitutional Court to the reform it has not given back the ball to the Region", "than now - for the unions - she must "play", because the Tuscan harbour system exists only if Piombino, Livorno and Marina di Carrara are entirety".
Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti of the Tuscany have asked that "the Tuscany Region makes guarantor of the oneness of the Tuscan harbour system, comprising all the truths: They lead, Livorno and Marina di Carrara". "The moment is time therefore - they have restated - to beat the iron", and - they have emphasized the unions - it touches to the Tuscany Region "to restate the necessity to create an attractive, indeed comprehensive system of the harbour truths of Piombino, Livorno that is and Marina di Carrara, where to value potentiality, experiences and professionality, in a total offer that are candidated to for markets become a point of reference of the Center and East Europe, for mobility of the goods, within the perspective of a efficient and effective system of infrastructural, immaterial nets and logistic nodes".
"Servants - they have specified Filt, Fit and Uiltrasporti - to give continuity to this systemic outline with adequate and aimed financings, but also with specific and useful instruments, as the agreements of program (even coordinated) or as the recent regional protocol for safety in the harbour job, signed on December 22, 2015".
"Unfortunately - they have observed Filt, Fit and Uiltrasporti - after the agreement between Livorno and Piombino of september and the letter sent from the institutions of the Province of Massa and Carrara to the national and regional authorities in order to ask that "also the territory of Massa Carrara, in particular the port naval of Carrara, remained integral part of the system of the Tuscan ports", it is dropped Hush of the regional institutions, in spite of the numerous advanced sollicitations also from the territorial and regional labor organizations".
"More and more we are convinced instead - they have concluded the three labor organizations - than only holding with the integrabili, logistically homogenous truths for territory and administrative dependency, can be won the challenges of the future, in order to create occupation, therefore good opportunity for our young people".
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